Why the fuck does my 120GB SSD only show 97gb in windows setup/operating system?

Why the fuck does my 120GB SSD only show 97gb in windows setup/operating system?

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'cause you can't format for shit
run a diskpart clean on it

>falling for the ssd meme

I'm currently installing windows to the SSD even when it shows 98gb

Should I format it with diskpart first, if so, how do i diskpart without an OS? lol

Because you're a fucking retard.

>he actually bought one

>non ironically using the solid state jew

Mine shows 114.1GB usable space.

I'm on debian btw.

Mines a lot worse. I'm thinking to diskpart it

homosexual poorfag retards

Shift+F10 at the beginning of the install

Fucking poorfags

because you're using windows, dummy

Well, for one, Windows uses an area of the disk for it's own swap system. You will see this vary with different file systems, such as ext3/4. Also, the advertised number that drive manufacturers put on there relies on the decimal system rather than binary, so a disk that is decimal bytes as advertised, on binary it will be around bytes. /1024 rather than /1000. Ontop of that windows with it's NTFS will take up some space for swap area when handling the drive, so it ends up at 97 gb for you.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

reformat and reinstall
It could be a issue with NTFS try EXT or even FAT32.

if everything says 98GB time for RMA

>how do i diskpart without an OS? lol
Live linux?
I seriously feel bad for anyone who's full boot into the OS (including login) takes more than 10 Seconds.
>>wow! 10k RPM soo fast!

that's normal
20+ GB is not as much

Well, where can I go to see an objective view of the space?

Where does it say in the bios ?

Should i do diskpart and then reinstall windows??

Guess it was a waste of time to install windows right now without formatting properly (just used the windows install format option, didnt work)

I'm also going to dualboot debian, but it says the same thing in linux currently.

Anyway, brb gonna do diskpart / clean

because windows is shitty bloatware. Check your pagefile.sys and hyberfile.sys, they unusually each take up the same about of space on the disk as you have RAM. You can reduce the size of both, google it.

because windows take sup like 30 gb and something you did wrong etc. dunno. my 120 says 111 I have 12 gb of ram so shouldn't be swap

>Well, where can I go to see an objective view of the space?
download spacesniffer or windirstat for a visualization of the used space

You're missing the point. Before the OS is even installed it's displaying the drive incorrectly. nothing is even on it, its blank, unallocated even.

Again, you retards don't realize that manufacturers advertise using the decimal system, jesus fuck.

>so a disk that is decimal bytes as advertised, on binary it will be around bytes. /1024 rather than /1000
units 120GB GiB
* 111.75871
/ 0.0089478485
>Ontop of that windows with it's NTFS will take up some space for swap area
wat? "10" gigs for no fucking reason? Pls stop.


some of the space is internally reserved as backup for blocks that wear out

No, that should not be advertised as part of the usable disk capacity.

I'm an idiot, is the 500mb normal?

>Well, where can I go to see an objective view of the space?
Wipe it and look in the bios or some OS.
>Where does it say in the bios ?
dunno google it. on that note try a different system to make sure your MoBo isn't doing anything fucky

btw dont used dd or dban or some shit to wipe an SSD. You will fuck your shit up. use the built -in secure erase utility which clears the memory cells. it's stupid easy in Linux:


I figured it out fellas.

There was a 14.6gb partition reserved for 'system' that I originally thought was just the USB

Now I have 111gb, which from everything i read is pretty normal for 120gb SSD.

Still gay that I don't get the whole 120gb..

how do you pull up your own pants in the morning?

no, it shouldn't
it's even more misleading than hdd's, at least with hdd's you really can use all the space that was advertised, they just use a unit that differs from what everything else on computers use

for example, i have a 2TB hdd here, and it's exactly 2,000,398,934,016 bytes, which is actually OVER 2TB, meaning i really can put a 2TB file on it
BUT, if i measure the disk with the typical "binary" units, i get 1.8T (TiB)

you never get the entire drive. its how windows reads memory
I have 16gb flash drive. windows picks up only 14gb.
nothing wrong with the stick I have 2 of them.

