so Sup Forums what kind of job/work do you have/do that puts the food on your table and pays for your technology, gadgets, computers/computer parts and other stuff and bills?
So Sup Forums what kind of job/work do you have/do that puts the food on your table and pays for your technology...
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i get paid $0.03 a post to shitpost on Sup Forums and r/technology
Damn, how'd you land that cushy gig?
System administrator
I'm interviewing for product manager for an hpc builder.
I'm a college geophysics student being paid through college by inheritance, and I'm an SEM lab assistant to pay for my tech needs. I love all the hardware I get to work with at my job, even if I only make $13 an hour.
work for my professors startup while finishing uni. pay is good.
I make 40k a year making websites/apps + live with my mother + have no debt
got a 2 year degree and a CCNA.
went crazy shortly after.
got disability.
Closest thing I have to a job is shitposting on Sup Forums all day.
Physical Therapy in the near future. Just gotta finish grad school.
What major?
work at a freegeek. pay is meh but it's pretty chill work.
I've been investing since 2011 and averaging >50% returns each year.
I make copycat apps of popular apps on iOS.
It pays for my divorce.
Why would I need a job? When the tendies start to run out more appear in their place.
I help big corporations fuck society and the planet
Work in a liquor store in Australia. Pay is decent enough to live off. Almost finished a double degree in earth sciences and cs.
>tick tock
And here I am doing it
>for free
Geek Squad for around $14 an hour. Pretty cushy for what it is
Computer science grad student. I don't get paid much, but it's better than being a web dev cuck
also I live in my mom's basement
Security guard
If you hate your feet it's a excellent job
> job
it sec student from Germanistan, get everything paid by parents
software engineer at intel
i actually make less than my last job because of taxes, but it keeps my house lit and full of food.
i weld cars. i make 85k a year. i have ZERO STUDENT DEBT.
and i didnt have to deal with the shrieking SJW cancer of modern colleges.
Software engineer making RPA simulators. No student debt. Going back for a Master's in a year.
I work in the product and technology group at F5 Networks. I do pretty well.
That's an interesting double major. If you don't mind me asking, do you plan on doing anything specific that ties into both fields?
$50K Java developer
Hotel/apartment manager with a small loan business on the side.
Might go back to school once I have my house paid down a bit.
I'm a senior software engineer, currently living in London.
Lately I became a teamlead, got few mid devs and 2 juniors to manage. Actually I enjoy the fact that I am not spending whole 8 hours daily on coding. It makes me less exhausted and willing to work on my own projects after work.
The greatest investors average about 15-20%
What puts you at over double their returns?
I work for a large company many of you hate, but still often use our products. I analyze data from home a few hours a day. Get to shit post and do whatever the fuck I want all day as a result. I make in the 80+K for doing this. I have 0 debt currently as well. I generally buy what I want without too much concern. I have several friends that want my job.
Oh and the kicker..highschool drop out, no college..not some computer genius either..I guess I got lucky.
Data scientist for Google? I'm about to graduate from college and realized my mistake was never taking stats so I'm planning to take all the udacity courses I can pertaining to that. Any ideas/guidance?
$40k python webdev
I live in South America so this is actually quite good
Good guess, very damn close man. I couldn't really offer much guidance unfortunately. I just somehow fell into the gig and been doing it a few yrs now. A nice thing is I can take my job anywhere I want as long as there is net access. I work from the pool during the summer. Can literally go on vacations without actually being on vacation. No stress..the data is accrued so always there so can pick the hours i want to work.
But good luck man, I hope all works out as you wish.
>highschool drop out
>Data scientist for Google
what the fuck? I thought you needed lots of knowledge about statistics to do work like that?
code-monkey/supply procurement/network admin/wirepuller/semi-slave "IT agent" in a 200 people office building. I barely make due each month and I work 12 hours a day. Please kill me.
user, pls.
Design system layouts for AV and control systems in residential builds. Sell hifi through a shop. Tech for existing systems too.
Pay is not amazing but I have no debt and my livings costs are super low (not parents basement). Get silly amounts of free/almost free gear from my suppliers. Sell plenty of it for extra cash.
I left high school early and have no further education.
£25/k year "devops" wanker (which i think is a buzzword for "developer who can provision his own servers and uses docker"). No student debt.
I work in a warehouse. Combination of data entry and manual labour. It's a boring job, but the pay is alright and the people I work with are good.
I don't think I'll ever figure out what I want to do in life.
Hey, where are you living? I am thinking about moving out to sub 200k city.
Metropolies suck the life out of me.
Portland or Vancouver?
Salesforce consultant on 22k a year in London, 20 and no debts
work on mainframes at IBM
$8k / year
you read that right
eight thousand freedom dollars a year when converted
40 hours a week
what the fuck is tantoo?
a planet in star wars?
Whoops, I could remember the curry nigger's name. I meant Tintu.
Java dev for big outsourcing company (although whenever I get the opportunity, I work with just about any scripting language beside ES). Pays really good.
If I have to write another controller or Spring xml config I will kill someone.
I guess it depends what country you work in.
$650 / month is decent where I am from.
>This meme
Everyone on Sup Forums is a successful investor, I get 80% returns fuck you bitch
900€ per month, how fucked am i? living expenses are 100-160€ per month, living alone. no debt to anywhere. i want to start a project to develop a game though, i miss a certain game so bad that im willing to spend a year or more to get that shit done.
Ay yo senpai, I'm not even pajeet but
>5000 usd/year
And most would consider this to be pretty high pay for a fresh grad.
So that's going on in the US ? ...
Security Guard working 70 hours a week
>12 hours a day
you suck!
