I'm feed up with this app

I'm feed up with this app.
I have a LG leon LTE phone.
Whar app is best for lurking on Sup Forums.
I liked the app when it was in the app store because then the app could download all the images in a thread.
Not like the new app , in the new app you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:



v1.2.x does not work but

Get v1.2.10 or v1.2.11, they were the last ones on the app store

I can download the image album with Clover, latest build. (Not "released"), pic related

Posted with Cloverâ„¢

Maybe you should get Aptoide or F-Droid and stop using outdated releases.

>not using Chanu

why not just clone the repo locally and compile it? 2.1.3 is comfy

You can, you're just a moron. Clover is the greatest 4chinz browser that ever was or ever will be.

t. Floens

I've never had a problem with Clover. Sad when I got a new phone and it wasn't available le for a while.


this to be honest

Your post was 4 sentences long and you said app 6 times. Kys.

I did use this for quite a while before I got my new phone. Where can I get it now?

I downloaded this yesterday. It feels like it's better than Clover for some reason.
The only option it's missing is an option not keep history of what I browse(maybe I haven't found it yet)...

the history is shown on the sidebar

here you go

Yeah, is there any option to disable it completely?

Just install Overchan. You can browse most of the image boards within the same app.

But clover can save files only with unix name or even with their original name?

Thanks based user. Should've just ddg'd it myself, didn't realise it was so easy to get hold of now.

I misread your post, thought you said there was no history, my bad

Unfortunately not

If you don't like it, write your own

Just tried Dashchan. It's pain in the ass to install, captcha didn't accept my answers, pain in the ass to uninstall. Stay away frok this piece of shit and just install Overchan.

Yeah, everyone is using it, but you are special snowflake.

Do you find installing 45 other apps (extensions) boring ?
Also, I'm 98% sure Overchan has larger userbase than this crap. The only special snowflake is you, sir.

Overchan is the best app for Android.
It's on F-Droid, and you should download it from there.

Ask to de dev to add an option to hide it. I don't see any problem, though.

Change to old captcha on settings.
I literally had to install extensions only for WebM, Sup Forums and desustorage.org.

You need 1 (one) extension to support Sup Forums.

Friendly reminder that Clover now has an album view


>implying i use Sup Forums only
Still, it's better to have all imageboards in one app.

I ain't clicking that shit.

it has been confirmed legit in the old thread, check the archive


I'm the only one who hate dark theme in clover v2?
why the text color was changed from grey to plain white?
It's hideous

Dashchan is based for saving images and for the presence of archives