>he calls programs "apps"
He calls programs "apps"
>he uses a command line
>he """""builds""""" his own computer
>close the window
>program is still running
>he lives on earth
>he breathes
>eats food
fucking normie cringe faggots
>operating system
>your life
>was a cancer to the industry
>gets cancer and dies
>he uses jpg's
>his phone can't be used with one hand
Hey faggot, go watch his lost interview. He was pretty lucid and he was able to phone for free when he was 14. And also, if you make billions of dollars selling computers, you can call programs "mumbojumbomagic", you are still rich af.
He sold pretty things. A Syrian turd sandwich was who he really was. Desert Semitic merchant genes doing it's work.
>making billions selling meme products to faggot hipsters makes you an idol
>he calls it "gnu plus Linux"
>he pronounces jpeg with a hard p
>he pronounces gif with a hard g
>the Linux group showed highly elevated levels of several socio-cognitive disorders including several linked to pedophilia and violent outbursts, while the apple group seemed to be the most socially adjusted.
Just so I'm clear, highlighting the Apple group's likelihood of being gay and ignoring the Linux nonces is part of the joke right?
Mc fucking kill yourself. Just because the namer of something is a retard doesn't mean you have to be.
>calling your software applications "programs"
and apply yourselves, the lot of you
We don't pronounce acronyms based on the words they represent.
>nasa should be pronounced "Naysa" because the ae in aeronautics isn't pronounced like the a in cat
>AIDS should be pronounced "uh ihds" because the a in acquired doesn't sound like "ay" and the i doesnt sound like "ee"
>the BASE in "base jumping" should be pronounced "baseh" with the a being like the a in "cat" because antenna sounds like the a in cat and not like the a in case
delete this
Mixed logic for both, other than just straight up contrarianism.
Yeah, it is 2016
This never happens. The opposite is true, actually.
The average user doesn't even know what a program is. But because of Windows they have them confused with software applications.
You are probably an underage Windows user that plays videogames, and should leave this board.
baited for this exact response
>several linked to pedophilia and violent outbursts
>linked to