I think my computer got hacked through a Sony Vegas torrent my friend sent me. Pic related is screen when I log on. The box for the code is not responding or something and cannot type in it. Is there a way to factory reset without going into the settings?
I think my computer got hacked through a Sony Vegas torrent my friend sent me. Pic related is screen when I log on...
Install gentoo
Pic related it what happens after being logged in for 10 or so minutes.
It's the poo virus
elo el
That's not even a legit Windows error message. Your friend just got your computer pwnzored.
what happens when you boot in safe mode?
Anyway to fix this?
How do it get in safe mode
I'm sure there is. The easiest way would be to format and start over though.
Honestly I don't care about losing all my files, but I don't know any other way to factory reset the computer because I can't get into settings
Dahaha, straight from the loo
An underage kid is what you guys see here. It's actually sad that people like OP Come out of the woodwork, it just shows you that we should have been vigilant.
We should have been like Sup Forums, and call out spoonfeeders
Reinstall from disc
Just SSH into it and kill off whatever you don't recognize. You have sshd running in the background, don't you?