Just formatted a drive by accident

>Just formatted a drive by accident
What's the best way to retrieve shit off it?

hahah ok right

Invent a time machine.

Even if some tools exist that *might* be able to retrieve something, it'll be useless bits and pieces, in my experience.

Alternatively, kill yourself.

Give it back


Tried it, but finds fuck all.

Just roll back to last weeks backup

Did you ``format'' it or ``Quick format'' it? One will allow you to retrieve your files with relative ease.
Can you guess which one?

> doesnt tell fs
you want to make poo

Runtime GetDataBack for FAT and NTFS.

nice work. if you were lucky enough to have used "quick" formatting where the data isn't actually overwritten, then there are tools out there to recover shit. now if you've accidentally used the proper formatting method where each chunk/unit is wiped, then there ain't much you can do.

tl;dr - if recovery tools don't work, you're fucked.

Installing windows 10. Left external harddrive by accident, went through and deleted/formatted each partition. I'm guessing its a quick format since the process only took 50 seconds. Fucked my own anus.

do you have the "deep scan" and "find non-deleted files" options checked?

Pretty much this

testdisk, I don't know what these other autismos are sperging about

if you just did a quick format you can rebuild the mbr/gpt using testdisk

Maybe now you'll learn to have a backup.
"Oh no it's not important data at all, I can just redownload"
"But I have to get it back"
"But it's not important"
"But I have to get it back"


How did you format a "drive by accident"?

Was mothers stuff kek. Told her every month to back up stuff.


let me guess, you use Linux?

revert to a previous snapshot

Man you're in deep shit.

Linux does not randomly overwrite and fuck up all partitions on a drive when you install it. You have to actually manually specify it.

Yep. 4 years of pictures. All her work stuff. She can't remember passwords so her excel spreadsheet of passwords I set up for her.

you moron

yes, for Matt Ed, a drive-by accident.


>Told her every month to back up stuff.
>I told you to back it up, it's not my fault I formatted all your shit

Yeah I know, it's not a defense. I'm seriously fucked here.



It's been running for last 20 minutes. Chill

Shit man. I feel ya. I know that feel.

Even worse than denting your car.

Sounds like you should be able to recover the partition table with something like testdisk or partition magic. It'll take a while to scan the entire thing to determine the size/location of partitions, but should allow you to bring them back to life mostly undamaged as long as you haven't used the drive since the formatting.

This look promising?

First lesson about data recovery: never work on the live medium!
Create an image of the disk with a tool (e.g. dd) and always work on that one.
Regarding recovery software, there is quite a lot of choice: some of them work but mostly won't.
If your data is really important, then forget about using a free utility to recover your data, look instead for a professional recovery software (e.g. Kroll Ontrack).
You might also want to look into TSK (The Sleuht Kit) and its GUI, Autopsy; otherwise Foremost or EnCase