Windows 10 Upgrade Activates By Clicking Red X Close Button

>Windows 10 Upgrade Activates By Clicking Red X Close Button
Wincucks will defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're like a year late with these "news", Lincuck.

Not that I have any work on it, but I am extra cautious NOT to boot Windows 8 nowadays. The last date for upgrade is approaching...Gonna wait it out till then.

Windows users tolerate this shit, and it's Linux users who are the cucks?
Yeah, OK.

It's time to remove botnet:

I just disabled KB3035583. You know, like any smart Windows user would.

Dont have to tolerate shit. No popup, no problem.

Anyone got the pastebin with the .bat for removing all the malicious GWX shit?

No but this worked for me:

Managed to find it:

>i'm too dumb to read the message

It's not rape if you can only say yes

Of course we will we have so much free time not having to fix broken packages and drivers by "updates"

there are literally two fucking settings in GPO that remove it and then prevent it from coming back. takes 15 fucking seconds to do.

alternatively you can uninstall 3035583

alternatively to that you can fuck off because if you are so dumb you have to use some 3rd party program to block this you are fucking braindead

Wincucks don't care. They won't defend a company that does whatever it wants.
Just because Microshit treats users that way doesn't mean I'm gonna immediately purge Windows and install some autistic Linux suboperating system.

Stop creating these retarded threads and instead go hang out with your friends. Oh wait, you don't have any.
Sage goes into all fields


Enjoy Windows 10 in a couple of weeks when Microsoft pushes out a work-around.

Or are you under the impression you're safe now?

Excuse me sir your tinfoil hat is loose

>Sup Forumstard wincucks would rather use an outdated OS forever than grow up, cut the Microshaft umbilical cord and throw out their toys
>will literally defend Microsoft using dark patterns in their updater because they're too intellectually stunted to spend twenty minutes installing a different OS that won't play their pew pew shoot 'em up gaems

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



>tinfoil hat
>Microsoft using UI dark patterns to force users to upgrade to their OS which constantly phones home
Yeah, clearly I'm the delusional one.

>voluntarily install GWX through Windows Update because you're a retard who accepts to everything without even checking what he's installing
>buhuu they leave me no choice but to upgrade buhuuuu

>without even checking what he's installing
>Windows update doesn't even follow user preferences anymore
Enjoy that dick, Sanjay.

>Lincucks use a hobby OS made by faggots in their basement used by faggots in their basement
>Lincucks will say this is better than Windows, a OS made by professionals with a straight face

>MUH TELEMETRY!!!!!!!!!111

friendly reminder that linux shills literally do it for free

How much do you get paid for it? I'm willing to switch teams for enough rupees.

lol, who gives a shit, my OS is capable of playing video games.

Grow the fuck up, kid.

nothing. unlike you i am not a shill or trying to fit in here, i just love calling out tools like you for acting stupid

It does follow, unless you install one of the updates that changes that.
Blame yourself for being a brainless negroid.

Why not you grow up and stop being a hipster faggot with your command line OS do it for free?

>Windows, a OS made by professionals

Click here to []...[] cancel the scheduled upgrade.

Why don't you talk to me when you stop doing childish shit like playing games and grow the fuck up? That sound good, junior?

I did too (and hid it) on my dad's PC a couple of months ago. Guess what, the fucker just reinstalled itself. Last week he called me because Windows had upgraded against his will and asked me if I could roll it back.

Sorry shill, this is a new development.

Are you fucking dumb?

Windows just reinstalls it.

Are you implying otherwise?

>Don't include cancel button, only way to cancel operation is X button
>Bother users ten times a day with prompt
>Suddenly include cancel button, reverse behavior of previous cancel method
>Blame users for not reading the prompt they've read and rejected 50 times already this week
Windows users actually hate themselves this much.

Even that massive shill paul thurrott isn't defending this

>Click here to change upgrade schedule or cancel scheduled upgrade

Why is every Lincuck literally incapable of reading a simple sentence?

By this time, the update had already been scheduled earlier.

It becomes apparent when you read the message.
I know that journalists can't actually do that, they just mindlessly copypaste articles from other websites on theirs, but still, maybe they should make an effort to learn it.

Probably because he has principles that don't revolve around soothing his gentle manchild ego like all the Sup Forumstards here.

Reinstalls it how? Not OP but my updates are off and I have not seen a single win10 reminder on this box ever. Why would you voluntarily install the botnet updates anyway? They don't just happen automatically.

Because Windows is popular, and they want to look cool by using a obscure, broken, hobby OS to seem cool by random faggots on Sup Forums.

>Im sooo mature cuz I dun play "gamez" :)

Because there IS no option to cancel the update. Simply move it 7 days.


They think their OS with 1% market share that has no games or relevant software is worth using. I'll stick to windows that has self respect.

Mad gaymurr faggot detected.

