Yes goyim, buy our new severely overpriced products, it's worth every penny

yes goyim, buy our new severely overpriced products, it's worth every penny

Other urls found in this thread:

>under embargo until May 30th
lel. I'll be getting the 6800k, looks like it'll actually be worth the $50 over a 5820k

Videocardz never cares about NDA becaue they never signed anything in the first place

>the $50 over a 5820k
I got my 5820k for $310 though.

Scholomo pls

Same price and performance as Haswell-E, except for the new 10 core that costs $1500. Skylake-E will do the same but have a 12-core for $2000

Yes, that's right good goyim!

I was eyeing the 5820k for a fresh new build, but I guess waiting for the 6820k might have been good. I'll still wait for Zen, an 8 core for about $500-$600 sounds great for me.


\things\don't click\cpus\cpus

>$1723 CPU


>upto 35% better multithreaded performance
>2 extra cores and 200mhz (6950x 3.3ghz max turbo all(8) cores, 6950x 3.5ghz max turbo all(10) cores
>It's fucking nothing.png

No single thread improvements yet again Intel.
How many years now?

We're honestly only 10-15% faster than Core2 clock-for-clock.

Thanks Intel.

Cross your fingers and hope an 8 core zen is competitive IPC with intel. That will bring the 10 core down to $1k and the 8 core down to $600.

But we already know it's not. 40% over excavator is about 70% of haswell, and thus not even 60% of whatever lake intel has by then.

Where? I have zero access to a microcenter

>speaking out of my ass
How about you wait for zen first before speaking like an over-confident retard that knows nothing

You don't even math. Assuming AMD's bullshit is true, Zen is actually close to Skylake assuming Skylake is 20% faster than Sandy Bridge.

Wait, you were expecting some? We already knew exactly what Broadwell offered, since the 5775C has been available for ages.

>I have zero access to a microcenter
sucks to be you my friend.

I got my 5820k with a motherboard for $460 from microcenter. Sold the motherboard because it had shit reviews for $180 unopened and bought a different better motherboard for $220.



top kek, minecraft will now run at 3000 fps!

>was unironically thinking about buying a 6950x
>that price
Fucking hell


I'll probably buy one, but my vidya pc is also my work pc and I fucking hate long build times

8 or 10 cores should be a significant boost over my ageing 3930K

If your motherboard is still fine you can buy a 2011 Xeon that will work for you for like $100 and it will be a 10 core.

Moar Coars.

Lol, skylake is about 45% faster

Than Core2? Probably. It's 20% faster than Sandy Bridge.

looks like no direct upgrades over 5820k/5930k, maybe even the 5960x

yeah I got my 5820k for around $310 pre-tax also (£250 after tax), it actually dropped down to around ~$260 usd pre-tax the same day from that store but it might have been a pricing error

looks like they have rebadged xeon chips. However this chip has the same clocks and two more cores:

From the listed chips the one to get would be the 6 core for maximum single thread performance. Even my EM simulators do not scale well beyond 8 cores because of memory bandwidth limitations and core to core communication overhead.

yup and DX12 benchmarks are hitting a wall at 6core/12threads as well, 8 and 10 core does nothing for it. Though surprisingly a L4 cache (alla i7-5775C and i5-5675C) brings a quad core up to hex core performance in DX12.

Pic related

board and cpu are both fine, just feeling their age now (and I want the tax deductions that come with buying new shit)

I'm trying to get hold of a dual cpu motherboard to build a workstation/buildserver out of a couple of those old xeons so I can have 16 or 20 cores to throw at my problems

If I can get that built then I might just do a skymeme SFF build for vidya instead

Nice, I will probably pick up one of those E5-2698 v4 whenever they go on ebay for cheap in 4-5 years. 2.2Ghz (3.6Ghz turbo) 20 core, 40 thread. 50MB L3 cache, thankfully my motherboard is technically a workstation board so the BIOS supports all the new Xeons.

That'll be nice.

Feels kinda dumb going for ancient chips like the E5-2670 now but the only expensive part of it all is the motherboard. Should be a beast for builds on large projects where there's hundreds or thousands of files to parse and it can put all those cores to work. Plenty of resources to throw at some VMs too for testing and such which will also be nice to have.