I'll start:
>python is slow
This is absolute non-sense
Idiotic things c users say
It's slow compared to C, yes. It's fast enough for everything you should be doing with it -- if it isn't you use a combination of C and Python, easy.
Here let me do this for you: /thread
Nice sources FAGGOT
>This is absolute non-sense
What? It's a factual statement.
Python is ridiculously slow compared to pretty much every other program language.
>no sauce
Here are some C users saying that:
>python is fast
Except Ruby.
A programming language can't be fast or slow
Ruby artisans on suicide watch
>C is enjoyable to write in
Wont be as fast as C, of course and both wont be as fast as Fortran.
I tried doing data fitting by various methods and difference is sagnifcant.
Fortran hasn't been faster than C for years.
Right now it's slower than C, C++, Rust, Ada and even fucking Swift
That's the same logic as saying a car can't be fast or slow because it's the engine that is.
Some programming languages are in fact, inherently faster than others.
C allows for a lot more optimisations that most other languages. Languages like meme snek have all sorts of assumptions that need to be checked.
>Pascal is just a toy language
Mostly outdated.
Still have its use, for example Lazarus is easy to use soft for quickly making GUIs. Other langs dont have something like this (please dont mention Qty).
Python is slow as fuck.
>Idiotic things c users say
"C is usable"
I'm pretty sure it's Fortran programmers who say that
>implying you couldn't check those atat compile time
lol is this how dumb people make themselves feel better about not being able to use C?
No it's the same logic as saying a Ferrari can't be fast or slow since a Ferrari isn't a car, it's a brand.
Hate to tell you, but Python, Perl and Ruby are equally slow compared to pretty much every sane general application programming language. Or even to PHP and JS and that says something.
And if you don't count the cherry picked, simple number based trivial benchmarks, even their best implementations are, if you aren't willing to give up on the language semantics.
>a Ferrari isn't a car, it's a brand.
Ferrari is a brand. "A Ferrari" is a car.
It is.
Will be usable in maybe 20 years. Great.
>muh jit
Complete typesystems will reject programs which don't prove they work correctly. For instance, it might reject
def dicks(amount: nats) {
def main() {
But accept it with the variant:
def main() {
int count = argv[1];
if(count > 0) {
This principle can be extended to bounds checking and memory management.
If there's anything that's right, it's just Python is slow.