Where did the Haskell is hard meme start?

Where did the Haskell is hard meme start?

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probably by the people who were forced to learn it in school. They were mad they weren't programming in Java or w/e language they learned in high school or by themselves.

Why would anyone willingly code in Java?

That's where the jobs are, fäm

I wonder if it has much of a future when Oracle is likely to sue anyone who makes a profit using it

>be pajeet
>get sued
all part of the plan

thank you based oracle for saving American jobs

Where did the "haskell is useful and can be used for professional-grade program " meme start?


Pajeets on suicide watch

That's the same faggot who think Java is a good language though.

No he doesn't. He has explicitly stated he has never programmed in Java, only on Java.

newcomers probably saw haskell code with concepts not known to them, sort of like diving in the deep end of the swimming pool without knowing how to swim

as you said, the concepts are not hard and haskell isn't hard. You just need to gradually learn it (like anything in life)

also here is an explanation of some ``hard" concepts (read it after you can write some toy programs in haskell)

start here to learn haskell
or if you want a book (costs money), try

Real World Haskell is comfy and free

tfw I get paid to write haskell

That "ready for industry" meme has to die.

what kind of software do you create?

how hard was it finding haskell work?

a full stack with a web frontend and a fairly complex backend (it's a sort of magical logic compiler generator thing that I can't say much more about)

not very

so you use a haskell to javascript transpiler for the frontend

Would you say haskell has been a benefit? Does your codebase contain more advanced abstractions?


no, the frontend is a yesod server, and the client is a best hipster practices circa-2011 thing. (with the addition of a websockets-based message passing system) i.e., fairly sane javascript that does not do ridiculous amounts of heavy lifting

I would use elm if people hadn't already done pretty good JS libraries that do a lot of the hard work required

yeah. you'd really be surprised how genuinely useful some things that seem fairly far down the abstraction rabbit-hole are -- like lenses, GHC.Generics, foldable & traversable, ...

a notable mention is megaparsec (fork of parsec). if you have a megaparsec parser you basically also have perfect autocomplete functionality built-in. yesod is quite nice in terms of kitchen sink functionality. haskell's STM implementation is also extremely good

a fundamental thing that e.g. python, java etc. lack are (G)ADTs which are just so useful in practice



The author here is hilariously buttblasted. Tsuru Capital only responds to www.[...] which is a dumb DNS mistake unrelated to Haskell.

see tsurucapital.com vs

not used very much but worth looking at haskellers.com/jobs

Cherry picking

As a hardware (Verilog) guy, the concept behind Haskell, "Given the same inputs, these functions always return the same results" makes perfect sense. Should I into Haskell?

4SCRAPE creator did say "haskell is hard" back in 2009 or so when the site was having database problems.

But you are going into a different world, the other end of the spectrum. The high level