/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

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Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
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Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw you find about that you can run .sh files and manually install shit

>error: dependency not found :^)

>tfw you find out you can create your own packages for debian and buntu with checkinstall easily

can someone ELI5 Wayland for me and why it's supposed to be the bee's knees?

>tfw if you want AUR stuff on Debian, just look into PGKBUILD and done.

So i'm trying to make a bash function switch for setting the action that occurs when my laptop lid is closed. (for kde)

So far i've got this:
function lidaction {
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo -e "Bash alias to switch the action that occurs when the lid is closed\nUsage: lidsleep "
if [ -n $1 ]; then
case $1 in
sed -i s/lidAction=.*/lidAction=1/g /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc
sed -i s/lidAction=.*/lidAction=0/g /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc
sed -i s/lidAction=.*/lidAction=64/g /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc
sed -i s/lidAction=.*/lidAction=32/g /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc
if [ "$(grep -m 1 lidAction=. /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc)" = "lidAction=1" ]; then echo "ON - Laptop will sleep when lid is closed"
elif [ "$(grep -m 1 lidAction=. /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc)" = "lidAction=0" ]; then echo "OFF - Laptop will not sleep when lid is closed"
elif [ "$(grep -m 1 lidAction=. /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc)" = "lidAction=64" ]; then echo "DIM - Laptop screen will be dimmed when lid is closed"
elif [ "$(grep -m 1 lidAction=. /home/user/.kde/share/config/powermanagementprofilesrc)" = "lidAction=32" ]; then echo "LOCK - Laptop will be locked when lid is closed"
else echo "an error ocurred, status is uknown"
echo "'$1' - is not a valid option"

This changes the option in the kde gui but when i close my laptop it doesn't do what it's set to. When i click on Ok in the kde gui after i use the function it does work however.

I actually thought about making a wrapper script for this a while back. Too lazy tho.

I came into the possession of an x220, I want to put a lightweight distro on it that will just be for torrenting movies, not playing them.

What do you all think of Puppy Linux? I did read though it is suitable more for running off a usb and not being installed.

Maybe your problem is somewhere else.
Do you run uMatrix or something that could block the embedding?

it's not worth the hassle, just get Lubuntu. It will fly like the wind. Only reason I'm interested in Puppy is because I have a 2GB SD card that I have absolutely no other use for and I'll use it to run Puppy off of

>wasting such a perfectly fine laptop on a torrenting machine
>installing a crippled, niche distribution for no good reason
>not just installing a proper distribution, maybe even without xorg, using qbittorrent-nox or a similar client and accessing it via a web client

This is, like, upsetting me.

I'll look into it.


Install literally Arch without anything.
TTY should be enough for you.

>only arch offers a minimal installer

When will this stop? Just stop.

I'll look into this too, thanks.

For torrenting without X you can use rtorrent (TUI) or aria2 (CLI). There's also transmission-curses.

>>only arch offers a minimal installer
Nice strawman, faggot.

Why does pic related not work

sh -c 'xface-terminal --tab; wmctrl -a terminal'


This worked

Just finished reading this blog and recommend it.
Learned a lot new things.

Why did you recommend him to install Arch then? Nothing of the things he said would warrant such a specific recommendation.

Why so butthurt? Any traumatic Arch related events in the past? Sure he could also do a minimal Debian install, but I told him to try Arch. Deal with it.

you are the posterchild for the aggressive autistic Arch neckbear

I'm using Arch myself, but you're this .

>name calling
Nice arguments.

It's literally just X11 but with less bloat. It's hyped to death because apparently it's supposed to increase performance and have better integration with most apps, but it's still too buggy to replace X.

>just X11 but with less bloat
>to increase performance
>better integration with most apps
>too buggy

That's a lot of false information. Even I, as a layman, can say that. You just listed a bunch of vague, derivative points. Unfortuantely I don't know enough to dispute you fully.

You can just like, go to their webpage and read the about section on wayland. They literally type, word for word, "wayland is meant to be X but without all of the extra things required, to keep it simple".


>In 1993, he asked for birth announcements to be banned from emacs mailing list, unless they are announcements for seahorses, because then it would be the male that gives birth and therefore interesting.

Is this real?

I hope you're posting this ironically

HI linux noob here

so now im messing with other stuff like this

but i dont see any documentation on using it?
i try other packages also and same problem finding support docs.

im running mint xfce

is it possible to just use the awesome taskbar but keep everything else the same?

What's a good program to check for malicious pdfs?

Anyone got one of these minifree.org/ ?

Can I install Arch on it?

of course, but parabola would be preferable on such a machine.
no, but my next laptop will run libre or coreboot. if i am lazy i will probably buy one.

