Rate my server

rate my server




why a de on server

u wot m8?


The filesystem...


>ext4 for storage
>two cores
>Running VMs on VirtualBox ON A SERVER
Why didn't you use Windows Server? Since you clearly have no fucking clue about how servers work.

Your server is Debian with a GUI running VMs with GUIs?

Did you find anything difficult or quirky about installing to the RAID?
I will be using a BIOS RAID 0 configuration. ANy personal tips you wanna share?

Why not containers?
or kvm?

>>ext4 for storage
>>two cores
>>Running VMs on VirtualBox ON A SERVER
>Why didn't you use Windows Server? Since you clearly have no fucking clue about how servers work.

VMWare is god tier, but yeah Windows Server is alright with Hyper-V.

Its a software raid. It took a long time to create. Once upon boot the configuration in mdadm.conf was fucked so systemd shit it's pants and wouldn't boot the system. Reconfiguraing the raid was fine once I workded that out - the take away from this is that the systemd error message was totally wrong and made me think that other things were failing.

Only tip is even though you're running on a raid - ALWAYS make a BACKUP (frequently)

Correct. You can't turn off GUIs for Windows VMs. The Linux VMs require GUIs for remote desktoping into them and running the gui applications on them.

I do like VMWare but don't have a license for it, I don't really like windows and yeah I don't really want to run Windows on my server.

>VMWare is god tier
I know, that's why I specifically said VirtualBox, which is their desktop product, not their server product.
I prefer Proxmox tho.

Sorry mate but Virtual Box is an Oracle product... nothing to do with VMWare.

QEMU + KVM you stupid fucks.

Proxmox is just that with a web UI. Or you can just ssh into it. Plus you have LXC