Fucking coffee makers

fucking coffee makers
I've gone through two keurig machines in two years so now I want to get a normal drip coffee maker because they might not break so damn fast

what do i need to know when identifying a good one?

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All you need to know is that coffee is shit and only retards drink it.

this was useful and valuable user, thank you :^)

Nespresso, senpai. Nothing like coffee from the mountain jews

Just go to starbucks lol

Check out Sweet Maria's for a good overview of coffee makers and brewing methods. If you're making coffee for yourself, I recommend an aeropress. Using the inverted brewing method, and don't forget to add enough hot water to double the volume of what you brewed. It produces an excellent cup of joe.

this tbqh phamily

Decided to clean my keurig pot out with vinegar(recommend), but now I can't get the vinegar out no matter how many times I flushed it.

The only reason I have not touched it in the past months.

desu user fug it, no matter what people have suggested, coffee machines will live a year tops before having some elder spore sneak into its depths and polluting all that gets filtered.

I just use a french press.
It cost $10 and makes good coffee.
Why the fuck do people buy coffee pod machines? They make a mess and aren't even that convenient compared to a drip machine.

These are good suggestions, but honestly the fewer parts the better.

Get yourself a Chemex or V60 and you're set lad.

isn't that literally just a pourover?
It's like a manual french press

>falling for the Keurig meme
I fell for it too until I realized how incredibly expensive it is plus you have no control over the strength of the coffee. Tfw I switched back to a tried and true drip coffee brewer. Feelsgoodman.jgp

This, holy shit why do people buy ridiculous coffee machines?

Use an espresso pot. Design, construction and use is idiot proof.

Maybe they can't be bothered to heat their own water, so they want their machine to boil and brew in one step.

Admittedly, I also have an electric kettle.

you dumb nigger french press or GTFO

So I just put the coffee powder in there with the water and use the plunger to mix it up good?

lel keurig. bought a meme coffee maker. get a basic electric coffee maker or a french press.

what the fuck?

you drop grounds in there, pour hot water and let it brew for 3-4 minutes and then you press the plunger down to separate the grounds from the coffee.

I prefer to use this.

Powdered coffe(not grinds) exist like powdered cocoa.

New to me as well.

A coffee shop used that to make my coffee and swore that their pot was dirty because that stuff was sitting on the bottom of my cup.

tastes like food coloring and molasses

I liek molasses.

but that's not coffee

It is a pourover, but pourovers aren't very much like french presses, they're filtered.

But anyway, I just meant that french presses will break after a few years, but a Chemex will last literally forever.

>but that's not coffee
>100% Pure Coffee

Looks like you're 100% wrong.

>brew coffee
>lace it with methylene chloride to get rid of caffeine
>freeze-dry and shatter with large hammers
>pour in bottle

get a french press faggot

go old fashioned and use these instead.

How are you flushing it?
If its anything like a still, you need to boil water in it a few times.

>3-4 min
Jesus, I just mix it with a spoon and then plunge it when i want to drink it

Aren't those bialetti pots like $30 for a 3 cup model?
Overpriced trash, and they're so fiddly and unforgiving.

I think there is a chamber inside that does not completely flush, like take some in and brew some out. Which is why the vinegar flavor stays behind.

Pour boiling water in it? Okay.

$20 for 6-cups. Stainless steel too, whereas most moka pots are rusty aluminum.

moka pots get the most out of your grounds. if you try brewing coffee a second time with french press or drip, you'll still have quite a bit of coffee extract left over. 2nd brew moka pot gets you yellowish water with almost no taste. it's just a cheap way to get espresso.

120+ cups for 3 burger bucks
3 liters of weeaboo powered 98c water

Jesus how horrifying

I actually hated instant coffee but I had only tried Folgers and Maxwell which both don't taste like coffee.

>I'm implying that WinCo brand tastes fine btw.

folgers instant tastes like acid
ground folgers tastes ok tho

Yeah it tastes horrifying. I get why anyone that tries that garbage doesn't like instant coffee.