How did people use command-line OSs before the internet? How are you supposed to know what commands to enter into the command line without Googling what the possible commands are?

If society was wiped out tomorrow, you had NO prior Linux experience, and you wandered into an abandoned building with a Linux terminal open, how would you even figure out the "ls" and "mkdir" commands? With a GUI, you can clearly navigate to the list of possible programs by exploration and click around until you figure it out.

If the internet was wiped out tomorrow, you had NO prior Linux experience, and someone handed you a Gentoo/Arch live CD, could you figure out how to install it without ANY instructions or guides eventually via experimentation?

How do people install Linux without first using a Windows/Mac to download the ISOs and read the guides? Do these people who "haven't used Windows in 20 years" have a never-ending chain of "other computers" already up and running that they use to download the ISOs and read the guides? How did people get Linux before the internet was ubiquitous? Was it originally downloaded from Linus himself over a 56k modem? Did you get the discs from other nerds at your local computer science department?

>parabola would be preferable on such a machine


man/info, books, actually meeting people.
because the main point in using libreboot is to have no binary blobs/proprietary software on your computer at all and arch uses a kernel with everything compiled right in by default.

>How are you supposed to know what commands to enter into the command line without Googling what the possible commands are?
With a manual.

Arch is free too.
>arch uses a kernel with everything compiled right in by default
A kernel can be recompiled.


>Install openSUSE tumbleweed a month ago
>loving it with the rolling updates
>didnt configure my snapper or whatever
>the 30GB I had assigned to it actually fills up thanks to the insane amount of updates
>my linux shits itself and dies
>uninstall everything and now im on W10 and it fucking sucks.

Should I just try out openSUSE Leap?

Or what other distro would Sup Forums recommend? Something widely supported and not arch, that JUST WERKS. Considering fedora.

>figure out
you would ask the guy thats knows how to use linux.
>wiped out
I think you have bigger problems,then using a computer,that has no infrastructure to rely upon
Most distros sell or send out copies of the distro.
>before internet
You would swap around floppys

>>Arch is free too.

- blobbed kernel
- proprietary programs in it's repos

Nope,only the most common features/hardware.
It is monolithic,but not every single flag has been set

>- blobbed kernel
>- proprietary programs in it's repos
Like what?

>your version of free is different from the cults version of free
Willingly allow some big wizard in the sky deem what you are allowed to install on your system,isnt free in any sense of the word

yes it can, but on arch it is exceptionally hard to separate free and nonfree software. it is extremely easy to unintentionally install nonfree software on arch. this is not a problem for someone who doesn't care, but for someone that does care enough to use libreboot, it sure does.
i give you that. let's say almost everything.

can't go wrong with opensuse leap or fedora stable.

>tfw you realize this is a terrible idea

I've heard stories about how Linux installation back in the day used to be extremely difficult and require the use of like 8 or so floppy disks

you have to post shitty b8 in every thread don't you?

Why are you not more informed of your software choices when you install software,if you have to be the cults version of free?

really then where is the manual on using this package?


Truth isnt bait

Blindly listening to some fat mooching neckbeard that still brags about something he made 30 years ago and has no other merit in the industry,is comical at best

see there are programs which require nonfree dependencies that you might not be aware of. debian for example stores those in contrib.

>another fag who doesn't understand freedom
The point is that people shouldn't be faced with nonfree software when they install a free operating system. That's why nonfree software must be blacklisted by default.

This has nothing to do with what the user does with his operating system.

It does, limiting your self to a set list of programs that some cult decides you can use,its limiting your freedoms,more then any one else.
Check the deps before you install it,since you are so set on having to maintain a certain list of programs you're allowed to use?
You can edit the pkgbuild as you see fit,and suppliment different dpes

it is decided by your choice in licenses that you accept, having no easy way to find out under which category a package and its dependencies is is a downside no matter how you put it . using the same word over and over won't make it any more true.

And does it really fucking matter?
I never got this cult mentality.
Are you all over 40 and out of touch with the modern era of technology?

When are you ever going to take a company to court over them violating MUHHH REEEEDUMS?
>inb4 stallman
They never had any merit to their cases,and were mocked accordingly

Let's try this:

Step 1.
You install a "free" operating system.
Step 2.
You expect that it's programs respect the four freedoms.
Step 3.
You search for a nice program in the operating systems pool and install it.
Step 4.
What you don't know is that the program you just installed is nonfree, which means that it executes unknown code and violates your freedom to control your system as you wish.
Step 5.
How can such an operating system be "free"?

