Mods are asleep, post rare Stallmans

mods are asleep, post rare Stallmans

this is Stallman's ass.

I've seen this at least 5 times on Sup Forums


Damn... really makes you think


wtf is a gnu? is it some kind of furry bdsm fetish mascot thing?

this is actually Stallman's ass.

> ywn be in computer club with a young twink stallman

why even live anymore?

It stands for GNUs Not Useable

Seriously, is he pregnant? Who is the father?

Generally Not Used

mods really are asleep

I've actually used this slide to explain the different between GNU and Linux to people when the topic comes up in conversation.

>implying Sup Forums has mods

is that the riddler behind him?

Get out makislut


Yeah, I spent 5 minutes thinking in the meaning of life while watching it.


Looks a little too tan to be his ass. Calling fake.

Damn, she's cute
