
Why don't people just disable Windows 10 from updating? I turned it off on my work computer and never got asked again. This just seems to me to be people not knowing how to use their computers.

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>Why don't people just disable Windows 10 from updating
You mean disabling the Windows 10 from receiving updates? Only through GPEdit.
You mean disabling the 'OS update' feature in WIndows 7 or 8? Also only through GPEdit or via 3rd party programs which most people are unaware of; however the ability to disable Win Update is in control panle, so it's more convenient and easier to accomplish.

I'm one of those people. FUCK YOU microshaft, I'm not updating to your shitty botnet 10 abortion!!!

Fearmongering. People have been skipping upgrades for years over a much older concern: concern than an update will break the functionality of an important program or service. Tech literate users can look up each update and select important security KBs from among the list. For everyone else, turning off updates is better than chancing a fuck up. It's basically the same motivation this time around so I don't see the need for a special article. More of the same.

You have to admit it does get annoying when new updates are introduced that have nothing to do with security/fixes/performance. Meaning you have to be in constant awareness

W10 Upgrade is basically a computer literacy test.

If you're too dumb, stupid, or technology illiterate to go into Windows Update and turn off Automatic Updates, or too stupid to google a simple tool to block the upgrade, you are exactly the type of retard who can't be trusted to take care of a computer, and MS is doing you a favor by taking over your PC and forcing you to install patches and security updates that you would otherwise click "no" to for years while installing 200 malware greeting card toolbar cancers onto your PC.

Prove me wrong.

PROTIP: You can't.

>implying that they would have less of a chance from getting infected if they updated windows

You don't even need a 3rd party tool to disable updates, retard, just go into services.msc and disable it there.

there is nothing wrong with windows 10 and everyone should upgrade before the end of the free upgrade


Fucking this.

Ending the upgrade offer is the worst possible thing they could do. 99% of retards CANNOT be trusted to manage their own computer and W10 forcing security updates is a godsend to the masses who frankly don't give a shit and would rather their computer kept itself secure.

For anyone else, who isn't a mongoloid retard like OP and , updates are easily disabled in under a minute.

That's actually a genius plan. If people turn off updates in general, then they'll end up botnetting their machine and will need to get a new one anyway - which will either use Win10, or will use Win7 and get botnetted again.

Who are you to say that users should have the updates forced on? Moron!

this man speaks the truth.

Come on guys, two more months and will be all free and be able to finally get the security updates since the free upgrade offer will be gone.

>Prove me wrong.

5GB a month bandwidth caps.

That is absolutely true but the software makes removal so much easier.

Windows 10 handles data caps better just for you third world plebs.

This. The horrifying nightmare is almost over. I'm sticking with Windows 7 until linux stops being a broken pile of shit. So yeah gonna be with windows 7 for a while.

>third world
I guess rural USA may as well be third world. doesn't change the fact you have data caps of 5GB on a home connection with a OS that you can not disable updates, keeps phoning home. How the fuck are you supposed to use the internet without using the entire cap on updates/phone homes.

>i'm literally too retarded to own a computer


Isn't it late in India? Don't you need to go fetch some water for tomorrow or go use the designated ditch line?

Thinking of upgrading before the freeness is gone. There's no doubt that it will be needed for gaming, dual booting seems fine.

No no, it's not malware, it makes your computer MORE secure by restricting the user against their will.

What? No, SOME people can't be trusted with their shit so we just took rights from everyone just in case.

It's only malware when it's not made by billion dollar international corporations.

>he wants to support DX12 instead of Vulkan
Plebshit bitch.

Call me when Vulkan gets off the ground and becomes the new standard. ;^)

>gets btfo
>has no argument
>can only fall back on spewing epik maymays

At least you admitted your defeat.

wtf are you talking about, I made a point against W10 and have been making it for a long time that no one can deny.

If you have a metered connection, say 5GB a month, W10 is a shit option. Explain why not since its impossible to disable updates in W10 and it keeps sending data back to Microsoft.

>Linux OSes and Mac have forced upgrades
Nobody complain

>Windows have forced upgrade
"I hate windows, pls how disable this?"

So DX12 is the new standard?
Yeah, right. Enjoy your 10 games, faggot.

Neither is a standard yet. But Vulkan is better in every way, so I expect it to become the standard.

just a curious user passing by
wot is a vulkan?

This might be difficult for a Windows user to understand - in Ubuntu, when you press the close window button it does something very different to the upgrade button.


