How do I find all the elite haxxor forums on the darknet? Is everything on Tor?

How do I find all the elite haxxor forums on the darknet? Is everything on Tor?

Does anyone here use Tor for shit besides pedophilia?

Other urls found in this thread:

You won't find much on the deep web except pedophiles, drug sites, weird porn and basically other illegal stuff. It has little to do with hacking, though I think you can find something there.

what kind of weird porn thats not CP is on the dark net?

>Does anyone here use Tor for shit besides pedophilia?

Terrorists use it for terrorist things, but that's it.

non-fake smut, torture and rape.

People with aids having sex and writing stories about it. People doing cuckold porn but instead of a black guy, they do it with an actual bull. Just some of the few things on there, the deep web is enormous.

One of my favourite pictures of all time.

We're all gonna make it.

We can do what we set our minds to.

Others have done it and so can we.

We don't have to hold ourselves back.

It's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth it.

You mean snuff?
Hook me up with a pastebin/whatever. I have never seen any of those things you listed besides liveleak stuff.

bumping for this

>Hook me up with a pastebin

Don't. Unless you know what you're doing, you can easily get viruses and malware just from going on there. Don't go on it, especially if you're on windows.

>looks around the deepweb for CP just to see what it looks like
>closest I can find is video of parents spanking their kids
I'm disappointed in myself. Hillybillies on FB can find more CP than i can.

ill just use a virtual maching running some linux distro, it should be safe that way shouldnt it?

yeah, idk what that guys talking about

>Does anyone here use Tor for shit
I used for tracking services (google, fb)
Now I just use a proxy

Run Tails off an external harddrive with Tor installed. Plug all other drives off your MB. That's the safest you can be.

Don't be an idiot and use VPN. Tor exit nodes are the best. Maybe call up some of your friends nearby and ask them to just keep Tor running in the background.

The party van is coming friend!

what makes tails safer than other distros?

Be careful, ya fuck. Google "Daisy's Destruction". The worst of darkweb is the worst of humanity. Manage to go through the whole page and you'll know you're ready to see shit.


Just muh

It doesn't communicate with other harddrives other than some very rare and crucial times. Better to plug your SSDs and HDD off.

All data is stored on RAM which goes bye, bye once you unplug your PC. Tails is tailored for Tor use. Uses same relay and nodes method.

porn like this can only be found on tor.

tfw i've only used tor once or twice and it was years go

tfw i had two videos but i shredded them kinda regret shredding them and STILL want those two videos back but meh.. meh.. whatever... i guess..? ;_;

>Recycling Sup Forums meme
I remember going through this while lurking Sup Forums back in oldfag days. That shit will leave you numb or scarred.

What """"videos""""?

You already know what videos

Impossible to get them now

I've seen it. They don't even do anything to her that bad just ice cubes and some bondage. I've seen worse.

I am not worried about "viruses" or being doxed/hacked/v&. I am interested in the weird shit.. Gore is boring and cp is disgusting.

What else is there?

for me to know and for you find out some other way desu user

who is this semen demon?

this girl seems thick

>actually unironically storing child porn n a laptop

Nice vibes there.

>Breaking News: Sup Forumsentleman user goes on child raping spree after he accidentally shreds his fap material

Yeah? Well there 3 in total.

i use freenet for alt news and to regain that feel of the old wild wild web.

i see, thanks for explaining

thing is im a broke ass college student and my only pc is a laptop, is it really necessary to unplug my HDD? i was thinking of running tails on a live cd or USB and using my neighbors WIFI for surfing the deepweb

The source of this image literally stands between my life and my demise. Please give me the source.

There are also hitmen sites where you can hire people to kill other people for you (most are a scam, but some are legit). Not really weird, but you get the idea, the entire thing is just teeming with illegal services.

If you know how to unplug your HDD, better safe than sorry.
If you don't know how to use BIOS to boot off an ext drive, stop and don't go any further. Dankweb isn't for you.

Have fun. Don't land your neighbours in jail, unless they're massive shitheads like mine.

>admitting to possession of CP
Is Sup Forums leaking?

holy jesus

>no other tabs
You're not even trying. Here,

Screencap with some effort, pleb

>not using best browser

>Fun & Games


> viruses from pastebin


Chrome masterrace report. We like our 128GB RAM at 90% usage.


wel memed friend!!!! I laughed so hard I made a big bad smell :^^^^^^))))) roflelel brb need to change my pants, so xXDDDD

> (You)
>wel memed friend!!!! I laughed so hard I made a big bad smell :^^^^^^))))) roflelel brb need to change my pants, so xXDDDD
I am legitimately confused how do you get pastebin viruses.

So much win! Subscribed and upvoted! My sides are in orbit, these maymays are so epic.

>Caught samefagging

.......Get him

Someone uploads the source code of stuxnet, you download, compile and run it. Don't act like it couldn't happen to you

> We like our 128gb RAM at 90% usage.
what the fuck?

Throw yourself in the river, you Mozilla cuck

thats quite a meme machine you got there
i have a worse laptop and that shit never happens desu

You read pastebin goddammit not download it.

I understand if you want to kill yourselves. It's better for everyone.

How mentally disabled could one be

Or just use a Flashdrive, way cheaper option, the harddrive is unnecesary for tails

If you transferred something from the pastebin servers to your own computer, then stored it to your hard drive, that's known as downloading I believe


I am Autismo the autist! Today I'll take you through a wonderful journey through my head!

Read the last 3 paragraphs of the "History" section. I was going to paste them here but that would put me on like, every list imaginable.

>tfw haxxors are better than NSA
We did it, reddit!

so for just searching and reading about Tails the NSA puts me on list

>well fuck me

It's fun to put a on sites you own just so all of the visitors get put on a list

>non-fake smut, torture and rape.
That's bullshit, the only shit you will find is CP.