Gentooman here;
Is this really how fucking Arch is installed?
Arch Installation
Other urls found in this thread:
From a layman's point of view, how is it any different from a Gentoo install?
>Gentooman here
Prove it, buster.
Yeah, but it only shows instructions for Ethernet users.
Along with installing the grub tools, you also need to install iw networkmanager dialog.
The last column isn't necessary, and I myself prefer bash to zsh, but infinality and yaourt is always nice to have.
No, you install Antergos and pretend its Arch.
Suck a cock
>Gentooman here
Not if you use architect:
-Benjamin Johnson
>16GiB of RAM
Architect a shit
>t. Arch user who tried Architect one time and absolutely hated it
This pic was made by a tech illiterate redditor (shitty appu guy) who also made pic related. Don't follow his so called guides; use the wiki.
In what way didn't you like it?
~Benjamin Johnson
First off, take off the trip senpai.
It had issues recognising my WiFi card, though the regular Arch ISO noticed it just fine. It failed to format the HDD, and even through Ethernet that I routed through my other laptop, downloading everything was slow as heck (~10KB/s compared to 500-1000KB/s).
no big deal
architect just werked for me and its great
I need the trip to build up my online identity
I remember another guide that actually followed the wiki
alas no one posts that anymore
Why are you still replying to that cuck?
Because I have nothing better to do with my life
Not exactly, but pretty close. What else would you expect from a more or less bare bones distro?
It isn't difficult after you've done it once or twice.
I managed to figure it out in half a day with no previous experience in linux, coming from windows 7.
unfilter me please, I'm sorry for any offense caused- just trying to fit in :)
~Benjamin Johnson
Hi guys.
What's going on in this thread?
>It's a Sup Forums raid
Approaching the event horizon.
Please stop impersonating me, I don't want my reputation tarnished.
~Benjamin Johnson
Yeah; gentoo is my first Linux OS actually. It's just basically following a guide.
Why do you even care if you use Gentoo?
Gentoo > Arch
Cause I want to try and find out why archfags even try to compare their installation process to Gentoo
I-I-I did those infographics
I got some ideas for improvements, at least for arch installation, to give additional optimization, but i am undecided if going for it...
for applications list, not much ideas for some changes
I dont see some new/better stuff thats worth to be added
99% arguments against it is aimed at 3 proprietary applications and people dont have better replacement thats not already there, they just feel the little stallman in themselves crying because not everything is opensource
Atom is coming I guess whenever I make an update, but hell, its slow on startup I just really dont feel like adding it there... but having only sublime there feels wrong
>Don't follow his so called guides
Any actual reasons?
>Along with installing the grub tools, you also need to install iw networkmanager dialog
Seems rather strange place for that... why doing along the grub?
and how did you get the wifi to work before those tools are up? Does the bootable iso come with them?
Obviously I never did wifi part of arch installation, thats why its lacking in that department
>install desktop enviroment of your choice
arch kiddies confirmed for being unable to spell
>>Along with installing the grub tools, you also need to install iw networkmanager dialog
>Seems rather strange place for that... why doing along the grub?
So you don't need to chroot into later once rebooting and realising they aren't installed
>and how did you get the wifi to work before those tools are up? Does the bootable iso come with them?
Yes, the Live CD comes with those tools preinstalled.
yes, the standard gentoo install is somewhat similar.
the guy who made that sheet is retarded though
Poo in loo, Swapnil
dude the guy is a fucking tech illiterate
I had to explain to him how a live USB even works and that there is a kernel and enviroment on it that has preinstalled tools like wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd
networkmanager is shit, use netctl.
Really don't understand why people keep hating on this infographic.
The last two columns are very helpful.
not even close
I have no idea what you are talking about
but you sure as hell did not talk with me
This. Works flawlessly for me every time
You can just install Antergos. It's vanilla Arch with skins for DEs.
These guys know what's up, Antergos is fucking rad
alias screenfetch="screenfetch -D "Arch"
Didn't know you could do that, thanks user
I probably won't alias it though because I didn't earn my epenor
>Antergos is fucking rad
until it breaks with an update.
if you want arch, install arch.
Fuck off,gora!
You probably just needed to edit the mirrorlist
Antergos IS Arch. The only thing it adds is an additional repo with trivial shit like icon and DE themes. Antergos isn't a weird clusterfuck like Manjaro.
why is that gnome so pretty?
>Still on 4.1.15
does it come with a lot of bloat?
This I can't bother to write too much - but I basically wasted lots of time with the comments on that reddit page.
Everything the guy suggested is already explained and updated on wiki + much more details and depth there.