I've used both OS X and Ubuntu, there are not any forced upgrades. this is literally a windoes only issue

See, but those upgrades aren't forced. And they're actually upgrades, not downgrades :^)

For everyone's sake I hope you're right, but let's be real. Microsoft is going to play dirty as usual and DX12 will somehow get on top.


No Linux distro I've ever heard of has forced upgrades. Stop lying, idiot Winfag. All updates can be disabled with ease.

OS X has forced updates, but it's OS X. OS X being a toy is not news.

>DX12 will somehow get on top.

I don't see how unless it comes preinstalled on 99% of computers, oh wait.

I literally have no windows updates installed on this 7 besides SP1

>using the smiley with a carat nose

The El Capitan image is in the App Store featured section. You literally need to download it, then run the installer for it to install.

It's nothing more than an ad, contained in the place where ads for software belong, the App Store application. Guess what? Now this may be hard for Windows users to understand, but that image rotates between several other ads for programs, it doesn't stay there. And, you need to manually open the App Store to see that.

Linux upgrades aren't forced, if you click the X button that's that.

No OS X doesn't. If it is, explain why my Mac is running Mavericks instead of 10.11

Sure. I'm just saying that the threshold for that need has been met long ago, making this hardly a new concern.

Most people still use Windows 7. Maybe if Windows 10 becomes dominant in a few years DX12 will take off, but until then it won't be at all ubiquitous.

Because Applel is a fucking joke of a company and literally ABANDONS their OS versions every 3 years, completely cutting off all patches and security updates.

and so does my german google come up with pic related
seriously how is that any alternative to directx since it is microsoft governed when those cards are running under windows? does the card disregard the dx or what?

M$hit pajeets didn't learn shit

It doesn't upgrade major versions, but doesn't it install security patches and so forth without user permission?

It's been ages since I've used OS X, so I could be wrong.


this desu senpai

The ONLY people crying about this in the thread are retards who can't figure out how to use google. This is literally a non-issue for anyone with a brain, and for the non-tech inclined vast majority of the population, it's a good thing.

>i have a data cap so so i'm going to cry on Sup Forums about it for hours days and months instead of spending 5 minutes to google a solution to disable updates

it´s 2016 and NT systems need reboot for change DLLs files.
I remember when upgrading my home server with ubuntu to next major version blows my mind because dont need reboots.

>last updates searched: never
>last updates installed: never

Feels good man.

I migrated my wife (yes I have one. wtf am I doing here? I like the chaos) to Linux the other week, at her request, specifically because of W10 coming down the road. She was on 7.

She's happy with it.

Her mom is next on the list, who is on 8.x and hates it with a passion.

>dont need reboots.


>I have no arguments, I know I'll call him crybaby

You can't disable updates under W10.

>You can't disable updates under W10.
You're exactly the type of retard that can't be trusted to manage your own computer.


>i'm literally too fucking retarded to use google

It's ok, not everyone is qualified to own a PC.

>I don't understand what data bandwidth means, I'll call him a retard.

with Microsoft it's either 8 or 80...

before this when MS released a new major Windows version you wouldn't ever know if somebody didn't tell you.

now they're basically forcing people to upgrade.

they just can't get it right like Ubuntu, just warn you there's a newer version and let you choose to upgrade or not, and also let you opt out of it without doing some cryptic thing

this "feature" sucks, so does Microsoft for letting it get released and so does the people who defend this. it's poor software development practice. no room for discussion.

Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet?


>i'm too retarded to google a simple 1 minute fix to turn off updates but i'll shitpost on Sup Forums

and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kexec

If I were setting up a windows computer from scratch I'd install W10. But I'm not. I've got a computer that has had W7 for years and I can't remember all the little tweaks I've done and how horribly organized everything is. All I know is that it's working right now. Who knows what will break if I upgrade. Maybe I'll forget to set up the path right. Maybe I'll fuck up the powershell scripts that I need. Maybe a program I need will just stop working randomly.

There is no fix to turning off updates.

You can do all the fucking fixes you want, W10 is under Microsoft control, they can turn the service back on.


How the fuck does this justify fucking over people with security updates enabled in W7

How does controlling complete retards justify fucking people with an ounce of common sense the fuck over

>Windows 7 is muh sekrit club! Linux sysadmin levels of dedication required, OK! Btw, loonix is shit, you gotta configure it an stuff, windows master race lololol

>5gb cap
Africa isn't much better than India.

