When will the GTX 1080 actually be able to purchased...

When will the GTX 1080 actually be able to purchased? They will be sold out immediately so when can we realistically expect them?

Also, when will the other card partners make cards besides the founders edition?

>Inb4 Sup Forums

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Other cards are already being made, but manufacturers are not allowed to sell them until the 1070 is officially released. Founders Edition will be available in 'limited quantities' in approximately 40 hours. Since you're overpaying for worse cooling, I'm sure the quantities are not as limited as you might think.

Why does anyone want this hunk of fecal matter

When you learn proper English grammar.

Why is the 1080 as expensive as the 980ti?

Because it's faster. Just a month ago the 980 ti offered LESS performance for $50 more.

But it's meant to replace the gtx 980.It should be in the same price bracket. So you want the prices to increase every time a new card comes out?

The free market will fix itself.

Wasn't the 780 ti like $800?


Wait, how old is the 900 series of cards?

Aren't they less than a year old?

its more expensive

980 turns 2 in Sept. 980 ti birthday is in a few weeks.

Best single GPU card on the market.

>But it is overpriced! You can get it for $100 in a few weeks!
Many people are rich enough to waste $$$ and not care.

>September 2014

>These fucking idiots will buy whatever we shit out, we can charge whatever we want, lie about specs, burn houses down and they will thank us for it.
- Nvidia Marketing Consultant

AMD should hire whoever does marketing for Nvidia then.

I mean, it's probably at least three times as fast as the 480 so why isn't it like $1500?

AMD can't afford him


>People are actually going to spend $100 extra on a card with a shittier cooler than those that will be available soon

Cheapest foundry you can find, user. Pretty portable too

Can someone lay all the pros/cons out for getting reference cards? I understand the blower is an issue because it's loud, but I don't really understand thermal throttling?

Also, is the EVGA "Founders Edition" the exact same card nvidia's going to be selling, or will it have some kind of better cooling? It looks like it's the same one fan setup as nvidia's, but I am not well versed in these things.

Who cares its shit anyways

What's even the point of charging so much for their "founders edition"? Aka reference model. I mean the only plus I personally see is if you're doing custom liquid. Reference PCB means companies like EK and swiftech will be making blocks for it. That and reference models usually run cooler when running more than one card. Although they're louder. Why the fuck would people buy this when the factory OC models from other companies will be out a few months later for $50 less?

Card gets hot because shit cooling system. Card clocks down to avoid housefire.
You can compare the various reference 'founder' cards on Newegg. They're all effectively the same and will cost the same.

nvidia is trying to market shit reference cards to retards who don't know better as "preorder early edition bonus" bullshit like video games have been doing. It's actually pretty ingenious, trying to tap that kickstarter hipster market as well.

The only only pro is that you can get a waterblock for them early. They used to be cheaper too but Founders Edition changed that.

Don't cards do that regardless of what kind of cooling system is on them? Would aftermarket fans on a 1080 really prevent it from hitting the threshold?

Yes but reference cards are more likely to be more hot thus being more likely to throttle

Wait for Volta

Sorry, this really isn't a troll, but why are reference cards hotter by default? Is it an issue even for people who don't overclock? Or is it not related to over clocking at all?

it just released user, remember your samsung galaxy whose price was halved 2 months after release? yeah its like that

Reference cards have worse cooling systems because manufacturers think you suck and they hate you. Not overclocking definitely helps, since heat throttling effectively forces you not to overclock, but the 1080 is poorly designed, so you end up clocked below stock speeds after ~90 minutes of load.

TL;DR Performance drops after an hour and a half of pleyan geimus.

Reference cards have slower fan profiles, you can avoid temperature throttling by setting a custom fan profile but you would get more noise.

Now there is power limit throttle which you can avoid by increasing the power limit let it be using msi afterburner or evga precision X or even better modding the bios itself.

Don't listen to all those idiots who claim the 1080 is bad because throttling, its only an issue only if you are a fucking idiot.

After market cards should have better cooler and higher power limit anyway so wait for them.

The fan design is different. Reference cards only 1 fan, aftermarket cards typically have 2 or 3.
>Is it an issue for people who don't overclock
Modern video cards boost their clockrate up past the stock rate, temp and power limit not being a problem, all by themselves. The reference cooler will hold the 1080 back from doing that because it runs so hot.

how cheap will the GTX 1070 aftermarket cards be?

>its only an issue only if you are a fucking idiot.
Well smart guy, wanna tell us how you get around the limitations of the GP104 die? There's a reason the 1080Ti is going to be on GP102, Nvidia knows that they wouldn't be able to deal with the heat.

Thank you both for taking the time to answer my dumb questions.