So's mine, and it didn't cost me $100 and my privacy.

>implying people will tend to pay $100 for windows
bundled with computers
KMS piracy
cheap MSDN/TechNet keys on eBay and other sites
OEM copies at substantial discounts
Upgrade copies under promos ($15 Win8, $30 windows 7)

Go fix your packages and stop shilling for free no wonder India has so much work

>all these poo in the loos going into maximum overshill mode

Daily reminder that Microsoft could literally break into people's homes and install Windows 10 while they're at work and the gaemer faggots here would just say "that's what you get for having a job!"

>Poo on the loo
Why are we Indians cause were not too busy fixing drivers like you to have a life.

ITT: OP's prophecy has been fulfilled
Wincucks ARE defending this :^)

They're just salty they can't play video games or use photoshop. I'll be sure to enjoy valves upcoming steam summer sale.

>having a job
Good one.

>being a steamcuck and not using the superior gog

That's unimaginably shitty. It should do a separate dialog that asks whether you want to postpone or cancel the upgrade or keep it.

This shit is happening because developers at Microsoft now are largely part of the QA, and the developer understands the flow of his application himself and thinks it makes sense to everyone when it doesn't.

>buy game off gog
>it requires steam anyways

Someone has to maintain all the servers via which you play shooting games and look at porn.

Lets get this started
>windows 10

So did you throw away hundreds of dollars to Adobe or download a rootkit off Pirate Bay to resize images and dick around with the liquify tool?

Hmm yes would totally switch to Linux or BSD. Redmond has sunk to new depths.


Why is microsoft so bent on making everyone use windows 10? Legitimate question, I honestly don't get it. Like what are they trying to gain by making everyone use windows 10?


Their personal information.

I like how you added a big red box and a bunch of arrows in hopes that it would stop people from actually reading the message.

People this stupid NEED something as condescending as Windows 10 to take care of their dumb asses.

They want to push their unified platform to have their abortion of a mobile OS and desktop OS to have the same experience.

>Windows 8

I'd understand if you were using 7..

They're desperate to keep some kind of market share. Windows is their only real product worthwhile.

Microsoft likes having a monopoly, like when they did up till xp.

Most reputable companies use Windows server.

it is the perfect os for dumb normals

>Data to sell to advertisers.
>A single web browser via which to push bullshit non-standard CSS and fuck up the web like IE6 again
>The ability to force updates on users without 6 months of literally fighting them for it.
Pick any of them.

>Wincucks will defend this
>proceed to read thread
>they do

Someones angry.
Discussing bullshit in the worlds most popular OS is somehow not relevant in a technology board?

As a Winfag, I disagree. I think Linux has greater market share over the server market.

Why is Microsoft pushing Windows 10 on Windows Embedded users? Isn't that a separate market?

>Most reputable companies use Windows server.
Nope, most companies that employ retards who run Microsoft Office and which have to maintain Windows accounts across the network use Windows Server. Everybody else uses Debian or Ubuntu.

what kind of porn is this?


I don't know that feeling :^)

They want one unified OS user. They want everything be it servers, desktop, embedded, mobile, etc be windows 10

have you guys ever considered that maybe theyre doing it because it implements something important you dont know about?
have you guys ever considered how much easier it would be to develop software for 1 os rather than a shitload of different ones?
have you guys ever considered that software quality would be improved since developers would only have to work with 1 os?
have you guys ever asked yourself the question "sure im awesome cause im using windows 7 now, but exactly how long am i going to plan on using it before i upgrade? will i be able to use 7 forever?" lmao


have you ever considered taking it to the loo?

why do people still hesitate to upgrade to win 10?

it's been a year now and most conspiracy theories have been refuted


Yeah, we've considered all of that and don't think it's worth being shoved down our throats, and don't think it's worth microsoft's "take ownership of your shit" EULA and privacy policy.

Fuck off.

have you considered that people payed for windows 7? When you buy something, it shouldn't constantly badger you and try to literally replace itself with something else against your will.

>have you guys ever considered how much easier it would be to develop software for 1 os rather than a shitload of different ones?

Anything which works on windows 7 will work on 10 and vice versa. This isn't a huge gap between operating systems, so it's definitely not about software compatibility. Besides, windows barely ever changes, it still uses ntfs after all these years.

You're an idiot.

yeah dude, sacrificing all that is totally worth it cause they want me to upgrade and i just wont. yeah fuck microsoft, ill show them when i dont update!!! haha im so good!!!

>Why don't people like rape? I've been waiting to have sex my entire life!

Yes. That's exactly it. That and I don't want them deleting shit off my hard drive or helping themselves to it.

I don't give a fuck if you think I'm being petty, I'm gonna behave how I want to.

>sacrificing all that is totally worth it

Sacrificing what? What are you even talking about anymore?

How much does microsoft pay you per hour? I may consider doing this as my day job if the pay is good.