Going to college next in fall. What is the best laptop around $1000(£6818)

going to college next in fall. What is the best laptop around $1000(£6818).

>used linux my entire computer using life
>decent battery
>1080p 14+ screen
> good keyboard
>build quality

no need for the new Radeon 420069 geforce XTI gpu don't need it for gaming.


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don't fall for the memes

Macbook Pro

if you don't want OSX.
Otherwise, MacBook Pro.

are suggesting i dont use linux

There are a few around 800-1,000 that have the 960m graphics cards. Most don't look like atrocities either so you could have it in public

MBPs work great with any good Linux distro

OP said wasn't for gaming, so might as well get something that isn't going to be bulky.

Sorry, not even that you'd need it for gaming, just to improve overall performance that's what I'd get

OSX has a lot of the same unix tools available on Linux. Unless you're obsessed with desktop ricing or muh freedoms OSX should be perfectly comfy for you.

did she died?

what is your guys opinions on the macbook air

this is all I can think of whenever I see these BLACKED screenshots desu


Look for yourself.

At this point it's absolute crap.

In fact all Macbooks are pretty much because they're getting the new CPU refresh so fucking late, but the MBA in particular has a terrible resolution screen and is all around weak as fuck compared to similar priced options. If you want a Mac you get an MBP, except you wait until they refresh it with new CPUs or enjoy feeling like a cuck in like one month's time.


Get a new ThinkPad. Ordered my P50 last week can't wait !!!

Dell xps if you want nice things
Thinkpad if you're patient
Mpb if you hate linux


If you're an engineer, you might need something a little beefier for CAD / modeling software.

Else an ultrabook is basically the best Jack of all trades for notebooks. Not as good of hardware as gaming laptops, but generally better build quality, battery life, and portability, which are all huge perks if you're bringing it to lectures and trying to set it down on their tiny desks.

GF has HP Spectre x360 (as user above linked). Black / gold version is sexy as fuck, and pretty good performance / battery life, is very portable. They have it on display in-store if you want to see them, along with a lot of other common / popular laptops.

>not recognizing Piper Perri

fuck out of here pleb

No they don't.

Or with having a decent filesystem.

>watching porn
>watching professional porn
>watching interracial porn
>knowing professional whores by their name
Art thou the famous Captain Cuck Sparrow, the prepper of the Black Bull?

>recognizing porn stars

go outside

When will Piper Perry take it up the ass?

thanks user

Bad. 1400x1000 TN screen with fuckhuge bezels and a bad keyboard for around 1000$. It's really stupid.
Get a Dell XPS 13 or a Zenbook UX305. The Dell should be the same price with similar specs, better keyboard and a better screen, the Zenbook is much cheaper, has a better screen (although in dire need of calibration), weighs less/the same, "better" keyboard and has worse specs, but huge battery life and it's fanless.

>get outside
Get out

ThinkPad T440s (1080p IPS model)
+ replace touch pad with a T450 one
+ upgrade RAM & SSD


Shush, but I think she's surrounded by five really angry monkeys o.O Somebody call the animal cops or whatever

Why do you need a $1000 laptop for college?

Works on my machine :^)


steer away from that touchpad, it's horrible and lenovo accknowledged this and changed it for the next generation. I had it for my L540, and ended up swapping it out for the new one.

I know a lot of normies who specifically name the porn stars they like

Maybe ur just a faggit?

>steer away from that touchpad,
Read the whole post

A fucking $300 refurbished business laptop is more than enough for 95% of people

Dell Latitude. Best laptop I've ever owned.


Not shilling but this looks pretty decent. Hope the website also comes in English. You can choose which flavour of Linux you want to have pre-installed or have it come with no OS at all.

With an i5 6200, 8GB RAM and 250GiB SSD it costs 846€

Alternatively, get a cheap Dell XPS Ultrabook. The screen is a bit smaller but so fucking sexy, plus you can get 2560p resolution.

holy shit why do they only make 13 inch laptops now

i have fucking big ass hands and I want to be able to see the screen

xps, sceptre both look nice but they only come in 13"

What the fuck is XPS 15?

Lenovo Y50

wow I'm retarded but to be fair the website is shit

i would instabuy these if they didn't look like knockoff macs lol

Get a dell latitude or chinkpad, and upgrade it.

>Hewlett Packard

Get a thinkpad so that you are us.

You might want to look for new/barely used Clevo laptops on ebay actually. They're gamer shit (technically), however the good ones use socketed CPUs, and, generally, have many replaceable parts.

When they're not under known brands, or just under the clevo OEM brand, they can be rather inexpensive. Certainly well within your range. Especially if you do want a discrete gpu for anything on the side.

You basically just described a Thinkpad. You'd probably love one of these: shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/thinkpad/x-series/x1-carbon-4/
Or maybe a T460/T460s if you want more power in a larger/heavier/thicker form factor.

Gonna jack your thread with a similar request.

I have around $1000 budget.

>needs to run autocad and programs like this
>battery shouldn't die if all I'm doing is browsing memes for a few hours.
>1080p 13in or 15in
>build quality
>preferably upgrade-able hdd / ram / battery