But you can't. You can defer them but not disable them.

People with an ounce of fucking sense google the problem and fix it in under a minute instead of whining about it on a chinese cartoon website like a little bitch, like you're doing right now.

Thats the cap you get in rural burgerland.

Google hughesnet

>But you can't. You can defer them but not disable them.
>There is no fix to turning off updates.
>You can't disable updates under W10.

Just kill yourself moron. You're too retarded to live in modern society.

I bet if some long-used program popped up out of nowhere and went "HEY UPGRADE", you closed the window and it just upgraded anyway you guys wouldn't like it.

but for some reason Sup Forums just HAAAS to shill for Windows, maybe it's because you don't want to acknowledge your precious chosen OS is bad

I haven't updated since August. There's so many W10 nagware updates and telemetry updates now. I don't know which updates are real updates, and which are adware/spyware, so I just don't update.


Amazing that it was written nine years ago. We should have seen this shit coming.

People with an ounce of common sense only have an ounce, and don't trust things they don't understand. They don't trust "SKIDHAXXOR84s stop windows 10 fix privacy tool.exe". They're regular computer illiterate joes, they're the desktop equivalent of guys who just know how to change their own oil. Why do you hate them?

what theme is that? it looks nice.

>They're regular computer illiterate joes, they're the desktop equivalent of guys who just know how to change their own oil.
So what you're saying is W10 is perfect for them.

>LOL nerd uses Loonix
>he doesn't have intuitive UI that does the same with the push of a button XDDDD

now your UI fucks you in the butt and you have to look up and remember to do some obscure stuff so your OS doesn't fuck you in the butt


>microshaft shits their pants as they send out special forces with bootable windows 10 USBs to install while users are asleep

post yfw this happens

i like that one retards post about the win10 update being a retard test.

it takes 15 seconds to set the 2 registry settings (usually only 1 unless you already have the gwx icon) to disable windows 10.

alternatively, you simply dont instal kb3035583

and for the win 10 updates, just use wsus

this shit isnt rocket appliances.

How is it better than windows 7 with security updates enabled?

Oh wait, it's not, you're just a fedora tipping faggot who thinks everyone who didn't go out of their way to learn to administrate an OS deserves to suffer. How does it feel to have no empathy?

Tell me which car you drive and its VIN, i'll tip my mechanic off so he can replace it with a "safer" SUV with 90HP. If it's a bike, i'll have him do it anyways.

Pretty much this. W10 upgrade is acts like malware, and the technique to disabling it has morphed over the past year, because Microsoft just won't leave well enough alone (7 is their new XP, which is bad for profits).

So it's constant whack-a-mole.

>They don't trust "SKIDHAXXOR84s stop windows 10 fix privacy tool.exe

This too. Even the concept of Free Software is tainted by stupid shit as old as happy99.exe or malware built into the joke "cupholder.exe" (which ejects your cd tray) program.

If I hadn't migrated away from Windows over 19 years ago, I would have stopped using computers forever.

I can dream.

>aunt is total computer illiterate
>has been ever since XP
>opens every spam and installs every toolbar she comes across
>set her up with w10
>it just uninstalls malware for her automatically now

Turn on Metered Connection you fucklord

Man, people sure are stupid.

>5 years later
>she downloads justinbieber.mp3
>microsoft has bought a stake in the rights to all of the beaver's songs, even the ones that are so old he shouldn't still be rightfully compensated for them
>deletes it and sends her a court date

ive lived in rural midwest, show me your isp. not even satellite limits to 5 gigs

You misspelled Apple.


Maybe you should check mom and dads internet bill more often junior.

either run the updates at 3am, deal with the slowdown they give you (slowdown, not fee), or move off your parents farm.

no sympathy from me

>total allowance 55gb

Fuck off.

well I'm renewing my boycott of Apple.

i pay $140 a month for tv and 60/7 from midco

sorry kiddo but i live on my own

time to an hero

MS and apple are both IP holders

They can and will start doing shit like that in the future

>Founding fathers: Huh, data is easily copied. How about a limited temporary monopoly for the creator? Good idea, huh? It'll encourage innovation by making people come up with different ideas, and when it expires, the creator will have to make even more ideas.
>Modern america: Lifetime monopoly for the creator and all his corporate friends. Good idea, huh? Think of all the money you could make. Write one song and do 100 years of marketing!