He invested $3000 +tax in meme

>He invested $3000 +tax in meme

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck are you talking about?

It must suck to look at 3k as such a huge amount of money that the idea of someone spending it on..basically toys just makes you die a little inside and make threads like this.

I am loving my Vive, best porn delivery system out right now..plus it can do other shit once people make some shit for it.. Seems like a win win so far..

Maybe you should just focus on a job kid instead of getting upset about people can afford things easier than you can...i mean cannot.

Go pick on the guys who spend that much on rims for their car...you hate them too I am sure.

Bought $20 be headset to replace cardboard

Still jacking off in VR

What shit hole country do you live in that $799 US is worth $3,000 of your countries currency? I think you should be more upset with your terrible 3rd world countries economy than some new tech you cannot ever hope to own...due to your shitty 3rd world countries economy.

How much do they pay you to shill?

>He thinks he can use vr with just a headset.

dude just use a gtx 970 lmao

About 3k.

This shit pays for itself man!

>tfw pooland
>3k is basically average salary x3
kill me

>this faggot associates the cost of an existing PC to a peripheral.

So, how do you like your $1k mouse? I mean, we have to associate the cost of the PC it is hooked up to to run right?

See what a faggot you are kid? Your parents failed you.

I think I made it pretty clear with the above provided analogy.


>he doesn't know that VR requires an $600 Nvidia JewForce Experience GPU.
>he doesn't know you need at least a $700 i5 system to run VR.

>this faggot thinks that some people don't already have existing systems that do not need additional hardware to run new tech.

I am sorry you are a linux user with a piece of shit pc kid. All I had to buy was the hmd and I was good to go..

It is cool that you love your txt editor and anime viewing, web browsing only capable pc.

It's okay man..maybe one day.

Please don't conflate this sperglord with us Linux users...

>>he doesn't know that VR requires an $600 Nvidia JewForce Experience GPU.
>Requirement for OR at least is a GTX 970 that are $300 and probably when you buy one less second hand


>man over 16 who plays gayms calls someone a piece of shit


That's surprisingly good.

afaik the average salary in poland is around $800, from wiki.

Almost 4 months, kek. By the time you can afford it, the next gen is out

>kid who thinks game companies are staffed by children. Thinks kids are the producers in the industry and not the consumers.

I been in the industry for yrs man. Never seen a kid at the office other than if a co-workers or a field trip class checking out the studio. Yep, believe it or not, it is adults who make this shit and come up with the ideas..and a lot of it is designed for a more mature audience..go figure.

You golf or what, ride dirt bikes or into skydiving when at home on a rainy day? Write poetry or paint? What do you do at hoke for entertainment? Read books..cook? what? Games been played by adults since ancient times kid..so it went from board to vid the last few decades, there will be something else later down the road..and adults will be the ones producing them..don't let it upset you much.

In fact..ask yourself..how many games have been created by kids? Really, think about that.

Fuckin destroyed

well maybe he meant annual and not average..That would change things a bit wouldn't it..lol.

>Things made by adults are OK for adults.
I bet you still wear diapers.

Your logic is flawed.

$3000 is still too high. Minimum requirements included would still be less than $2000.

While I agree that it is completely acceptable to play a video game designed for adults as an adult, your reasoning is seriously flawed. Children's toy companies are also staffed entirely by adults. You think that foam Hasbro football was designed by a kid?

>demographic making the product must also be the target demographic


As for an adult playing games: only consoles are socially acceptable.

>being a pathetic console gaymer

No it is not, but perhaps I did not put as much time into the presentation of it for you to bridge those flaws in the presentation with your own logic.

This is about adults playing games and whether that makes them children.
Is it okay to sit with your buddies and play a card game? Say bridge or even poker. Are they manchildren if they do that? What about playing baseball? What about monopoly? charades with other couples at a dinner party? Crossword puzzles? The wii with other couples at dinner party?

