If you're all such good programmers, why aren't you the next Bill Gates or Cuckerberg?

If you're all such good programmers, why aren't you the next Bill Gates or Cuckerberg?

Haven't found a good idea to steal, I mean come up with.

Being born as millionaires helped.

I have a heart

if you said "the next carmack" instead then this would have actually been a passable thread

Neither of them were good programmerz

i just dont have any fucking motivation

Bill Gates was a good programmer and could've been a great one - he just became a businessman instead.

I'm not Jewish.

oy vey

I could.... But when you are 14 its pretty hard to get a job. So you do random shit and you may even hack, So uh ye.

come back in 4 years, faggot.

both were already rich when they started

you can't just get ahead in this world if you are poor.

because i love my bed and Bill suck
i will never be like him because he suck!

underrated post

>you can't just get ahead in this world if you are poor.

You won't get ahead if you're stupid and antisocial either.

This. As inspirational as rags to riches stories are, they're so rare that you have better chances of winning the lottery.

I don't enjoy their white privilege

They both went to Harvard. I didn't.

They were already rich and knew how to run a business.

neither of them graduated.

not because they were bad, but because they didn't want to

Sadly this.

Bill Gates is not ethical Jew but instead he is practicing catholic, with strong respect to traditional values of Christianity.

>may even hack
Ah, another hacker I see. What project are you currently working on? I am hacking everyone at my school to read their emails and see what they say, I may even hack you if you're not careful, all the kids at my school are blown away by my hacking prowess, I even hacked one of my teachers and made him bump up my grades. What program do you use to hack? I myself use Insoect Element, as well as a key logger on my phone. I do this by telling people about a cool Facebook article, then telling them to sign in to view it. So far it has only worked on one person, but he must have changed his password...

Bill Gates raised his children Catholic because of his wife. He's allegedly agnostic

I didn't say I was powerful, I said I was a wizard

>with strong respect to traditional values of Christianity
>has an entire foundation for getting abortion, birth control and promiscuity to africa
One of these two statements must be false.

My artificial superintelligence is still a work in progress mind you.

Being able to write software well, and being able to sell software to the public, are completely different skillsets. Contrary to popular belief, being good in one area of tech doesn't make you a master in all areas. A lot of boomers seem to mistake "oh, he knows a lot about computers" with "he could be the next Bill Gates!" No. Most people who are skilled with computers cannot be the next bill gates, or even make the next hit startup. This is true even if you add in a bit of programming skill.

Because I donĀ“t have a few dozen millions already in my bank account.

>people seriously believe these faggots began from nothing

>being good in one area of tech doesn't make you a master in all areas.

Some people take that idea to the extreme. They think that because you're good one area, you can only be good in that one area. Then they look at themselves and think they must be good at something even though they have no marketable skills.

dumb tripfag

Good on him. Great programmers die penniless and alone after a lifetime of anonymous servitude.

Bill Gates has written production code since the late 80s. He and Zuckerberg are good businessmen. Steve Ballmer probably doesn't even know how to program yet he's worth $25 billion.

>tfw when u suck at computers its just ur family is still worse so they always ask u shit


Exactly, but it helped them see that.
It takes something to see something, you might know that but it won't help.

So what do you suggest? I don't need to know how to program to run a CS business?

you need a general idea of what's possible
then you need an idea and the right motivation


that level of success is mostly luck, not talent

luck of the draw, be there at the right time with the right idea. Neither of those I have - plus still learning programming not really that great.


>facebook programmer
No thanks.


if you said "the next Terry Davies" instead then this would have actually been a passable thread