/spg/ - Smartphone General

If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget and size.

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>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of May 2016

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>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
>Shill your Xiaomi

>Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) revealed by TENAA - 5.1" sAMOLED phone

>Samsung Galaxy C7 goes official as well - SD625 SoC, 5.7-inch display, and 4GB RAM

>Acer's 5,000mAh battery totting Liquid Zest Plus to go on sale in July

>Elephone M2 MT6753 1.3 GHz, 3 GB RAM and 32 GB of storage available for $119.99

>OnePlus 3 launch date confirmed for 14th June

>OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X price drop, OnePlus 2 Now Just $299, OnePlus X Now $199

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K, so first message,

Why shouldnt i buy an iPhone 6 guys?

I'm about to do it, but dont want to waste the money...

The whole point of an iPhone is to have the latest fashion accessory. The 6 is already outdated so you'll just look like a tryhard poorfag.

Why not iPhone 6s while your'e at it?

yeah, sorry, iPhone 6 32gb is the idea. But i dont want it as
I just want a good solid phone for the next couple years

Holly shit, forgot the fucking S again.

>iPhone 6S 32gb

Thats it.

Opinions on the new Xiaomi mi Max?

3 Versions
Snapdragon 650 / 652 /652
RAM 3 / 3 / 4gb
Internal Memory 32 / 64 / 128gb

Where it gets rediculous:
6.44" Screen @ 1080x1920 (342 ppi)
4850mAh Battery

Prices range from $200 to $300

Sup Forums convince me how IPHONE SE is not the best phone at the moment?
>muh microSD
pointless,you got cable to store them elsewere and youtube for music if somehow 16GiB aint enough + plenty of people like me who never downloaded music.
>Small resolution,RAM etc..
.In the end in doesnt matter as its faster than any phone in the market .Apple jusst proves that will lower specs it can perform much better than shitty chink brick phablets.

>perfect size for a phone
If you want anything bigger than 4' than buy a laptop or tablet.A phone is just for calls,internet and camera while not at home.

How am I supposed to convince you not to get it when you're already aware of it's defects but decide to ignore them?


I've seen that before, i disagree with more than half of it. Not to mention the other half is simply not true.

>shit res screen Kek.

This is irrelevant.
All phones have defects,but iphone SE is at the moment the best.

You rly fall for the retina is superior meme?

Fuck off, manlet.

Well buy it then.

>perfect size for a phone
Are you 6 years old? I'm a fucking manlet and I can't go back to anything smaller than 5 inch.

>not even 1080p at that price

>only 2gb ram

>1600mah battery

>60% screen to body ratio
I'm fucking done. How can anyone shill this piece of shit? Fuck man...

Last time i checked manlets had shitty phablet chinkphones.
Phone is for call,internet and camera.The rest you got at home/job.

Cool. Go buy your iPhone and leave us in peace then.

Cheers cunt.

>2gb ram
>1600 mah battery
This is irrelevant ,as its faster than any phone atm and the battery lasts around 40-50% more than iphone 6s.
The screen has no problem,sure the s7 edge has a better screen but at what cost and size?
If i want to buy a tablet ,i buy one and not a s7 edge who costs alot more too


>I can't go back to anything smaller than 5 inch.
Sounds like you have a tiny penis. I'm sorry man

Says the guy buying an iPhone to handle his insecurities.

>b-but muh blue bubbles

>This is irrelevant ,as its faster than any phone atm
Horrible b8, go troll somewhere else, retard.

See It's clearly the perfect phone for you, but not for us. Go buy your perfect phone user, and best of luck with your life.

>Xiaomi Mi5 is officially available where I live now


>670 American Dollaridoos

What the actual fuck, I think I'm sticking to getting a OnePlus X as my next phone

is there a too much RAM for phones?

Dont buy chinkphones from western resellers get it from Aliexpress like everyone else. Ask at csg for a legit link and call it a day. Its not a budget phone so it should be around 500$.

>not even 1080p
why the fuck would you need that on a 4' screen?

I'm not getting one from a reseller unless I'm sure I can unlock the bootloader and put Cyanogenmod on it in case I don't like Miui. The Oneplus X already have official CM13 nightlies.

I'll let you know after I've bought this.