I mean, is it the issue that vid games are electronic? That they can be enjoyed alone? I guess as I see it, there is a flaw in the logic of the 'muh gaymers' attitude you faggots all here have. It's cool you cannot though..just the way it is with you special kids.

The final odd thing is, I am not a big gamer myself. I fucking never go to Sup Forums, no reason too. But I have obviously and do play a game occasionally, alone or with friends, both in rl and online. I feel like and adult even though I do these things. And I am. Games have been payin my bills for yrs, and I hope they keep doing so.


Your logic is flawed in your argument that adults make games, thus the games must be for adults. There is no reasonable way to defend such an argument.

There are very few well-adjusted adults that play non-console computer games.

Pretty big statement for the "show off your anime wallpapers" board.

>not using filters on 4chins

Its like you enjoy wading through shit.

Literally only fat, sweaty people have that problem.

No, my logic is, adults make games, adults have done so since ancient times and there is nothing wrong with adults enjoying games. Now, if every aspect of logical thought that stems from that core has to be carved out for you since you lack the basic comprehension of what that statement means really(not the 'duh, adults make diapers..so you must use them like this simpleton retorts back with) then it is really an issue with lack of depth of thinking on your part.
There are games made by adults designed for children, and there are games designed by adults for adults. Pretty basic shit here.
I mean there are so many applicable analogies it is ridiculous it has to be spoon fed to you like..children.

>starcraft, warcraft 3, borderlands, tf2, cs banners etc.
>they all fucking play LoL

Your argument was adults make the games, so they must be for adults.

Games have always been about socializing and competing with friends. Online computer games don't allow for this in the same manner that physical games or local computer games do, thus the stigma.

>earthquake happens
>50lbs of metal at over 80 degrees Celcius hits you in the face
>die and sue establishment for hundreds of euros

>that one asian sitting on the metal chair

>he doesn't already have a decent computer
I'm so sorry.

Yeah, they really do. Unless your idea of socializing and competing is comparing and sucking eachother's cocks.

>Online computer games don't allow for this in the same manner that physical games or local computer games do, thus the stigma.
Not the same poster but someone has never been to a Lanparty, organized competition, or even a net cafe. Perhaps you should get out more?

It really doesn't unless you're competing with friends that you know in real life. Competing with strangers on the internet or playing by yourself has a legitimate social stigma.

>lanparty, organized competition, or even a net cafe

Something like this? Yeah, have fun socializing there.

Well, of course the HTC Vive is the superior system and I own one myself, but the device in OP's picture is the Ovulus Rift and since it doesn't have hand controllers and room-scale VR, it only costs $599.

Being a software engineer has social stigma, you pasty computer nerd.

Social stigma is irrelevant when the society is retarded.

>Yeah, have fun socializing there.
All the time. That's one of the good things of _having friends_.

The other user was arguing that vidya is normal, it has a social stigma, thus its not normal, nor is it analogous to physical games.

I'm glad you can socialize among the outcasts, good luck finding a partner there.

>I'm glad you can socialize among the outcasts
Aww. Poor babby cannot argue anything of merit so he resorts to calling a complete stranger's friends "outcasts."

Well that's me told.

I'm making the same argument I've been making for the last hour: vidya isn't socially acceptable and its certainly not analogous to physical games.

>I'm making the same argument
As if simple repetition will make established refutations any less valid. Now I expect you to claim that it isn't valid simply as if calling a stranger's friends "outcasts" has any merit.


so hey how about that vr

Me again. Let me tell you man I started at Sierra-Online, we would finish work by 4:30 and nearly all of us would stay and play games on the network screaming shit to each other across the offices while trying to serve up some digital pain to my fellow co-workers. It damn well was social and then we would go get pitchers at the local bar on the way home..I really don't know why the fuck you apply the fat basement dweller playing WOW/LoL 24/7 with all of gaming or people that play games. Dude, the types here and on Sup Forums are like a very concentrated type of individual. I mean you all are mlp tier for the most part, it is just your mlp might not be mlp..for many it is linux and defending their neet/poor status..or some other niche interest you have fostered for yourselves to justify your beliefs that you are not 'normies'..when you all really are.

itt : salty, furious assblasted poorfag GNU/NEETs

It has a social stigma if you do not have any other interests or have any other that provide a bit of balance and depth to yourself.