That's a different issue
units -1 16GB GiB
* 14.901161

16GB *are* 14 GiB.

>16GB *are* 14 GiB.

That's because drive manufacturers measure in base 10 and OSes measure in base 2.

100GB in base 10 is 100000000 bytes
100GB in base 2 is 104857600 bytes

It's a way for harddrive manufacturers to pretend that the drive is bigger.

and by the way,
units -1 120GB GiB
* 111.75871
Remember to mark the thread as [SOLVED], OP.

lol gg . Sup Forums is still a much better source for information than reddit, or anywhere else atleast for QUICK information.

luv u guys

flash drives are typically advertised as the raw flash capacity, not taking away any reserved space
i have a "16GB" drive here which is only 15,502,147,584 bytes (15.5GB, or 14.4GiB)

at least with most SSD's they don't count the reserved space (instead of 128 they say 120, 64>60, etc)


you got ripped off

:( damn bastards

# fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 14,3 GiB, 15376000000 bytes, 30031250 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

# Bus 002 Device 008: ID 0781:5583 SanDisk Corp.
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 2.10
bDeviceClass 0
bDeviceSubClass 0
bDeviceProtocol 0
bMaxPacketSize0 64
idVendor 0x0781 SanDisk Corp.
idProduct 0x5583
bcdDevice 1.00
iManufacturer 1 SanDisk
iProduct 2 Ultra Fit
MaxPower 224mA
Interface Descriptor:
bInterfaceClass 8 Mass Storage
bInterfaceSubClass 6 SCSI
bInterfaceProtocol 80 Bulk-Only
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x02 EP 2 OUT
bmAttributes 2
Transfer Type Bulk
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0200 1x 512 bytes
USB 2.0 Extension Device Capability:
HIRD Link Power Management (LPM) Supported
SuperSpeed USB Device Capability:
Device can operate at Full Speed (12Mbps)
Device can operate at High Speed (480Mbps)
Device can operate at SuperSpeed (5Gbps)
bFunctionalitySupport 1
Lowest fully-functional device speed is Full Speed (12Mbps)
bU1DevExitLat 10 micro seconds
bU2DevExitLat 256 micro seconds
Some chink scams are around, some keys are advertised as 16/32GB in Windurr and only Linux can investigate their real capacity. If you use Linux (GNU or not) and you buy chink shit, this can be useful to you sometimes: oss.digirati.com.br/f3/

Formatting and depending on the model, overprovisioning.

>/1024 rather than /1000
Mebibytes vs Megabytes

>NTFS will take up some space for swap area
No, what fuckwit told you this!?
The paging file is the Windows equivalent of swap space.

Attention faggots, linux shows disk space in GiB not GB. Learn the difference.

>The paging file is the Windows equivalent of swap space.
no, they are separate.
pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys

> 120 gb = 50 bucks
> like you wouldn't get one
cheap as fuck
i got mine for free when i got a gift card of 50 bucks.

>I don't even dare to read the thread

Can anyone explain what happens on the hardware level demands reformatting? is it write mistakes that make that mem address inaccessable or unretreivable?


OP here new problem

Installed windows 7 and it says 39gb is used. Even though the windows folder is only 17gb, and the rest of the drive is only 1gb

Where the fuck is my space. The fuck windows?

Also windows update seems to not work its stuck on searching.

Brb linux

hiberfil and pagefile are the first suspects
hiberfil is where a memory dump is written during hibernation, you can disable hibernation (also removes the file) with "powercfg -h off" from an administrator cmd
pagefile is used as swap/virtual memory, you can turn this off as well, or have windows place it on another disk, see;

Let me guess, you have 8 gigs of RAM?
Hiberfil.sys = RAM capacity
Pagefile = 1.5* Ram capacity.
then ~800MB for default userdata, .NET, Visual C, etc.

Wouldent it show up under the windows directory though?

12gb of ram.

The problem is when i select all the files on the drive, it only shows up as like 20gb, when it says 39 is used....

no, they're both in the systemroot (usually "C:\"), and they're hidden system files by default



I guess MS finally decided the 1.5*RAM metric is outdated. Hidden files.