Post your desktop
Post your desktop
Other urls found in this thread:
off yourself
no u
Don't tell me what to do
I didn't do anything interesting with it yet, but I look forward to being able to post once I have.
Manual sage because I have nothing to share.
>using a desktop
>vanilla windows
>Sup Forums
>no ironic joke tabs
jesus fuck this thread
jokes on you
care to puush that album friend? im a big fan of her sulty voice
botnet, don't fall for it
he means upload it somewhere,
puush is software for easy screenshot/file uploading (
oh, i got it from bakabt
thanks much friend. is that ncmpcpp?
I hate summer
blame the mods desu also post your desktop
I like the subtle paper texture in the browser background
should have put the entire desktop in the top right folder
It's kind of hard to see the taskbar icons because the entire bar is transparent
You should install ultramon for multimonitor taskbars
You actually paused the porn to post this screencap, what a legend
What is this, 2008?
You're so cool. I wanna be just like you when I'm a freshman in high school.
I know I could install that, but I kinda like not having the taskbar on the other two monitors. Just seems more open
>nodoka mentioned several times itt
>people posting vanilla windows desktops
not Sup Forums
Rate me Sup Forums.
excellent loonix friend
Is sakurano a good girl?
>clean desktop
>recycling bin
Please stop this.
wincuck here
please try again
3/10 funny joke
5/10 clear taskbar is nice
try again
8/10 warm and minimal but
8/10 pretty busy but nice cohesion with metro styling
live cd/10 but hey thinkpad so 6/10
4/10 get rid of that bin m8
6/10 a little too washed out but calming
this is my desktop so 10/10 the best
desktop 5/10 firewatch 5/10
>8/10 warm and minimal but
but what? pls tell me
but floating
Hello here is my desktop
a1 desktop
cool desktop user
I'm phone posting and ban evading baaaka Fuck the mods
I like it
Was literally the wallpaper on my windows server install for like three years. Good times.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake with your thread. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up!
You appear to have posted a desktop/phone wallpaper thread, but desktop/phone wallpapers have nothing to do with technology! Whoops! You should always remember to post these types of threads on the correct board ( ) so the right audience see them!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!