I'm on Windows 7, should I update to 10?

I'm on Windows 7, should I update to 10?

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My thinkpad is like 8 years old btw

Why make a thread when you obviously already know the answer?

Sup Forums is literally mostly retarded.

I don't at all. Is 10 considered good? I don't keep up with this shit.

Then stop living under a digital rock. 10 is universally shat on. Stick with 7.
See, now you baited me in giving you a serious reply. Good job faggot.

Just update to windows 10, shit just works man.

i have a six year old dell laptop, and upgraded to windows 10. the performance is now even better than it was back when it had windows 7/8/8.1. then again, i'm only using it for work and movies, so i don't know how well it could handle video editing, gaming etc.

>10 is universally shat on
Except it's not

10 is awesome, don't listen to these dumbasses OP

Do a clean installation of windows 10. It works like a charm.

An upgrade does a fucking shitstorm to your system.

Only if you like using the best software

>update your system
>get w10 key and write it down
>install clean installation of windows 10

If you do this whole "upgrade" thing to your PC it can cause a lot of problems in files. If you want to experience windows 10 like you should be - do a clean installation.

Does Windows 10 finally remember folder settings or do folders still revert back to whatever quasi randomly?

my taskbar no longer works
send help


Yes but first roll back to Windows 5 and then multiply by 2. This is much safer than adding 3.

Does your IBM thinkpad still run Windows XP?

i dont get this meme. when windows 7 came out i used it for a few days then went back to vista/ubuntu. get out of the fucking past. you're worst than the XP fags.

I laughed. God help me, I laughed.

Install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB for no metro crap and no Cortana skynet.

Stick with 7 if you can. At this point the only way to avoid the upgrade is to disable critical security patches.

I've been using Win10 solely for gaming and it's still a piece of shit. It's constantly trying to make your life difficult for no reason. It's the Arch of the Windows world.

Last night I chose to upgrade my GPU drivers and got a BSOD. After reboot it reverted to generic VGA drivers. When I run the installer manually, it just says that it failed to install the drivers. Any suggestions before I format this shit?


I want to stick with Windows 7, but I'm getting a new PC and it has Skylake CPU, will Windows 7 work on it?

Yes, but you will need to inject xhci drivers into win7 image. Asrock has a program that does that for you, Intel one is still broken.

>I right click on desktop
>explorer.exe stopped working



You will lose out on a bit of performance if you install Windows 7 on a Skylake rig.

You're better off just installing 8.1 or 10. They're both infinitely better than Windows 7, and 10 is the best operating system for it by far.

Just use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N edition.

here's your 10 rupees and 0.1 Bing points, parjeet

>Vista is universally shat on
>7 is universally shat on
>10 is universally shat on
It's like the Zelda new release curse. Will 10 be the only acceptable thing once 11 comes out?

>things that never happened
unless you are retarded and actually run windows 10 on an ancient thinkpad that doesn't even have the minimum requirements for it

>this whole thread
>all the freetards counter-shilling with full force
>for free

>>this whole thread
>>all the parjeets shilling with full force
>>for free

>>>this whole thread
>>>all the stallmen counter-shilling with full force
>>>for free

>he forgot about 8 and 8.5

XP was good and 7 is good. No one ever thought Vista was good.

7 was great, 10 is good minus the spyware shit, vista and 8 are cancer

>he thinks 8.1 = 8
wew stop posting

OP, I would check your hardware and compare it to other computers that run 10. You won't get a definite answer here because this board is filled with sperglords such as myself and poo in loos.

8.1 is just as shit as 8


S/he is right though. 8.1 was just as bad as 8. 10 is just more of that, so it's also garbage.

You better while its still free. Come July you will be forced to upgrade and then be forced to pay as well.


Well, how am I supposed to know what that person's gender is if they post anonimously (:

You didn't include ze you privileged queersock

I am not aware of it. English is not my native language.

everyone here is male
don't kid yourself my friend

I don't know about that. I doubt 'everyone' is male.

