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This picture is very funny to me, somehow.

The whole way the text is written, the way the kid looks to the camera, his epic fucking smile as he is hunching over to his PC.
the fucking hashtags.

Was this made to look funny? Am I just fucking retarded?


I couldn't build a computer at age 11. When I finally spent too much money on a used desktop and a copy of XP at age 13, I used it to jerk off constantly.


The real question is how the fuck an 11-year old could save up £600.



Nigerians are the top achievers in the UK

The really real question is how he managed to spend £600 on a shit PC with no graphics card, a budget Corsair PSU and one hard drive in a cheap Aerocool case.

Probably told his parents it cost that much and spent the rest on crack.

Niggabux (dats welfare to you dumb crackas)

Professional parent here. We usually give kids an allowance to manipulate them into doing chores and not failing their school classes. Said allowance can be temporarily bumped or suspended due to how kids behave or if we really want to sleep the day off while they noe the lawn and clean the house.

The poor parents usually give their kids at least $10 a month but most give them $20-40 a month. He probably saved that money over years, I imagine he's a straight A student as well.

Protip: don't ever give kids yearly allowances, they'll just blow it on gimmicky dumb shit and apple products in one day.

I was confused by the lack of racist comment's but then I remembered I wasn't on Sup Forums

I'm just imagining a hipster nu male slowly opening up his eyes from behind his hipster glasses and breathing a deep sigh of relief when he realises he doesn't have to be triggered today or post about this on Reddit.

Go back there, Jamal.

desu it's quite an accomplishment for a 11yo. Of course, not nearly as that text says, it's like he went to Mars and back.

But still, good for the kid if he really did it on himself.

>well adjusted, respectable parent and human bean
>posts on 4chinks

Yeah, no. So how was teen pregnancy?

>I imagine he's a straight A student as well.

Fucking affirmative action, I swear.

Nigga, this shit be like legos.

legos have more pieces and less documentation.

a reminder to update your image filters

>>well adjusted, respectable parent and human bean
>>posts on 4chinks
You'd be surprised. You're gonna make it senpai, don't let up yet. Even after you make it you'll come back to Sup Forums every once in a while.

>Yeah, no. So how was teen pregnancy?
Married my wife at 26, we had kids together 3 years later after we got a mortgage for a house. We both have college education and are financially well off.

>3:20 GHz

I built a computer with the exact same specs when I was 11 not even joking it was $700

>give son $600 to buy parts then help him build PC
>tell retarded black propaganda magazine that he saved up the money and built it himself, and is now using it to develop a video game
>you are now famous


more like, pockey money of someone else

>Dogposting outside of /dog/

he doxed himself

>500 gb
kek l'har

You can be a well-adjusted, highly educated and respectable real human bean who's deeply religious, morally upright and a pillar of society and still post on Sup Forums, you just have to also be a retarded faggot and be a soulless dead husk inside. Or like anime. Either or.

Here's some audio recording from baltimore from yesterday after the cop was announced completely innocent.


I don't think you know what "me_irl" or doxxing are


I'm not any of those things.

here's your (you)
Wait, you guys actually use reddit?

>gets BTFO
>"o-oh I know, I'll call him a r-redditor! t-that'll show him!!1"

What's next? Gonna spew out some epic Sup Forums memes like "umad" and "cuck"? Come on big boy

c-cuck b-bully

There's a strong correlation between being highly educated and enjoying animated visual novels (ie anime)


Get it because it's clock cycles so the writer put it in microwave time just like processors are.

Damn, I wish my parents let me spend $1200 on a computer when I was 11.

All I got was a hand-me-down amiga 500.

>Using Aerocool

>can assemble electronic Legos
Pick one and only one


I'm pretty sure that the story is fake but the pic is real; some company shill nigged it from twitter and told his editor "WE CAN GET LOTS OF CLICKS BY ATTACHING A SUPER PROGRESSIVE STORY WE MADE UP" and here we are.

Yeah. The more educated the individual the less they read anime. The correlation is very strong. I have a PhD in statistics and my ms in industrial engineering and I don't read anime at all. None of my colleagues do either. I've asked over 200 doctoral candidates/graduates and none of them read or watch anime

nice meme mato desu

This. Anime is for people who like to imagine things that isn't real.

3 to the scale of 20 ghz?

>I've asked over 200 doctoral candidates/graduates and none of them read or watch anime

Like did you gather them all in a room and ask them if they watch anime, or just ask them individually?

Besides everyone knows the intelligent anime fans hide their power-level.

All meming aside: Congrats, Josh - you have done well.

That would have sufficed for him, maybe get him an icecream or something.

This is how I know you're baiting.

Besides, truly educated people wouldn't waste their time with superficial mindless garbage like moeshit cartoons.

well you overpaid seeing as that was 1 year ago

>Sucessful people do nothing but work
>It's popular so it's bad, that's why I only browse this underground secret club

Sucessful people all have one thing in common, sucessful time management skills. This allows them to have hobbies and sucessful personal lives to grow their social skills

>Probably told his parents it cost that much and spent the rest on crack.

>reading anime

Perhaps they watch dubs?

>parent here

Fucking lies, no one on this board is married, has been or has even had sex, fuck off nigger jew cia.