>After market cards should have better cooler and higher power limit anyway so wait for them.
Is there a set date for the release of them? I tried looking at a few sites but only found dates for the reference cards.

what imsginsary limitations are you talking about?

This is why i cant wait for polaris, 980/290x performance while running cool as fuck, hope theres a kawaii nano sized model

around one month or two after release, maybe less.

EVGA Founder's Edition is same card just sold with EVGA warranty.

Thank you for answering, too.

June 18th according to a shitpost I saw on Sup Forums. Unless that's inside info we just don't know. It's definitely in the right time frame.

The very real one where it runs so fucking stupid hot because the size:power ratio is fucked up to high heaven.

>First pics I want to share are ‘probably’ showing the GeForce GTX 1080 SuperClocked from EVGA, this time in ACX 3.0 flavor. I’m saying ‘probably’ because we were unable to confirm if this really is the new cooler (and in this perspective it looks awfully similar to ACX 2.0).
>While the leaker refused to give us any more details, we can make few assumptions based on those photos. Same as ACX 2.0, the new cooler would use LED illuminated logo on the side. It is also split into two heat-sinks, just like the ACX 2. The custom board designed by EVGA has two power connectors, which means that theoretically more power can be applied to the GPU, as long as power limits are not a concern.
>EVGA GTX 1080 SuperClocked also comes with a backplate. Anyway here are the photos, hopefully we will see more of them soon:
Here we fucking go son.

the full pascal chipset is already out 60SM and working(56 enabled) compared to the 20SM from the 1080, so I don't know where you did you get those imaginary limitations you speak of.

Reference cards only get hot because that how they have the fan profiles set on the bios itself, they don't ramp up the fans at all and rather prefer to throttle down, you can easily fix this with a custom fan profile to ramp up the fans before the temperate target of 82ºC, the reference 980TI was the same and so did the reference 980 and reference 970.

Throttling from power limit is another case which requires different fixed and unless the power phases on the card are really bad it should be possible to fix it easily.

>LED illuminated logo on the side

for what purpose

It's easier to shoop.

>people are delusional enough to believe that the decent aftermarket coolers will cost less than the reference card

Boy are you fucks in for a surprise. All you'll get cheaper than Nvidia's shitty blower are even shittier plastic blowers like pic related. Any decent dual/tri-fan model with a beefy heatsink is going to be MORE expensive than the reference card. Always have been. Always will be.

I don't want to get into what is ramping up to be an Nvidia vs AMD shitposting match, but you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how GPUs generate heat. More power in a smaller area is a sureFIRE (kill me) way to generate more heat. I wouldn't call it a limitation myself, since it can be counteracted but it definitely is a disadvantage that necessitates better cooling. Technically a limitation only in the sense that cooling capability is a serious problem in many consumer builds.

I was curious about the water cooling on these cards. With the 1080 you certainly should get one with it. However the 1070 actually uses a lot less power and water cooling is unnecessary.

>can't put custom blocks on it
Anybody that gives a damn about cooling will do this. The rest are people that just want the next new thing and are none the wiser. It will sell out.

Yeah all the reviews show the 1080 throttling at high temps and the diy water cooler from the 980ti does prevent this. I bet the 1070 won't have this problem.

>diy water cooler from the 980ti

Screw the 1080 for now i'm good with my MSI GTX 980 4G overclocked. those NVIDIA graphs that were saying where the performance would be really high compare to Maxwell were a bunch of bull. Yes it's the best but the difference between the 980 and 1080 wasn't huge like those stupid NVidia graphs and shit.

big chipsets are physically bigger dumbass, the 1080 is a cut down chip from the full pascal chipset.

It should be as much as an issue as going from the gtx970 die size to the 980ti size.

Even if you want to slap an aftermarket cooler on top of 1080, don't do it on a founder edition since it only have a single 8pin connector.

A reviewer already tried to overclock 1080 founder edition with triple bracket cooler only for it to be severely limited by the power limit.

Who cares?

EKWB already has a block for the 1080.

Further the throttling issue has already been circumvented, it's an issue of the card not setting its fan high enough and the power target / temperature target being too low. Raising all of these things allow it to sustain 1800MHz at or under 80c. I assume this will be addressed by a day 1 driver update to update its standard bios with a better fan curve and temp target.

No shill or anything but look up Jayztwocents video on it. It's a very easy fix.

going from the 980 to the 980ti size would a better comparison though for the sake of consistency I guess.

I thought the fan didn't have the power?

at 100% the cards stays around 70ºC without problems.

yeah, they really fuck up, it's always the same shit, it's impossible to buy new cards on the summer or the prices are way to step, the supply is too little.

I myself will wait till winter, I can't take time and play videogames until then anyways, and I'm not buying a founders edition card.

