Podcast General

What podcasts do you listen to?
Do you host/produce one?
If yes, do you mention Sup Forums and Sup Forums a lot?
How do you SEO your website and potentially monetize it?

Shamless advertising but fuck it, cigan.in/

Any recommendations on how to improve it?

Other urls found in this thread:


> poo in loo tld
> heaven
> hearthstone
> final fantasy
> iphone
> memes XD
> over an hour
Seriously just stop.

I just listen to rooster teeth podcasts

> over an hour
Do you have difficualties holding attention span for that long? There is literraly nothing wrong ~1h. It becomes more diffult to listen to them as they approach 2h mark simply because you need to be able to allocate this much time unless you like taking breaks.

OP, it seems to me like you could use better mics or a compressor because you and your buddy peak quite often when you get more excited and it makes it beyond painful to listen. Audio quality is acceptable if you're just giving it a go and don't feel like investing anything in it otherwise upgrade asap.

Where is a nice place discover new podcasts?

The WAN Show

Podcast screencap incoming. Here are my pods.

Sup Forums related I listen to twit, twig, aaa, and watch hak5








9/9 gg no re

>is this a filthy gyppo website?
>...Heavenly Serb Productions?
Stop with memes, or NATO come back.

Hardcore History is amazing....but them 4hour podcasts sure get me confused and tired sometimes

What's the name of the you use ?

besides OP, any other Sup Forums or imageboard podcast out there?
Lainchan should have one imo

Yeah, I have to listen to Dan (and Rogan usually) on 1.5x

I like BeyondPod

>What podcasts do you listen to?
Lasertime, smodcast, a couple others

>Do you host/produce one?
Yes, SOGOpod

>If yes, do you mention Sup Forums and Sup Forums a lot?

>How do you SEO your website and potentially monetize it?
Hahahaha >implying

>Shamless advertising but fuck it, cigan.in/
I'll give you a listen, but I don't recommend shilling much for your show here

>Any recommendations on how to improve it?
Haven't listened yet

I listen to a lot of NPR One's stories.

Also, Stuff You Should Know, Planet Money, and Rooster Teeth Podcast (I swear I'm not 14, but I still find their podcast fucking hilarious).

I listen to a lot of nutrition ones. Aside from those:
>Programming throwdown
>In Our Time
>Planet Money


Listened to first 5 mins.

My suggestions are
>Reduce show length
>reduce intro length
>try to avoid licensed music
>optimize better for mobile
>put your RSS on as many services as possible, such as stitcher, player.fm, etc
>don't use SoundCloud, use blubry, libsyn, or other dedicated podcast hosts
>improve your audio quality
>summarize show topics at the beginning
>name drop your show at the beginning and end so people remember
>get a better website

Granted, our podcast is guilty of most of these, at some point, or another, but they're good tips, nonetheless. We're going on 2 years, and I like to think some of our episodes are really good.

Here's an example of one of my favorite of our recent episodes.
Apologies for the site, I'm commissioning a Sup Forums bro to fix it up and reoptimize it, as we speak.


Just finished the history of Rome, now I'm on philosophize this.

I don't discuss it with anyone though at the risk of alienating myself and sounding awfully pretentious.

This tbqh; I listen to podcasts when I'm traveling to work and back, and I really don't talk about it unless someone mentions it first. Podcasts have a stigma of "oh, so you're intelligentsia, aren't you?" that I'd like to avoid

Best two podcasts.


I think you'd like Stephen Tobolowski podcast