How true is this?
How true is this?
Jammeys, bed, NOW!
Android phones, and just like in the picture, a galaxy, can be more expensive than an iPhone.
You sound poor, Jamal.
>microshaft shills stooping this low
False. 90% of iPhone owners have the 16GB version.
Windows 10 mobile is a dead os
2 accurate 4 me senpai
Apple users are generally richer than Android users and rich people are generally smarter than poor people. Therefore iPhone is the smarter choice.
>he doesn't have a meego phone
I owned an iPhone before, I have experience with both platforms, I prefer android. I can own an iPhone if I wanted to, I just don't feel like using a more limited operating system.
Why do poor people always seem to have iPhones...?
i dont get it. now that subsidized prices are gone you are going to be spending $600-$700 on a phone anyways whether it be samsung or apple.
and isnt something like 90%+ of iphone users using the base 16gb model?
>and isnt something like 90%+ of iphone users using the base 16gb model?
That is still more storage than the average android user
Galaxy S7, HTC 10 and even Huawei P9 all cost more than an iPhone.
Poorfags on welfare all have iPhones.
but the average android phone can spend $12 to double the space of the comparable apple device
What you're referring as "Android", is actually Android/Gapps, Android+Gapps or however you want to type it.
>A tale of two cities: The maps that reveal how iPhone owners live in affluent areas, while Android is for those in poorer parts of town
>These new maps reveal that in the world's biggest cities, those in affluent areas are far more likely to own Apple's iPhone, while those in lower income areas almost always own an Android handset.
Not at all.
Here is a more accurate comparison.
>Why don't designers take Android seriously?
Because of bullshit studies like these. Either they're measuring a far smaller effect than they're making it out to be, my area is an anomaly, or it's rubbish. I see plenty of poor people on the subway messing with iPhones, and plenty of more affluent people with Android phones.
Do you seriously think a thousand dollars is a lot of money?
I'm talking Canadian dollars, so yes
>my anecdotal evidence is more relevant than an actual research with concrete evidence
-Sup Forums
So if I poo in loo, I need to buy a fake iPhone?
>pejets btfo
Next time put some more effort into your troll thread.
I'm talking Australian dollars.
I'm a poorfag and I can afford an iPhone outright in 2 or 3 weeks easily. I even know people living on the dole who have iPhone, it's super easy to get on contract.
Lel. Nice argument poorfag
Show me a study that says the opposite.
Considering an iPhone pretty much does everything a cheaper android phone does, yes.
You dont really get more functionality if you buy an iPhone but you get a prettier, more consistent UI and smoother experience. Essentially you are paying extra for a luxury, that is why apple is a premium brand.
Considering galaxy phones cost just as much new as Iphones, it is a pretty stupid picture
>applel toddler toy shit
How true is this?
What is wrong with what I said? When did Sup Forums become Sup Forums?
Most people won't even notice whether or not you're using an iPhone.
The both cost the same though?
The Note 6 is supposed to be like a thousand bucks.
>Owning a home is showing off
Very Marxist.
>Apple users generally have richer parents
>thinking that owning something which costs $600-700 makes you rich
>image is probably made by a buttmad poorfag with a Mcjob who probably had to save money for 6 months to buy a phone
How's being poor?
found the teenager
>Apple users are generally richer than Android users and rich people are generally smarter than poor people.
You're conflating the super rich with the middle class people. Regardless, even if you're pleb working a menial job, you can still afford an Apple computer or smartphone. Apple is no longer a luxury brand.
>no longer
That would imply it ever was.
Ironic how the more expensive phone is the worse one
>android damage control
Top leke! Enjoy your mandatory apps
*mandatory advertising apps
Time to take your autism medication Timmy.
My milk crates are brown, damn you!
What you're referring to as "autism" is actually projection, or as I've taken to calling it recently, Stop Posting.
>both the galaxy cost upwards $800 when released
>calls the galaxy poor
>people on welfare all have iphones
ive seen more """average income""" folks with iphones than rich ones
dunno if the sample is large enough to conclude anything other than op is a fag
>he pays to receive texts
>he doesn't have t-mobile unlimited text and data for 30$/month
Amerifat confirmed
>be a samshit drone
>get upset by a strawman
>reply with more strawmen
Where you at that it's that cheap?
Is this the cuck whose flag literally has a cuckstamp still talking to me?
No, I'm someone different.
oh, you gotta git gud lad, they don't advertise it directly
unless they stopped making it available to new customers but idk so
google t-mobile 30$ plan or w/e the internet shall guide you
God dam, the fake iPhone threw me off for a second.
>source: my anus
Windows Phone: Almost exclusively purchased by poor people, or someone who wants a good camera phone, and doesn't care about anything else.
iPhone: Purchased mostly by hipsters, rich people who want to fit in with other rich people, and idiots who will buy anything Apple makes. A well-informed, rational actor would likely avoid the iPhone, as it's a security nightmare. This is a product made by a company that is willing to spend over six months not fixing a critical security vulnerability that made possible root level escalation on both iOS and Mac OS X, and then when they finally "fixed" it, an ex-NSA employee was able to STILL exploit the vulnerability.
Android: Purchased by poor, middle class, and rich people alike. Features is the keyword for Android users. Some want a better camera than an iPhone, but more applications than a Windows phone. Some want a phone to tinker with, install custom ROMs or various system level software that requires root. Some want a particular feature, like external storage, removable batteries, etc...
I love you Ruby Red
He's from New York.
I know that because i'm from New York and that deal has been going on around here since the iPhone 5 days
The only right answer, they are all terrible
I think this is for idiots who only need phones as status symbols.
If you are not vain and/or technology ignorant, you might evaluate what you actually need, and with how powerful these devices are today you PROBABLY actually don't need the most expensive ones, even if you go Android.
In which case you will pay less than for an iPhone. And in the process not "prove" that your are "rich" (by utter pleb standards) every time you whip your phone out.
i have both an iphone 6 and an oneplus one. and can safely say i prefer the OPO over the iphone any day of the week. the user interface is comparable to the same location you pulled that generalization from.
wew lad..
Very funny faggot
He was implying people that buy iPhones are teenagers.
Its a status symbol like expensive shoes for the negros
android is iphone for poor people
OMG LOL rollin... just... rollin
I worked in a phone shop and I have no idea why people buy the iPhones. I wouldn't even know what to say if I was supposed to try and sell one to someone over an android. Expensive as fuck and worse in every way I can think of compared to everything else in the price range. For a while it still had a great camera but I'm pretty sure the new Galaxys beat it.
Yet people love the things, especially women. Women go straight to the damn iphones.
>Smarter choice
Samsung Galaxy costs as much as an iPhone the fuck you on about, memester?
Still chinkshit for life