R8 this build Sup Forums

r8 this build Sup Forums


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>solar panels getting energy from a lightbulb it's giving energy too.
I guess that could work, but I'm pretty sure lightbulbs don't emit enough energy to power a solar panel.

Duh there's be a loss of efficency

>expecting the average Bern Victim to understand this

No shit. Maybe in the future though...

shut the fuck up

user, if you believe hard enough, you can do anything you set your mind to. :^)


Just BELIEVE, anoon!

Is the GPU overkill or should I wait for Polaris?

What are you going to do with a 300$ mobo?

>typical bernie voter

64 gigs of ram

It's mostly aesthetic reasons

dude get a 1070


I don't really know how to use a computer but this isn't a great sign.

The i7 doesn't come with a stock cooler, I already have a Noctua I got for free from amazon fucking up an order

fell for 16 gig meme

>300 dollar mobo

Fixed it


wait for zen
Wait for polaris

its bad/10

Why would you buy anything called SuperNOVA? Why would they call it that? I don't want my computer asploding!

>replaced by polaris
Are you retarded? Your meme here should be wait for Vega.

Don't hate, user, we're all friends here. Is something bothering you? You can talk to me about it :^)

thats better

Even that shit benchmark of only a 480 matched the fury at like half the power consumption
Waiting for polaris would be the smart thing to do.

r8 & help me pick a cpu cooler
already have the case (fractal design r5) and I'm waiting on the 1070

>not waiting for zen
do you like being retarded

>gaming with an AMD CPU
Do you like sucking dicks?

get a trip so i can filter you

>not remembering Athlon

Go kill yourself

>We were relevant last century, don't count us out!
I'd accuse you of being a paid shill but there's no way AMD has the money for that.

Not him, but the Athlon was a good gaming CPU in its time. And, to quote...

>gaming with an AMD CPU


And now you change the argument from being ever relevant to not being relevant today.

Save yourself some money and get a used 2600k


holy mother fuck. are you serious?


r8 it Sup Forums

Absolutely awful. What is wrong with you? What makes you think this is in any way a worthwhile investment?

>this is the state of the american education system

not a number faggot

I have a solar powered calculator that works fine off of room lighting. I bet if you had enough calculators, you could wire them up to run a light bulb to charge them.

Minmitar is shit
And shit colored