Microsoft and Facebook partner to lay highest capacity transatlantic internet cable yet...

Microsoft and Facebook partner to lay highest capacity transatlantic internet cable yet, connecting Virginia and Spain with a bandwidth of 160Tbps

How long before Big 5 tech companies get sick of telcos and start building infrastructure themselves?

It would be faster if it was a straight line...
I swear to God MS can fuck anything up.

I wonder how much the NSA will pony up to tap that

The ocean isn't constant depth, retard.

They could have run the cable right along the top of the water, which is very flat.

maybe not the top, but the middle of the ocean (although, some submarines or whales might cut it)

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but unfortunately the Earth is not flat.

*tips fedora*

Says otherwise in THE BIBLE.

...make the outside of it from something hard like metal

lol skipping portugal

Man, I hate this Cloud meme so much. We could have had technology designed to let people host their own networks and communicate directly with each other, and instead the industry decided to centralize everything in datacenters owned by huge corporations.

It's less efficient and less democratic than local networks and P2P. Fuck it.

Pro tip: Normies don't care.

Jeg could always just dig through the earth and place the cable there. Fastest way between two points is a straight line..


Rather not have a direct line to the NSA, to be quite honest.

This, but I wonder how deep the hole would need to be. Digging holes is really expensive and time-costly as well. By the time you got the hole ready it'd be time for a new technology and you'd be left with this huge tunnel.

I've thought about some cool ways to make tunnels for cables. One is that you put a diggy bit on the end of a rocket and shoot it through the ground.

Or diamonds

Will Rene Descartes be laying the cables this time too?

>being retarded

lmbo that boat has a wiener at its front

never change Sup Forums

I know, and that's the problem. Normies don't hate tech. Normies love tech. Liking Netflix and smartphones is as normie as anything. Normies can (and should) care about this sort of thing.

Unfortunately, the industry is not interested in letting normies use the full power of computers. It's interested in HIDING the power of computers. Rather than making it easy to host a network, the industry makes it easy to rely on the Cloud. Rather than making it easy to manage your own machine, the industry makes it easy to rely on app stores and opaque UIs. Rather than creating the software that would let normies use powerful, democratic tools, we've made software that encourages normies to blindly trust MS and Facebook.

replica boat models make great dildos if you are into boats

How else is it supposed to give all the lady boats the D

that's called capitalism


Is this the new sol invictus trip to filter?

It's a bulbous bow meant to cut into waves to reduce bouncing and it indeed looks like a big bulbous dick and acts like a dick when ramming another boat

Thank you, freedom shark.

This is just more data sucking.
To be fair i expect google to offer replacing the us net infrastructure for free at some point.

>things should be worse because I'm stupid
It's funny how you think you're "techy" even though you're anything but

Thank you, Mr Freedom Shark.

That shark is actually an NSA agent.

they are going to be in on the ground floor i bet