Releases tomorrow. What are your toughts, ne/g/ros

Releases tomorrow. What are your toughts, ne/g/ros

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How do these high-profile graphics card affect daily computer use?

I like the GPU self baking feature. The card heals itself if it ever has a bad connection.

what do you mean? like render your facebook pages faster?

I'm considering upgrading from two HD7950s (xfire), is it worth it? I run three monitors

I'm an independent woman and I know my rights

I can assure you that half of the customer base won't even use it at full capacity, let alone know their own resolution or purpose for buying it for that matter

This is the middle market after all

What would that be familia?

I mean like Final Draft documents, and Sony Vegas editing

I'm hoping it releases at midnight tonight so I can order it to receive it in time for the heat death of the universe.

Got a brand new build a week ago ready for it to be slotted into, my 780 burned out not 3 days before that so I jammed an old 760 in to get me through.

Daily use
-sony vegas editing
yeah sounds like average person every-day use
user mentioning facebook was closer to truth

My motherboard is 4 years old
can i still use new graphic card?
will there be massive drop because old pci slot
do i have enought pins in motherboard?

MSI H61M-G35 (G3)(MS-7680) (SOCKET 0)

wont buy since the 900series was a disaster except energy efficiency-wise.

a g3240's HD graphics can run 3 monitors you tech illiterate moron

It'll support it just fine as far as I'm aware, your only problem will be is the likely old as fuck processor you have slotted in it will cause a bottleneck.

my old processor is still third best in most game benchmarks
it is also unlocked for overclocking.

anyway I ask because of Polaris not gtx 1080

Exact same situation senpai. Exact same. Except I was using a 6 year old card. I bought a mobo with onboard graphics to wait until the 1080 launches. Been kinda paralyzed between overpaying to have it now or waiting for actual good aftermarket cards.

Games (real reason to get these, don't argue) look like shit, what game needs a 1080 and does it look like it needs that power?

>He doesn't set custom fan profiles so he can run 2GHz at a cool 67 degrees

I'm of the opinion that I fucking despise my 760 situation and I don't mind paying a premium for something now that's going to be damn good for a very long time, with a cooling solution that's perfectly adequate (considering my case and the cooling setup inside)

>wanting a rolls royce turbine in your PC

And have it sound like a jet engine.

What about just wait for the custom designs?


Almost 10 years old chalk graphics 1.0 piece of shit gameplay game, gtx 280 would have a hard time with it

it's a really great card if you're into gaming, especially VR gaming and multi-monitor gaming

maybe if it's a bit out of your budget then wait (like a couple of weeks or something? idk) for gtx 1070 and amd polaris, price might come down a little or you might go with a gtx 1070 instead

Getting one, just not decided on when. I probably can't get one in launch even if I tried and 800 euros for the Founder's Edition is a steep price - especially when I don't really need a blower style cooler. It's a card which gives me good enough performance for an upgrade from GTX 780 to be worth it. I'm really curious to see what you can do with the NVENC, too. Haven't found much info on the new version implemented in Pascal. I'm a bit interested in SLI too but I'm waiting for proper frame time analysis benchmarks before purchasing a second card.

I'd completely disagree that games "look like shit". It's subjective and fairly unrelated to performance requirements for games. I want to run newer games at high frames on high resolutions without needing to turn down graphics settings(too much). If my display can do 2560x1440 at 165Hz, I want to make use of it.

When a PS4 exclusive is more visually appealing than anything on steam you know the state of this shit hobby is shit

The price will be 50% less by christmas, below 300 bucks

Current games are average at best, the industry isn't what it used to be, it's probably related to microsoft shutting down dx12 on win10 and asking for their cut from sale platforms. Vulkan is promising

>comparing apples and oranges
fuck off retard

No fuck you wasting money on higher resolutions is the gayest thing there is when the visuals are shit

>The price will be 50% less by christmas, below 300 bucks
no it won't, just look at 980 ti or anything, hell even fucking gtx 970 and r9 290x equivalents are probably 300+ still

>Current games are average at best
not in terms of graphics, the top ones have made huge strides in graphics quality if you know what you're looking at

Waiting for the MSI 1080 Ti you fucking hick

Finally downloaded new drivers for my 960.

