TempleOS is a x86_64, multi-cored, non-preemptive multi-tasking, ring-0-only

TempleOS is a x86_64, multi-cored, non-preemptive multi-tasking, ring-0-only,
single-address_mapped (identity-mapped), operating system for recreational
programming. Paging is almost not used.

The people whom can most benefit are:
* Professionals doing hobby projects
* Teenagers doing projects
* Non-professional, older-persons projects

Simplicity is a goal to keep the line count down, so it's easy to tinker with.
As it turns-out, simplicity makes it faster in some ways, too. It never
switches privilege levels, never changes address maps, tends to load whole
contiguous files and other, similar things which boost speed. It's only 79,824
lines of code including the kernel, the 64-bit compiler, the graphics library
and all the tools. More importantly, it's designed to keep the user's line
count down -- you can do a Hello World application in one line of code and can
put graphics on the screen with a three line program!

First for Terry will kill God.

>It never
>switches privilege levels

the date is wrong. It's 5/26/16 or 26/5/16. Try again you dumb illuminati nigger terry

god will smite all of us
but he will smite you first

No networking so no NSA bullshit.

>No networking

You forgot the subject field, Terry.

CIA niggerjews everywhere

go back to europe you muslim cuck

>Terry can't shill on Sup Forums because he livestreams the entirety of the time he's online

lmao you are new, aren't you?

>using cuck as it's intended definition instead of a generic insult on Sup Forums
you sure you're not the new one here pal?

Just because you don't like my order doesn't change the fact that the month was wrong.
I gave the American order too for clarity
praise Allah

take your lithium terry

>Not using cuck as it's intended definition
How was 9gag? XD

Terry for sticky

Seriously without net what the fuck is it supposed be for.

Industry use? Oh lmao no support.

Any other possible use, oh lmao no support.

It's the shitty meme OS that is ultimate bait-tier

>Sup Forums - Basement dwelling manchildren

It's not meant to be taken seriously

I think it should be :
>Sup Forums - Meaningless brand wars


Are you stupid? this OS is for talking with God not muh industry


God is a myth

>older-persons projects

Explain to me why any program that doesn't require the internet wouldn't benefit from being on Temple OS

>how was 9gag

>you can do a Hello World application in one line of code
>echo "Hello World"

>Paging is almost not used.

What does he mean by this?

I'm being serious


No disk read/write for anything, probably mostly referencing virtual memory.

Don't do this shit! I seriously hoped someone ported TempleOS to the Amiga...


>no networking
But it has direct connection to God.

It's fucking omnipresent, no need for networking


>can do a Hello World application in one line of code

Ruby -
puts 'Hello World'

Bash -
echo "Hello World"

Python -
print("Hello World")


fn main() { println!("Hello World"); }