Hello chinkpraisers. First days of experience with LG G4.
-Stylish back with brown leather
-Sleek, beautiful front
-Almost-AMOLED screen that has beautiful, vibrant colors
-Unnoticeable pixels, looks like one single panel
-Top build quality, feels premium
-Physical buttons on the back are a bit weird at the beggining, but when you get used to it, it's pretty good. Volume up/down textured buttons feel nice to fingers
-Very fast UI/skin. Besides Google Apps and some minor LG apps not much bloat in there
-Very customizable settings to fit your needs:
a)additional button like notification bar shortcut can be added
b)smart settings (ex.: when at home: turn on wifi)
c)dual window
d)floating windows of some apps
-Pressing two times volume down opens camera. Two times volume up - QuickMemo (notepad sort of)
-Standy time on battery is amazing (5h 10min on battery and still at 100%)
-Superb camera (good color reproduction, fast focusing, sharp images) which also has very detailed manual mode with different focus, iso, color balance settings
-Has around 20GB of free internal space while sitting on Android 6.0
-MicroSD slot
-3GB of RAM
-FM Radio
-Pretty fast browsing (could've been faster)
-5GHz WiFi support
-Runs games smooth
-Slightly curved
-Doesn't overheat

-Corners are too sharp, which makes uncomfortable to hold
-Hardly can reach other side of phone with one hand
-Uncomfortable to hold in one hand, especially when typing or browsing
-WiFi + 30% brightness + SIM signal makes my battery lose 1% every 1.5-2mins, basically it's shit when comes to power using, prepare to get powerbank or additional battery
-Double-tap sometimes doesn't work for like 3 times in a row
-Brown leather back after a few days in my jeans pocket started to get minor black stains (what the heck)
-3.5mm jack is at the bottom is absolute cancer, especially if your headphones come with angled connector (quadbeats has it)

>He fell for the "Smartphones need more than 1080p screens" meme

i am looking to upgrade my old galaxy s3 to something a bit more modern, but i cannot decide on what phone is best suited for what i need, any advice would be appreciated.

i'm in canada and my carrier is bell. here's my general guidelines for what i am looking for:
- i do a lot of work outside in the elements so a bit of durability would be ideal
- good audio quality is a definite plus
- battery life isn't a huge concern, as most of the time my phone is in airplane mode when i'm out of the house
- don't really care about the quality of camera
- i don't use any social media, so i do not require anything geared towards that shit
- size wise somewhere in that neighborhood of the s3, nothing overly huge
-budget is upwards of $500

They don't, but it does look nicer.
I miss my g3 just because of how nice the screen was.

Thoughts? Good price? Good phone?

Where you're buying from has nothing to do with this. Xiaomi has locked bootloader on all their phones that you can unlock with a request.

Z5, OP2, Mi5, RNP3.

>Xiaomi Mi5
chinese shit
>ya goy ,lets add 100 giga ram,5 ghz cpu and micro SD that its useless anyway

>be me Sup Forums retard
>buy xiami mi5 instead of iphone SE(the xiami is even more expensive by 20 pounds)
>the resolution difference is pointless
>the camera difference is pointless
>oh its that an iphone? :D
>no,its a shitty chinkphone
>girl thinks you have a 50$ phone
Admit it,no one knows how phones look except Iphone and Samsung s7.

>very unreliable chinkphone
>big phone.


Can I suck your dick?

thanks, i'll look into them

I hope you didn't end up with the the hardware bootloop model.

I can't tell if you're a virgin or just have downs syndrome if you buy your phone based on if girls recognize it or not

Whats the best phone I could get with $420 AUD? SD card slot is a must. At or below 5 inches would be nice.

Probably not. How does it even trigger bootloop?

Xperia Z3, Xperia M5, OPX.

Just did a complete teardown of my Nexus 6P yesterday.
Not nearly as much of a hassle as people said, though I did have a couple "Oh fuck it's dead forever" moments.
Pic related before.

After first attempt at switching the phone's housing. I got retarded and slipped the prying tool between the screen and the screen's housing, instead of between the screen's housing and phone's housing, so I had to order a new screen housing and engage on a second, much deeper teardown.

After second teardown, took the opportunity to also change the fingerprint scanner.

A shot of the front, looking gucci.
(also had to do some epic gymnastics to take those pics with my laptop's webcam).