Surprised to a see a jump in performance of 14% with Unigine Valley.

Reminder that you share board with Sup Forumsirgins

Reminder that if that wasn't enough, these retards even buy reference cards

Who knows when that shitll be

It's in the eyes of the beholder and unrelated to whether you need power to run them. I want performance more than the eye candy anyway but by paying out the ass I could get both so that's what I'll end up doing.

It's not going to be anywhere near that cheap and I'm not going to start waitfagging for rapidly evolving computer hardware. By holidays we have probably another flagship or two out from both brands and rumors of the next generation are circulating at full force. Should I start waiting for a price drop then too? Wait for the next gen? I'm going to see what the card manufacturers have to offer on the GTX 1080, pick a good card and call it a day.

No thoughts because I'm waiting for 1070.

Anyone knows how long will we have to wait for non-reference 1070? Please tell me that it won't take more than 2 weeks.

The 1080 is equivalent to the 980 in terms of positioning, it's a new architecture and the middle gets slashed the most. However if you're running two in sli, it's a classy setup alhough I'd rather aim for top or sub-top single gpu. A 1060 will probably follow as well.

I agree visuals are good, I play in 4k and its worth it however the substance of games, this "pull" to play is not as appealing anymore, probably due to early releases or too mainstream aa titles.. We currently dont have an original blockbuster title that makes people play and get hooked

Personally I'm just waiting for the 1070. 1080 is overkill for me. Hell, even the 1070 is probably overkill, but it's slightly cheaper overkill.

Oldest benchmark I have. No overclocking. It says Ultra/Custom because I ran on a CRT without EDID.
Doesn't sound that bad to me. I had an old fermi reference cooler and this completely eliminates that horrible whirring sound.
Sounds like a bunch of whooshing air, and not nearly enough to cut through my closed headset when gaming.

>still no freesync support


If you have a 780 you already have NVENC, unless you specifically mean the new HEVC options. If it's anything like the older NVENC then you can expect performance of around the "high quality" preset in real-time e.g. It'll look damn good.

>tfw Australia
This is what happens when you have the highest minimum wage in the world

>the substance of games, this "pull" to play is not as appealing anymore
you're just growing up

>We currently dont have an original blockbuster title that makes people play and get hooked

Holy shit thats the price of my entire setup, wtf Australia.

I'm the most interested in the new HEVC encoder in Pascal yup.

I don't know why your AUSFAILIA pricing is so out of whack

>shitty blower cooler
>one 8 pin connector
>can't maintain meme boost clock
>Failures Edition

premium components and craftsmanship though

gsync and fastsync shit all over freesync

Love Nvidia
Love AMD

Hate how Nvidia lies to people. Watch the one guy play Crisis 3. 45 seconds in card is at 82c

clearly the temp depends on the game, room temperature, case airflow, overclocking etc

>All those richfags will get the 1080 card and enjoy comfy gaming early
>I will have to wait extra 14 days for the 1070 to come out
>probably even more to get the MSI version, since reference cards are shit

I just want to finally change my toaster for something that can actually play games and that card is the only thing delaying it now.

Life is pain

Get 1070 or wait for Polaris?

I feel your pain, guy

Maybe we must experience suffering before we learn to take the risks for what we love. Sup Forums

wasn't polaris supposed to paper launch before 1070 releases, but imo get the 1070 anyway

I wait for polaris as I believe It will outlast 1070 because nvidia seems to be worse over time as amd gets better drivers

nvidia doesn't get any worse, it's just that amd starts out with shitty drivers that slowly improve over time

gtx 1070 blows anything by amd out of the water at least for curved displays, multi monitors, VR simply because of the simultaneous multi-projection

Once the non-reference 1070 is out Im going to have my the best time in my life and the longer I have to wait the better I'll feel once the I start the first game on it.

