/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

> /ptg/ the shame of Sup Forums

Old thread: New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions
a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf (HDB's thread from PTP was recently pulled)
Or update it yourself faggots if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: opentrackers.org/whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various HTTP/FPT servers with content:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following:
>OP is to lazy to edit the old paste
>tracker staff are known to browse and post in these threads - think twice before offering to trade, buy or sell invites and accounts here
>the same goes for publicly offering or accepting invites - even if staffers aren't watching, an user may still report you
>around 95% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once" (this especially applies if a poster has a name/trip attached)

Other urls found in this thread:


We are the best, most united Sup Forums general.

You faggot.

second for AHD is fucking curry

New threads start after 312 posts.
You were 1 post short you stupid mexican.

Correction :gypsy

This thread is shit

How do you guys split whole album flac files into multiple files for each track?

You always post that.

we use the power of magic

shntool + cuetools

First time actually

doubt it, you are the samefag posting this shit in every /ptg/

2 people can't make the same generic comment? Ok. I'm not arguing. Have fun user.

>24bit lossless
But how when 16bit is already lossless

depends on the source

danke user


>no comfy rules
this nigger

>tfw guru and can't upload 9 more torrents to ahd for maniac for hdb
>tfw uploaded 400 videos to pleb tier trackers and still no hdb
>tfw can be ptp tm if uploading wasn't a nu


When will btn recruit on what again?

It's really not that hard to rewrite them
>weebs >r/trackers >>>/what.cd/
>IRC niggers >whatcucks >ratiocucks Thanks m8. mad autismo


So is a ptp user a ratiocuck?

Yeah. Occasionally I'll see a torrent uploaded to PTP that's on another tracker and seerbox cuck them

nobody knows

>OP is to lazy to edit the old paste


The Jews did that

Is that BTN?


looks like it. yeah it is

why aren't you on btn user? It's been manageable even without the threads. befriending a guru or better master is easy mate.

was 7 times

>private trackers

Literally only used by Americans with slow as shit connections and Orwellian anti-piracy laws

haha wow! Next you'll tell me that you're behind 7 proxies!

>paying for media

proxy not allowed at BTN but yea I had 7 accounts there

Aren't you PTG users doing just that with your struggles to maintain upload rates?

sure you had m8, sure you had..
maybe if you're a faggot

Don't be a dumb ass, I would have one right now if they were recruiting .
Had 2 accounts every year and was banned mostly cause of other tracker bans

>Had 2 accounts every year and was banned mostly cause of other tracker bans
haha wow..who's the dumbass again? :^)

Fuck you :^(
>tried to experiment cheating on what.cd(don't do it lads)
>banned on PTP cause of suspicion (ip range)
>banned on gft cause kane is racist
>forgot to clean cookies on what and banned all over again
>they detect me as sb-i user
>they detect me as cheater on PTP
>they detect me as cheater on Ggn
>on other accounts new staff snoop around cause I post in forums and they crosscheck my old email
Some of the above might be 2 in 1.


Cheated on BTN quite recklessly but they banned me cause of crossbans and they told me to solve that ban and they'll enable me! :'((

>Aren't you PTG users doing just that with your struggles to maintain upload rates?

Nobody struggles with that here.

Successfully cheated on:

I maintain buffer with a raspberry pi I was given as a gift, an old HD and shitty Australian internet. It's not hard if you're clever about it.

On what tracker?
I download 2TBs /month.
Now who's a bogan nigger?

gjge senpai

>Successfully cheated on ratioless tracker
Great job, user.

How do you think I'm ready to join BTN yet AGAIN?!
For the fucking 8th time!

Ratios above 1.25 on all my trackers

idk what you're talking about but good luck, friend

>he actually joined deli.sh

How much you download/month look inside the client

Dude I have some of those accounts and that's where they'll recruit.

>I download 2TBs /month.
And how much do you actually watch of that?

>he likes to eat/cook
Leave the fattie alone

30% or so,don't judge

>30% or so,don't judge
You're a hoarder like me user.

Auto-download doesn't sleep.
Nothing wrong with hoarding,look at rich ppl.

where have you been caught?

What,PTP,Ggn(early days,it's easy to cheat),SCC(but flashed TBs,reckless)

Recommend me a seedbox. Must have unlimited monthly traffic, must be at least ~300 GB of storage, must be at least 100 Mbps speed

Are you sure you need unlimited bandwidth for 300GB storage? I got 3TB/month on my 500GB slot and it seems perfectly fine.


google is your friend you lazy ass faggot :^)

I have a monthly limit of 500gb.
I'm not fat.
I joined delish for the meme mostly. The only thing I've downloaded was some freeleech torrent.
I wish I was a better cook though tbqh.

I guess I'm just uncomfortable with the idea of a traffic cap. What about 300+ GB boxes with at least 100 Mbps but can have a cap?

Im on seedhost.eu, they have 300GB with 10GBit connection and 2TB upload/month (download doesnt count afaik) for 7€. Got it recommended here and Im more than happy (although I got the 500GB plan just in case).

>implying 2tb a month is a lot when you're seeding movies

That's for 300GB, which is less than 10 remuxes. What curry tracker are you on that you're expecting 7.0 ratio?

>which is less
not less

how about you getting a job and not worrying about caps?

>for 7€

>getting a good ratio is now considered "curry"
you weak trolls try to always twist facts to your own benefit :^)

Whatever man, my point still stands.

A good ratio is 1.5-2.5.More than that is just ratiocucking. I only do more than 2.0 so I can redownload everything without demoting user class in case of hardware failure.

>twc finally rolls out their maxx shit in my area
>connection upgraded from 20/5 to 100/10 for free
>router's wireless can only do 50 down

problems you thought you would never have

as i said, everything can be "curry" for you low ratio faggots :^)

Try changing channel if you're in a dense neighbourhood.

>router's wireless can only do
buy new router

>buying a new router poses a "problem" to him
must be shitty having no job

Buy a new router you fucking NEET loser.

Jesus Christ calm your autism, not even that guy (I have curry internet) but you guys need to fucking chill

>he can't handle the bantz

who /downloads freeleech remuxii before creating custom encodes that take 2 days to render on an i7-3770 server/?

>offering obvious solution that OP has clearly already considered in a juvenile way
Are you underage?

>disabled on PTP for inactivity
>get on the irc to get my account back
>You are in position 16 of 20 in the queue, the first slot has been waiting for 191 Hour(s)

I always get remux if late HDB or dz0ne encode

>could keep account alive bi loading the page once every 3m
we wew

Nope, are you? :^)

he be careting

got a problem with that? :^)

why you ask? :^/

How the fuck should I get more bonus points on AHD? Any tricks besides seeding tv shows?

You get extra for seeding torrents with very few seeders.

Why is MTV so disregarded?

>inb4 ratioless

It suffers from

- Lack of older content

What else? I find all new stuff I want (one/two IASIP episodes missing for a week)

It's perfect for all new content, and mostly had HDTV, 720 and 1080 versions...

Weak troll
