I want to be a hacker but I just don't want to learn how to program...
I want to be a hacker but I just don't want to learn how to program
you can buy real hacker tools on black market for hefty sum
Where is the black market?
cracker != hacker
How old are you OP?
22. I would like to spend 10 years learning programming but I can't seem to do it.
Why do you even want to be a hacker? Programming is what hackers do.
just download a keylogger
Use kahli linux
Over there
Hacking is programming you idiot
go outta Sup Forums you useless fool
I can understand not wanting to go through the odeal of learning programming for something like this (which really isnt that hard) but if you've TRIED to learn programming and you can't then you probably cant be a "hacker", its all the same skillset man
If you can't put in the work to learn something as trivial as general programming then you'll never do anything meaningful with computers. Go find something else to do with your life that actually interests you. If you can be motivated by the work itself it's not for you.
I want to be a surgeon but I just don't want to learn about the human body...
Were you dropped on your head as a child? You can't hack without any programming knowledge. You sound like a lazy cunt who is used to having everything handed to him on a silver platter (hurr I installz appz). Nobody is born a hacker. You need to put in some work and learn if it's what you want. There are no one click hacking tools available for free. The markets on the deep web are 99% scams to rip off suckers like yourself. The closest you'll get to what you want is probably Kali Linux but the tools included aren't easy to use. I'm actually running Kali now and I can say that 2 years ago I wouldn't know how to use anything here. Take some time and do some research you entitled ass.
Buy an axe and hack trees then.
No you fucking faggot, it's not over there, stop giving misdirection.
OP, don't listen to him, the black market is over here.
even for a piggy back joke that was kind of lame
Hajiv or havij forgot name.
How the fuck do you access the dankweb
>Kali Linux but the tools aren't easy to use
If you can't figure out how to read a manpagge you probably shouldn't be using linux in the first place.
You're way too old to learn programming at this point. Just download hacker tools like LOIC and aircrack-ng and join hacker channels on IRC and hope no one calls you out for being a poser.
10 print "fizz"
20 print "buzz"
30 print "fizzbuzz"
MODS. does this LOOK like a tech support thread?
Does it look like I'm asking for something? Don't warn me and send me to idiots.
>You're way too old to learn programming at this point.
aww ;_; really?
>aww ;_; really?
no, he's just a shitlord. there are no age restrictions.
>hope no one calls you out for being a poser
>thinks cracking = hacking
YOU are the poser my man.