I can already taste the feeling of satisfaction, but it's still so far away.

If you can afford a 1070. I don't understand how you won't find a way to get a 1080 by that time. What are you a neet? Do you not get paid weekly or bi-weekly?

well i use just 1 monitor and never found use for 2+
if i would get rich enought for more monitors i would just crossfire/sli 1080
most people here use additional monitors to look on waifu-anime-wallpapers and 2% of them actually programm something

Im not only buying the card man, also Im from Poland so it costs more and it's harder to organize so much money, I already got pretty lucky.

I think you're a retarded faggot.

Good goyim, keep buying those cards, only to replace them with the 1080 Ti 2 months later. Sure someone will buy your old 1080s for 1/3th of what you paid, assuming they havent spontaneously combusted before that.

>only to replace them with the 1080 Ti 2 months later
they won't release that until just before amd releases vega or whatever they end up calling their new flagship

better to wait while goyim are buying up the lesser 1080 and then rain on amd's parade again

Poorfag detected

Didn't they have a 1080 @ 2.1Ghz at 76c or something like that?

Why would you need an aftermarket cooler?

Not buying anymore gpus because denuvo

It's priced at 880 usd here in my third world country. Wew

sv, ae, ai, ps, ind, c4d, blender... all in my daily rotation. just answer his damn question... Oh wait, you can't because you don't fucking know, so why comment in the first place??

Might drop workstation prices.

>In my dreams

wtffffff my eyes literally just exploded. mother fuckerrrrrr.

800 fucking euros. For the shit housefire edition that runs at 100C. Still going to be sold out within minutes.

Will it run 3 x 4K monitors at 60FPS in The Witcher 3 Ultra and hairworks on full?

Have a karot :^)

Have fun y'all burning down your houses kek

Australian dollars are not the same thing as burger dollars you stupid clapping fucks

I'm aware, 1300 aud is like 800 something euros, that is a metric fuck ton nigga.

it was all a lie, this is the reality

Got a link?

what country?

>mfw its already been released here In NZ.

Enjoy being a day behind lads

poorfags need not apply.

but you're poor too

Cash grab Maxwell rebrand.

Shame AMD are only releasing low-end trash otherwise their chip would make Pascal look like the joke it is.

Everyone keeps posting results with the stock fan curve that clocks down before ramping the fan up because muh noise.
The reality is if you set a custom fan curve that allows the fan to hit 100% you can do exactly what Nvidia demonstrated on stage.,4572-11.html

>getting the blower edition


>average person

an average person wouldn't spend $600 for a computer part

looks like you missed grindr off your list, you fucking faggog

>custom fan curve

They whacked it on manual 100% leafblower mode.

>1080 $910CAD
>roughly $700 USD
huh, not THAT bad considering exchange rates

>have thai gf
>she says flips always think she's one of them and try to talk to her
>she hates flips cause they're cunts apparently
idk why i replied

belive it or not but alot of aucklanders can afford that here lol
alot of them have 1million dollor houses its nothing for them.

I'm not buying one because i have a skymeme to buy atm i just got my 320NZD mobo now for a 567NZD 6700K or 510NZD on new egg

why make up excuses your just digging your self a hole user.

Pee-noise pride.

>He has to turn his fans onto noisy leaf blower mode to get past 1607

Yes, but that has the same effect as if you set a fan curve where 70 degrees = 100% fan.

Yes, it's shit that the default fan curve lets the card hit 84 degrees, but it's been that way for the past few generations. They prefer a hot card over a loud card. Every GPU acts this way though, it doesn't make Pascal a housefire. All you have to do is set it so the cooler does its damn job.

reviewers are saying it's quiet

I actually like the sound of loud fans.

In unrelated news, reviewers that say stuff that seems like bullshit are found to be paid off.


Yeah, so what? I already watched it. That sounds loud as hell depending on what your volume is set to. 38.2 decibels is not quiet.