Drip coffee machines are garbage. Either get an aeropress/frenchpress or and espresso maker. They're much more versatile than a drip coffee machine and you can make lattes and cappuccinos with them. If you go the press route, get a milk frother and learn to make your own syrups.

i only know of one instant coffee that tastes tolerable, nescafe clasico

And just waste money? Who do you think we are? Not poor people?

I tried Nescafe Gold and threw it out after one cup :/

that's not clasico

it tastes just like diner coffee, basically burnt trash, but it's tolerable

>there are people who spend $20 on coffee every week

There is only one drop maker that's able to sustain the correct brewing temperature over the years.

Buy a Moccamaster.

I had an Aeropress and it was great at first but the rubber plunger started to decay and get sticky and eventually it wouldn't fit through the tube. French press is better because it's just glass and metal. It will last a lifetime if you don't drop it.

Why bother?

Maybe its almost bed time.

Then, you know, don't drink coffee? I don't know. Advanced thinking, I guess, for most people.

>tfw caffeine has no effect anymore
>tfw you drink coffee to avoid withdrawal

Decaf still has caffeine in it. Somewhere between 1/5 - 1/10 of a regular cup. Probably best to not drink it before sleep or the caffeine will still be in your system while you're sleeping.

I recently started drinking Mountain Crack again and I'm up to 4 liters a day.

I swear this shit gives you roid rage. I'll be playing a video game and start shouting shit "OH YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"
woops... do the dew

did you let yourself go or something?

Those pricks at Pepsi put it on sale for 80 cents per 2 liter for the first 4.

So of course I buy 4, then I go again for something else, hell may as well get 4 more.

Few days later I've been drinking nothing but dew and started noticing the aggression and permanently elevated mood. I don't know what the fuck is in this shit but it can't be good.

You're drinking 500g of sugar every single day.

Enjoy your diabeetus.

Its diet.
Muh phenylalanine weeeeeeee...

What the fuck is wrong with you. Drink some water. Get a fucking Brita or ZeroWater thing if you have to.

>Drink some water
Like from the toilet?

>Coffee machine

Machines put out complete shit due to the nature of coffee. Has anyone ever made it big selling a tea machine? Hell fucking no, running hot water over the leaves very fast to extract shit doesn't work as well as just soaking the shit out of it. The success of coffee machines lies with caffeine's addictive properties - if it were not an fatigue-preventing adenosine antagonist, nobody would want a coffee machine and everybody would drink freshly ground and roasted beans after steeping them for a good bit. People want their fix and they want it now, you get what I'm saying man? Even some dank ass puerh tea isn't as addictive.

But brewing with a press takes like 10 minutes so as sure as I am about this, I'm not. Are there really people that can't stand ten fucking minutes of mild involvement in the brewing process?

stop drinking coffee faggot


>tfw drinking 10 cups of coffee a day
Feels good desu fambimbo.

No. Even that shit is a ridiculous coffee machine. THIS is the only way to make coffee.

I just get a $2.65 vinti dark roast drink it and get a free refill.

Where 2 cop m80

you should try it user, it might bring your mental performance to an average level

>Not French press


Drip is for complete spastics.

Pleb alert

>keurig machines

You bought another POS after the first one broke?

If you have money for two of those you should be able to buy a drip that doesn't suck alike a Krupps moka bre, bonavita whatever, or a technivorm moccamaster if you want to spend $300 dollars. Shit is pretty cash though.

nice salami

Sweet Maria's is the bomb. I get green coffee beans from them then roast them myself. It's like drinking heaven in the morning.

As a birthday present I got one of those Dolce Gusto Nescafé coffee makers

I just couldn't like it as much as normal coffee and it was expensive in the long end so back to moka pot

Though I'm going to be honest, I'd love to enjoy good coffee. Something real good.


Thanks mommy

aluminum does not rust...

Just brewed a cup of v60 thanks for reminding me Sup Forums