So jet engine noise make heat go away?

Nigga those fans can get up to and exceed 3000 RPM. It has the power, the default fan curve is just dick. Ramp it to 80% and it holds 120% power target, 94c Temp target, 1800 MHz full load at 80c. Problem with those kinds of fans though is the noise they make at that high speed, though anybody buying a reference blower card should already know and expect this. The only reason anybody ever buys a reference blower is AESTHETIC and or SLI. Case airflow is a meme.

Welcome to reference cards all reference cards are the same even AMD's
You can't win with references.


also Nvidia reference cards have always been more experience than after market cards, thats how they always work so they don't cut sales from the aftermarket vendors.

>mining dogecoin, reference 290x set at max speed
>walk down and eat dinner with family
>I could still hear the 290x upstairs, with the door closed

Dear AMD
I hate you because the way that you conduct business does not agree with what I as a millennial demand to be entitled to. If you are going to release a new gpu you better damn well make sure that it is the fastest card on the planet and you need to do it now. The cost of this card can not be more than $389. Don't you know that your competitor has paper launched an overclocked maxwell gpu and told us that the msrp is $100 less than their reference, err founders edition which all AIB will release in a few days. I don’t care if some say that NV marketing has created a shitshow with this brilliant strategy. It is your fault and how dare you not be competitive verse this offering which will cause me to spend a boat load of money for a high range card.

Personally I don't even think that you will release a new product, because you have failed to provide leaked information giving me and your competitor a clue about all of the said products. There is no doubt that if you release any product it will be an unmitigated failure due to:Slow clock speed, no overclocking potential, high power usage, the fan is loud - even if less than the NV 1080 OC at 48 db {which my dishwasher is currently rated at} Temperature of more than 83 for you is not acceptable even if your card doesn’t throttle at this point.

DX12 is a sham and you want us to believe that your cards are better at DX12 games than Pascal? We all know that you are paying off the developers regardless of what the developers say. Async shaders is also a bunch of BS, even though you can do compute + graphics at the same time NV and tech review sites have decided that the architecture of Pascal is better, even though they do not have much of any performance gains from it. Lets not even believe for one minute that you played a slight role towards the release of DX12 and Vulcan, Nvidia was the company pushing these API’s so they could rightfully force people who own Kepler and Maxwell to purchase new products.

Why would you bother to type this?

You dumb retard. It's not about $100. The card was going to be 600. Now it's reaching an upward of $1000 in a lot of places including the uk, australia, japan, etc.i.e. 50-75% higher prices than advertised when trying to genetate hype. Ridiculous.

"the way it's meant to be played" pasta was so much better

Trying to argue with a Nvidiot will get you nowhere my friend

Is it possible to remove the heatsink of those cards and add a new one?

Yes, what do you think people who install water blocks do?

So is the issue that's being discussed not an issue for people who do water cooling?

It's a non issue for anyone who knows how to use afterburner or precision X to set a fan curve and temperature target.

>set desired temp to anything below 90C
>fan can't operate at 300%
>underclocks to just below 980Ti performance

The only issue would be paying $100 extra for a reference card

But wouldn't that generate more noise?

Is it possible to add a larger and heavier heatsink to a card like one might do with a processor?


how butthurt do you expect, a few people that buy this, to be after they learn it can't OC with that x1 8-pin and limited at 85C throttle?

That's the price....are you retarded and thought it was $599?

nah, i'm actually happy that we will see a market shift, I think Nvidia overreached

and they probably have no choice, it's most likely this much expensive chip to make and dibs on gddr5x weren't cheap as well

So this is my first build, i dont have a gpu right now, so should i buy a lessor gpu like the 970 and wait to upgrade to the non referemce 1080s? Or is that dumb

You can draw 150watts alone from 8 pins, thats close to the 180watts tdp, plus 75watts from the pcie slot, fi you really want to push it you can draw 170 from 8pins and 80 from the pice rail safely.

temperature throttle can be fixed by either increasing it or by using a custom fan curve.

Once bios modding becomes available pascal is going to be amazing for overclockers, can't wait.

I agree with you. I like AMDs strategy this year really. It's a better business angle. Some 90% of gpus purchased, if not higher than that, are $150-$250.

That being said, the 380x when released was $215. If $480x is around there, Nvidia is finished an bankrupt.

no, it's not how it works

but thats how it works on my Maxwell card and Kepler and past gens too, I though Pascal was just Maxwell shrink anyway.

o rly

>having to mod a $700 card

Thats not really argument, how are you justifying paying $700 and not getting the best out of your product even if you have to mod it?

You don't belong in here kid.

>Always have been. Always will be.
Except with 970, dumbfuck.

>implying pascal can overclock