Google GIS
full time job as a solutions architect, starting a new company now in bitcoin.
I was hired by my company for their big, shiny and new project because I knew Spring. 13k€ a year.
But they handle the project worse than the worst university student would handle his. The excuse is that Spring is a new technology and this is to be expected... So I'm doing interviews, and hopefully getting paid more.
>80% returns
That means that for each $100 you pay you get back $80?
Does it pay that little?
I'm an SAP consultant in the US and I make $100K/yr.
>22k a year in London
Jesus christ do you live in a box?
Construction laborer. I make $33/hr barely doing anything.
>haul a few pieces of lumber
>talk with someone for 30 minutes
>signal a crane
>talk for another 20 minutes
>repeat until break
Such is union life.
why did u go crazy?
Shit, that actually sounds good.
5k Freedom Dollars a year?
To put it into perspective, teachers get paid more than you
Managers at McDonald's probably get paid more than you
A manager at a local theatre gets paid more than you
Manchester. It's cheap enough living out in the suburbs, and with no debt/wife/children/drug habits I end up with plenty of money left over (which I end up wasting on regular holidays). I could probably get a higher paying job, but I'm happy enough where I am and I'm working on interesting projects which matters more. I had a £28/k offer over at Media City but chose this one instead, and moving down South would no doubt increase my income by a fair bit, but I imagine it would be immediately offset by increased rent, leaving me with roughly the same amount of savings and disposable income.
It seems mental to me that people doing similar work to me can get 6 figure incomes, but I guess it all comes down to the cost of living. I want to try get on that income arbitrage bandwagon one day if I go freelance again - live in Manchester, remote work for companies in London, NY and SF.
How have you ended up with such low monthly outgoings, especially if you're living alone?
IT Help Desk Specialist, i basically answer the phone 8hrs a day and do a bunch of installations and network configs.
Parents left me their apartment, you could say i got "lucky" that day....
Anyways at winter what i paid most was 158 combined electricity,water,internet and for the landlord. I dont count my mobile phone which is another 20 per month because its a luxury not a real nessessity.
If they're still using XML configs and they're not using Spring Boot they're doing it wrong.
I'm working on a web app that's going to make me a multi-millionaire.
Right now I'm unemployed.
They are using classes. But it is a mess of Spring, JNDI and Maven configuration.
One of the cleanest things they do is replacing variables inside properties files with Maven, then using those properties files to replace variables with Spring. In practices having two sets of properties for one thing.
Any way, is there any article about the differences between using XML and config classes with Spring? All my personal projects are still using XML, and I don't know if I should change this or not.
>tfw you graduated with your degree in comp sci with a math minor and are now living the NEET life
Come at me faggots, I have my degree.
>Falling for obvious lies
49900 CAD a year.
Communicator researcher in the Canadian armed forces.
0 debt
fucking normie
Entry level position at an msp, making about 30k/yr. First job and i havent graduated yet so im pretty happy just to be gettjng experience.
Not US but a 3rd world shithole. Rent and all my bills add up to 100usd/month, that's with AC, PC on 24/7, food. You can't really complain for that kind of pay here. The only downside is when your hobby is in tech where prices stay the same no matter where you are, in fact they get huge markups here.
The amount I posted is also after taxes.
PhD student, €1300 a month or €15600 a year. But then i have to pay health insurance because Germany is backwards.
Works out to about €2.50 an hour, and i'm 29.
Don't stay in school kids.
>tfw math tutor for $20/h
>two times a week
Watch Michael Clayton
Java dev doing shitty enterprisey work that works with developers even worse than me. Any fun I had in programming has been sucked out by the industry. I'm thinking of trying to get into locksmithing or musical instrument repair when my student loans are paid off so I don't hate my life so much.
Solutions Architect
basically just a .NET web developer that takes part in the requirements/design of new features/modules every couple weeks
$70,000/year with full benefits
I'm 24, hoping to get a raise to $78,500 next year.
$70,000 CAD mind you, not USD.
Part time manager at McDonalds,
Pretty much the only flexible job that works for me while i'm at University,
Quite personal but YTD financial year income is currently at 19k AUD,
Looking at just over 2k back from tax in June, pretty happy
the only thing i'm a bit uneasy about is how much time work is taking from me,
thrown in the deep end with electrical engineering and I need more time to study
Analyst for Death Corp. I HATE my job, but the economy sucks and it pays better than anything. After paperwork and processing it takes be 4 hours to change a DNS setting on a computer, with a 2 week lag for notification and manager approval.
No! GIS is were earth science goes to die. I would suspect he wants to work in exploration/fracing. The field is still using shit from the 80 and "hunches"
I was hired by both AMD and Nvidia to be a shill on social media.
unemployed graduate student, have a BIT, in MS program for CIS
can't find a job, shit job market here, no internships under my belt, only have crappy dishwasher, pizza delivery/cook job from like 3 years ago that I did for a year
hate most of IT, like most of CS, like to program, but naturally no one wants an IT grad that likes a bit of both
i just want a 35-40k/yr job working with linux or doing some sort of programming
why did you let it happen, and why haven't you done anything about it?
I would take something like that in a heartbeat here. $40k/yr is fine to me.
I wipe the asses of the elderly
I start work at McDonald's today. Had to get a job because it costs money to get tech certifications. Also probably going to buy dragon dildos and thinkpads probably.
Financial Analyst. 63k USD. Only been working for about a year and a half.
what did you major in?
ITT: "I work at NASA and make 6 trillion dollars a day xD"
I sell my body.
Actually, it is less painful and humiliating than IT jobs. I'm thinking on moving to make it my full-time job.