what do you guys think about the ps4.5????
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It's silver, but the most important question is - can you install gentoo on it?
I've heard that it will have 4k VR with 90fps per eye, all for under 100$
If that's the case it's good. If it is what it is though, it's like any other console, a waste of money
>>Sup Forums
Never heard of it, and I could literally not care care less.
>4k VR
my sides
It will be low resolution with a high latency. The ps4 will not push 4k in any regard unless you mean 1080p upscaled to 4k. It's just another shitty console that will perform worse than a PC. VR is gimmicky right now at best and not worth investing any money in unless there is a gen 3 or 4 and there are actually quality uses for it (media, games, simulation etc.)
>can't even run 720p
>wants to do 4k
calm down sperglord
fucking retard
calm down sperglord
Why doesn't somebody just make their own console with a OS that just runs .exe files?
yeah i know about closed software and shit, but if Tengen could override the NES lockout chip by reverse engineering, the same process could be used for windows.
soon be able to run linux on 3.50 so its basically a £250 steam machine
Do you even know what happened to Tengen, retard?
>Why doesn't somebody just make their own console with a OS that just runs .exe files?
here, your average retard. eat shit and die, shit for brains
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you piece of shit
>console gaming
are you fucking retarded?
emulating or rewriting Windows, including DirectX/OpenGL/Vulkan/... and everything else games use is hundred times more complex than NES.
Well with that attitude it is.
Sup Forums arrived
Go back to your youtube lets play channel, you idiot
What about Windows CE?
>not just PS4K
And if it isn't ready for 4K then they're doing it wrong and wasting a perfect potential name
Completely different from WinNT. And what about it? No console has used that since the dreamcast, and even there only a few ports used it.
You do realize that consoles are use the same architecture as computers now. It's effectively a gaming computer.
But I haven't bought a console since the PS2 days.
It's x86 sure but it's not the same as a pc.
>"The PS4 shares many commonalities with PCs, but according to hacking group fail0verflow, it’s not a PC — there are legacy features missing in the PS4 and “the southbridge does a lot of things in nonstandard ways and the way it is organized makes no sense” (that last is a quote from marcan, a fail0verflow member)."
source: extremetech.com
Anyway consoles will always be dumbed down PCs with worse performance, not worth the time or money unless you are a casual or poorfag.
Gaming computer that's constrained by thermal throttling.
So much that "muh optimization" is no longer an argument.
Most games an overclocked 750ti + recent i3 outperform the Ps4.
Neo will be a nice step forward but it will still use the same crap notebook CPU, clocked a little higher but will probably be a nonstop bottleneck.
Thank god I waited, there are no worthwhile exclusives either.
Why would you do that its superior BSD
Its just going to upscale 1080/720p to 4k resolutions.
My TV already does that, won't be buying
If anything latency won't be bad, it CAN'T, because that will just be vomit city
4.5/Scorpion is proof positive that consoles are a joke that require to be rebought during the same generation.
That's what I think of the whole shenanigans.
People are still stupid enough to "upgrade" though.