And a last one for glory.

>impress a girl with you phone.

That's the dumbest shit i'd read.

Thanks user, anything else?

RN3P, but it's 5.5". Redmi 3 is 5" and pretty good as well.

What is best chink phone

Is there a way to ship Elephone m2 in US for 119$ ?

HTC 10

So if I wanted to get a Nexus 5x but stick with the cell service I have now, could I just get it through Project Fi with a new number, activate it, then cancel Project Fi and put in my old sim?


Free shipping.

what are these posts about? i don't get it

shitpost or is it worth picking up?

It's the best chink phone and possibly the best phone period right now

Yea, but Fi is prepaid. So you have to pay the $30 or whatever for the service immediately after you register the phone.

I'm not sure how the phone number thing would work, whether it's tied to your SIM or the phone. Fi gives you the option of transferring your number but I'm not sure if you can get a new one from them and still use your old one afterwards. Might take some finicking

Isn't that a thread to talk about smartphones?

Guys, since I have a new phone (Oukitel K6000) I have a problem with whatsapp.
It always seems to delete all of my media every friday afternoon for some reason. Messages are unaffected, other apps like Telegram too.
It's just whatsapp.
Am I missing a setting somewhere?

The Apple iPhone 6S Plus doesn't have this problem.

Oh, actually, I just noticed, it doesn't seem to delete once a week, rather on shutdown. As I restart my phone every friday, it deletes friday.

Is the OPX the only recent phone worth buying that has FM Radio?
Is it rootable?

Stop restarting your phone..?

>oh fuck my battery ran out
>oh well rip all whatsapp media
Not an option.

Yeah, but what exactly you wanted to show us there? You just show off your phone from different angles or what?

No idea, try asking on their fb page

Might not be device specific

What's the best ROM and kernel for opo?

what's better: utok or allview?

Doesn't make sense to be honest famalam. Do you have a gallery app that shows hidden pics ? Maybe they are stored retarded.

Literally who?

is it dumb to get a z3c instead of a z5c? are the differences crucial?

Get the Z3, there's literally no difference

So I've got an old Samsung Galaxy Ace(2011, single core, arm v6 phone) on which I put CM7 and uninstalled what I don't need.
And now I'm wondering what more can I do to squeeze every last bit of performance from it.
What would be the absolutely most light weight launcher, keyboard etc. ?

Mind you it's not my main or even backup phone, I'm doing it for the fun of it. I'm impressed how well it runs as it is.

cheap and (very) good battery life, but the processor/graphics unit (MTK6753) is garbage

Play around with custom roms from xda. Launcher, keyboad etc. wont make much of a difference.

It seems like all of them add on top of CM, or are based on some newer version of CM and I'm pretty sure Android 4.0 or 4.4 will run like ass.

No one here who cares?

If you're undemanding enough to use iOS, go for it.

This has probably been asked before but

>moto g3 vs Zenfone 2

Which one Sup Forumsuys?

Should I get a Blackberry Passport family?


Try a 4.4 rom because that's when google started to trim down on useless shit and focus on smoothness for lower end devices.


didn't want to make a new thread for this.

holy shit how many idiots are going to buy one of these

help me Sup Forums
i want a non expensive phone which will be supported by the manufacturer and the xda community for at least 2 years.
the nexus 5x is 30% more expensive where i live

Been eyeing this for a bit
>All dem sensors but no NFC
>No micro SD support
>Supposedly $420 for base model
>Runs cyanogenmod UI
Probably just another chink exclusive phone that will has impressive specs but underperforming software?

OnePlus 3 maybe?

>nexus 5x is 30% more expensive
which third world country do you live in, romania?

>two years of xda interest

pick one

Literally deprecated device

Falling for le latest smartphone meme, on top of not waiting a few months for the latest meme phone.

need a phone for outdoors that I can use to read manga/comics/books etc since the screen of my 5S is too small

it has to be
>cheap (under 200 euros)
>not chinkshit, I need it now, I can't afford to wait 2 months for it to get here

Xperia Z Ultra
Note 3 Neo

both go for over 300e where I live

Today I got myself Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016).
Now tell me why was it a horrible decision?
It cost about 165$, we have 23% tax for smartphones here.