Where do they get their data from?
That's probably 90% made up bullshit

That is not even remotely true

The majority of the users are young, flat-chested anime girls

Tracking from Google and other services alike (; And since most people don't use an ad blocker, go figure.

>asus g751jt

>every guy who uses Sup Forums blocks tracking
>data only shows retards that don't know how to block being tracked
>aka, females


Don't take me seriously

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off:

Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running
Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if
users have not opted-in:

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:

> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

Nice pasta

Why is xp so comfy. Is there a way I can run it and be moderately secure?



doesn't matter, you'll be forced to soon enough


This is solitaire

This is preinstalled for some reason on every win10 machine

>implying they know if I went to fucking college

Sure if you enjoy an extra -10FPS

Yeah. I now boot in literally less than a second. Only update if your are on windows 7 pro. Only the pro version of 10 has group policy where you can disable a bunch of Microsoft shit.

Why? I upgraded and its been fine so far...

Device manager and delete the drivers or unknown device under display adapters, or whatever the fuck is there, then install again.

Why are the frame rates so bad under Windows 10?

I have 3 boxes running 10 right now, and see no traffic you speak off. Please, point to me where my boxes are "phoning home" botnets.

Adding classic shell and changing some aesthetics and features along with increased performance has turned an older laptop into a bearable to use machine again.

There is a lot of driver hiccups that still need to be ironed out, especially with the OEMs. Give it a little more time and windows 10 will be boss.

they are not
it's a meme
you got meme'd

The drivers are trash

parjeets in full force shilling


As a time traveler I can not suggest Windows 10, many will die due to browser history and attempting to uninstall the uninstallable.

Clean install to 10, but only to either Enterprise or Education where you can more easily disable the bloat and telemetry. Ideally the LTSB N versions, followed by the Sup Forums Microsoft engineer script. Just Google it or someone might link it

No wonder, the modern crap applications rely on DWM a lot.

>windows 10 games are forced to run in windowed mode so you get shit performance
>forced vsync as well

What were they thinking


Need a windows 11 ASAP desu

jesus christ the shilling is fucking real

sage w10 threads, report and hide. this cancer needs to fucking go

sage goes in all fields

I was thinking of upgrading to reserve the ability to do a clean install at anytime and just revert back to Win7 until I actually need Win10 for DX12 or new CPU.

brb installing 10

Do whatever you want.

I'm still on W7 because it's rock solid stable and W10 has absolutely no new features for me, i never used anything higher than DX9 and Cortana doesn't add anything useful.

Also they took an awful approach to the flat UI, and this is coming from someone who likes Material Design.

Yes but change the start menu. It's horrible.

>vista window
>winblows 10 memesider

>new reply
>thread posters remains the same

Do you think everyone is retarded as much as you pajeet?

It's win7 with a theme
I'll install it on a testing PC, I'm not OP


You installed Vista theme on 7? Wow..

I reverted to 8.1 + ClassicShell.

Two things prevent me from returning to Win10:

1) Every fucking window titlebar was white, whether it was the active window or not. This was absolutely infuriating for me, since I have multiple, large monitors. People on Sup Forums have claimed that they changed this, but not a single person has provided an image as evidence.

2) The system sound bug. I'd open the mixer, turn down system sounds, close the mixer, and the next time a UAC prompt happened it would play at 100%. I'd check the mixer and System Sounds were back up to 100%. It's been this way since Win10 launched. I'm monitoring a thread on Microsoft's site about it, and nobody has reported that it's been resolved. It's happening on all sorts of sound devices (in my case, a Creative X-Fi HD USB).

I don't actually care about the "spying" stuff. Most of it appeared to be meaningless. Like telemetry, which for example Google uses to show how busy restaurants are at given times. Very useful data on a mass, anonymized scale.

It's pretty bad. Stay on 7 if you like stability and privacy.

Sure, Vista has a better theme than 7