What is the worst ui you ever experienced?

What is the worst ui you ever experienced?

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This shit

I don't even consider this piece of shit to be usable because of it's atrocious UI.

MS Office

ZBrush's UI is fine. The problem is that retards try to use it with a mouse and keyboard and fail miserably.

It's designed to be used with a fuckin' drawing tablet.

Blender's UI is just genuinely awful by default. Since the vast majority of people just stick with the defaults, it's a massive problem.

It's just like Photoshop... a shittier version but still perfectly usable

Free as in Freedom

Gimp's UI is actually good if you get used to it. I'm used to it. :>

Libre office.


>Menu>menu>menu>menu>obtuse function name>incomprehensible window

The ribbon in office and explorer etc. Is actually really handy. Inb4 butthurt.


I actually work quite well with it.
Every 3D program I've tried so far was an absolute mess at first.

Worst UI for me was Libre office on a high DPI screen.
It was just a mess of wrongly aligned buttons.

*rubs behind ear*

your point is?

I hate this pajeet-tier cancer.

Sup Forums

Windows 10/Default Windows 8.1

Not experienced myself, I just saved this screenshot from somewhere. But someone did create this abomination.

>I don't even consider this piece of shit to be usable because of it's atrocious UI.

LOONIX lol. That shit is trash always and forever.

Ask for genuine Microsoft software.

>In thread about UIs
>Lists a kernal

what the hell is that?

nice try


looks like a logistics software

maybe not THE worst

is that 11.04?

windows>single window mode
solves so many problems

I see shit like that in doctors offices
how do people use that

I still don't know what the intent of the Dash was. if they were going for a Win 7 style search they certainly failed at that.

It really blows.

imo blender's keyboard driven ux is much better than 3ds max. although it has a high learning curve

>literal babbys
Kill self


Dentists seem to have similar looking shit software.

This window has a close button, can you tell which one it is?

Oh man I remember using that.
It could do some kickass things.


every bundled hardware software

LibreOffice and GIMP, fuck those pieces of shit. Why do so many open source programs have such shitty UI's?

>userskin not default

How is libreoffice shitty? Because they didn't implement the cancerous ribbon?

Krita is pretty good.

Basically all FOSS has terrible a terrible UI. It's probably why a lot of them are either ripoffs of proprietary software or command line utilities.

>hating on ribbon interface

man these are some vintage memes you got going here. Blind navigation through the menubar for everything is so much better right

yes and because it fucks up formatting on documents

Not necessarily all of it, ubuntu is pretty easy to use, so is chromium and vlc, and firefox.


The sidebar makes LibreOffice 5 really good.

How is the ribbon bad? It combines two things that serve basically the same purpose into one thing. I don't particularly like that it's twice as large as the menubar and toolbar but it makes a lot more sense and that extra space allows them to avoid spawning additional windows for stuff like inserting shapes and clipart


OSX snowleopard

this desu senpai

> solves so many problems
And adds so much more.

everything in that picture is retarded and you're retarded for posting it. if you're complaining that you have to memorize something you've lost all rights to use vim or emacs. all the other points are just factually wrong.

>how to "refute" something by not telling your reasons, because you have none: the post


your opinion is wrong and i'm not going to put effort into an argument that was done and over with a decade ago.

Microsoft has steadily moved away from alphabetical, text based menus to purely visual menus. The windows 8 and 10 start menus were items like "photos" aren't even consistent in appearance and the very generic seeming coloured boxes make everything worse.

Microsoft thinks we're all illiterate but still wants our money.

Nice shill mentality.

Blender's UI is intimidating, but not bad by any means

I remember initially hating the ribbon, and now the only thing I really like about it is the context-sensitive menus that appear based on what you are doing. That is a very good idea.

Ideally, I would like something with menus across 75% of the top of the screen at the top left (like Office 2003 progs) and then 25% context-sensitive dynamic menus at the top right. It'd be the best of both and save a lot of screen space.

File, Edit, View, ..., Help are static menus, and then to the right of Help, all the things can change around.


any microsoft product after win7

If you're using the UI at all in blender you're doing it wrong. Use keyboard.

*shakes head*


>actually has icons
>doesn't use the commandline exclusively

nigga what are you doing?

Stop embarrassing yourself


Why does Sup Forums jerk off so hard to the old shitty MS Office interface? It's wasteful, cluttered trash that looks like absolute shit when used with a modern OS theme.

t. MSO 97/2K user

Windows 10 is absolutely disgusting.
clunky squares and sharp corners seem all the more like thrown together rudiments when the system runs like a piece of crap.

windows 10


Going from Maya to Blender is fucking abysmal.

Anime just got D E S T R O Y E D

>Having issues with ZBrush UI
Apply yourself

In all seriousness, without 4chanx I agree

But I'm glad it's shit by default. I wish the native extension was disabled by default

Incredibly accurate

fagTunes, literally the most headache inducing media player ever.

zbrush, and 3ds max back in the day

works fine for me.

also blender (forever) but blender is irrelevant so I forgot to mention it

>b is the hotkey for pen tool
>p is the hotkey for brush
Kill me

This is the quintessential answer. Possibly the worst UI out of any notable program.

Microsoft Windows

still better than proprietary alternatives by default

Is that fucking toastytech

Has the latest release changed anything?


>technology board
>posts anime

there are no alternatives to freedom

OS X Snow leopard is fine.

Also weren't you the fag that posted selfies on Sup Forums maybe you should shut the fuck up and sit back down? Emotional ass nigga.

ahahahah you've blatantly never used blender outside of opening a start-up file and trying to move a cube

let's be real half the people here are weebs

This desu. "Not like everyone else" doesn't mean bad. Blender's UI is great once you learn it.

Any WIMP GUI. What good is it that it's "easy to learn" when you can't ever reach productivity with it?

I don't really disagree with a lot of his points, especially as they apply to shit like Paint, that implementation is god awful and serves no real purpose.

But as he mentioned, however, it's a little different for Office.

My usual toolbar setup in Office 2000 and 97 can get very cluttered, while it packs more features into the space than the Ribbon ever will, that's not necessarily a good thing. Lots of small buttons with no text labels and shitty icons that don't accurately describe the action, tooltips take just as long to appear (if ever)

And while people bitch about the loss of menus, I don't find it that much more impeding to what I do when I go between 97 and 2016, you can cry "dumb" all you want but having bigger, attention-getting icons can be a pretty convenient way to draw your eyes to infrequently used features better than memorizing documentation.

That's absolutely horrifying, look at all that wasted space. There was a reason Office didn't ship like that by default.

And having the document off-center like that feels just... unnatural.

I always assumed it was one of those attempts to unify laptop and tablet. While they fail and keep failing, I think the ambition is understandable.

What's wrong with this one?

I once worked on a software for 3d room planning. The boss of that firm had no background in programming at all, but he was the one choosing who would work for him. As a result, the code was the most horrible thing ice ever seen in my life (and I've seen a grandma being mashed by a car). The UI of that software was incredibly atrocious, only beaten by how horrible it was to use. It would literally crash as soon as you click somewhere, the boss hadn't planned the interaction design for (and he was horrible at that too). So clicking on a button a number of times would do something else than kicking it once (no description, just an icon on it)