While all this is nitpicking, this is the reason why libre distros exist; you can still install everything you like, but not by default. And the default state the distro comes is where the FSF measures if it's free or not.

>actually saving shitty pictures from Sup Forums
you repeated this word a number of times now but i think you either don't understand the meaning or want to push an agenda.
and yes, it does matter, using your computer and all that is on it is important to a lot of people and calling people that want their own machines to be their own a cult is beyond retarded.
the fsf has taken companies to court before for violating the GPL or other free licenses. and they won.

>four freedom
What offical document that all distros have to agree upon before they are allowed to publish their distro?
>control your system
I, the user of my machine,install programs i want.No one else does,if you question the validity of a program,check its source and check for privacy violating code,and submit a bug report calling out this code,and perhaps changes the code offically.

So its a goverment agency enforcing these "laws" and "creedo"?


you actually posted this bullshit site again, took you long enough to reveal you are the same person.

I guess his main problem is that he thinks of Freedom in "Freedom of choice to do what every I want". Pretty common error.

>anything i want
Limiting your self in what software you can use, isnt free.
>inb4 i make the choice
So you're making choice to be use only a subset of software deemed apporiate by a thid party? This is not free

you can't do whatever you want with nonfree software, that is the entire point.

Everyone with a little bit of brain realizes that taking statements out of context and put new context on it is maybe nice trolling, but nothing more. That's all the site can provide; trolling.

Such as? Name one native program that breaks "MUHHHHHHH BREDDUMMS"

I recently found that all I needed to do in some cases was type 'make install' in the terminal, without referring to a file explicitly ('config', 'install') etc, and it'll install.


Freedom is not about doing whatever you want. Freedom is about not being a slave. When you install non-free software, you don't control the program, the program is controlling you, which makes you a slave.

>native program
from what?
in arch that would be the proprietary drivers in the kernel.

hey i enjoy freedom also, but spending 5 days to install tor made me loose 4 days and 23 hours and 59 minutes of freedom. when i could just install in 1 minute on windows. and be fishing for the other 4 days 23 hours and 59minutes... js ;)

>people still falling for this shitty bait
and I thought I'd visit hoping i'd help someone.

Kill yourself

Does anyone else have a problem where everything except for the cursor freezes?

I can move the cursor around, but my system won't respond to button clicks or keyboard commands

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.


The problem is that loonux newfags may read his bullshit and fall for it.

I just replaced KWin with XFWM in my KDE installation. I'm not sure if I'm liking it, however I really like the themes available for gtk...

installing tor shouldn't take any longer that maybe 15 minutes if you go an extremely complicated route. only because you never used GNU/Linux before and had to learn it doesn't mean that it didn't take you just as long or longer to learn to use windows.
it's called baby duck syndrome.
we talked about this before. ignoring trollwaves may work on forums with names or any other identity, but on an anonymous forum this can lead to very few people manipulating whole forums.


absolute mad man. I don't know how he let himself have a gut like that, though.

Obviously their will is too weak

Does anybody know of a program where I can set global hotkeys?
For example if I wanted to open dmenu I could press ctrl + d?


To the guy who wondered how did people use operating systems before the era of google.

pic related

Am about to install linux on my machine. Have been using arch for the past two years, but I want to change it. I've pretty much decided on the testing debian, not sure on which DE though. I don't really enjoy gnome any more, don't need a minimalist DE since it isn't a laptop, so I'm pretty much stuck with KDE? The other option would be a WM, but I've never dabbled with them before. anyone cares to share some insight

actually no. i installed 1 time from pacman. wouldnt run
installed from aur. wouldnt run
installed from blackarch. wouldnt run
finally had to download manually from torporoject to make it run.

and still dont have it listed in my menu :)
yeah 1`0 websites and 5+ torbrowser.desktop files later. and stillnot in my menu. i had to search for the start-tor file in my directories. and that is the only way i can start tor at the moment. not even bothering with terminal start tor. cuz i might throw the computer in the micro after that :)))))

Is there a linux OS tier list?


No and for a good reason: Every distro is made for different needs.


Ah, the Suse manuals were a good read.

I always dug how their manuals could also double as a text book for system administration.

you installed an obscure skiddie distro that is not meant to be actually installed, what did you expect?
in debian it would be pretty much just

and as for windows me (and my father since we both wanted to learn how2computer) did it from dedicated magazines that were quite popular in the early 1990.

I still have my box with win 3.11 floppies around somewhere

If you're going to use it, have a pretty comfy key:

"xkill -id $(xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | awk '{ print $5 }')"
Mod4 + k

Super+k to kill the currently focused program.