You would not believe what my setup in my living room looks like and yet I have women over and they don't think anything bad about it and I still get laid..these aren't tech chicks either. It really is no different than if you had some other shit that relates to your interests at your home..I mean unless you are into some embarrassing shit like anime or figures of little Asian girls in costumes.
(And with that I just pegged 80+% of Sup Forums)

Should I dump pictures of the participants of these "lan parties" or do you have a sufficient idea of the type of people who attend? Every hobby, however obscure or stigmatized, has a group of people who support it and socialize within that group. To argue that an adult playing video games is normal or socially acceptable outside of the limited case of multi-party console-play is bellied by the social status of the participants.

>everyone who doesn't play games is a poorfag
great logic m8

>Should I dump pictures of the participants of these "lan parties" or do you have a sufficient idea of the type of people who attend?
I am well aware of the type of people who attend. What's your point?

>Every hobby, however obscure or stigmatized
Are you honestly going to assert gaming is "obscure or stigmitized?" When was the last time anyone tried to regulate or censor gaming?

>is bellied by the social status of the participants.
[citation needed]
It seems to me that your entire argument boils down to your arbitrary conclusion that gamers are not a majority of today's adult population.

>implying Sup Forums isn't full of poorfag GNU/NEETs furious about people who use operating systems for non-autistics and for people who can afford hardware that costs more than 200$

Non-console gamers are most certainly not a significant part of the general or gaming populations. It is absolutely unreasonable to suggest that someone is an outsider for not possessing a $3,000 computer for the sole purpose of gaming. Console gaming is fairly normal until age 28-30, but non-console gaming is stigmatized as early as 14-16.

>Non-console gamers are most certainly not a significant part of the general or gaming populations.

Are we moving the goalposts?
>vidya isn't socially acceptable and its certainly not analogous to physical games.
Not making the same argument any more or falling under some misconception that "vidya" only includes non-console?

I've argued non-console is separate since at least this post:

Are you admitting that you responded to a post about gamers in general to argue about only a portion of gamers? In other words you weren't trying to move the goalposts but you didn't understand the point you responded to in the first place?

safe sails pizza

I've consistently argued the same thing for the past hour. It is no fault of mine that you were unable to follow my argument. Only a fool would lump all computer games together.

>I've consistently argued the same thing for the past hour.
Because simple repetition alone will make it any less of limited/irrelevance?

Why do you continue to believe repetition of your point is somehow magical? If you failed to provide a valid response to the initial premise repetition doesn't change your misunderstanding. At best it only shows that we were foolish to extend the benefit of the doubt that you knew what was being discussed.

The initial premise is brutishly flawed. All computer games do not have the same stigma, such was my argument for the past hour. Where have you been?

>All computer games do not have the same stigma
Perhaps you can explain how the initial premise in any way raised a claim that "all computer games have the same stigma" because I don't see it provide a similarly limited point. It seems to me that the argument raised is something different. That gaming does not have a stigma. It is a simple extension of the history of gaming.

>gaming does not have a stigma

There is no rational person who would argue that video games have no social stigma. I am willing to argue the extent to which catrgories of gaming have a stigma, but I'm not going to waste time with someone who is so blind as to believe gaming has no social stigma.

>There is no rational person who would argue that video games have no social stigma.
Why not? Are you simply rejecting the premise out of hand rather than for any articulable explanation?

with all the other cryptofags.


>Sup Forums got baited more than Sup Forums

Come on Sup Forumsuys

Is a 3.000$ system even enough to play titles like GTA 5 in virtual reality?

>wow lol I love wasting money and then criticizing others for be able to as well