Do you ever miss your old computer?

I am sitting here in my cool air conditioned room with my huge monitor and powerful computer and I still feel a longing for the days when I sat sweating in a hot room at my parents house all night in front of my 14" CRT monitor with my old Pentium computer to the right of me poking around on Japanese webrings for obscure hentai.

get a life or better yet kys

this post made me feel warm for a couple of seconds

ty based user and also pls c. suicide

No, I don't miss that. I don't miss having my 4kbps download interrupted by someone picking up the phone, either.

>buy a retro machine on eBay for nothing
>install Linux
>apply vaporwave wallpaper
Feels good man

I love working and playing with my collection of old gear but I wouldn't ditch my new hardware entirely for it if I had to, even my bitchin' Y2K-era high end workstations.

Maybe I would feel differently about it if the Internet was kinder to them, though. Really all I can do on my new shit that I can't do on my old shit is games and efficient virtualization, VMware on a Pentium III is suffering.

The older I get the more I hate people that are nostalgic.

>girl forced to sit in-front of computer to satisfy the wims of an autist who wants to show off his new computer
Good lord this is painful to see. My dad is just like that too.

Never do this. I know you're all prone to do it.

No I don't miss waiting as a jpeg loaded segment by segment. I much prefer the ability to view HD content over the internet.

I miss how robust/well-made components were in the past.

I had a Athlon XP with 512MB of RAM and a FX5200 until 2011.

No I don't fucking miss it.

It's nothing at all like actually being there. It can't be recreated.


She's at least 30.

Everything about my old computer from highschool was terrible, but, I was spending hours on figuring out how to squeeze every part for its maximum potential, and days of research to get the best price/performance used parts.

Now I literally just throw money at the problem.

Everything is better now, fuck my old rig, it was fucking terrible.

>>buy a retro machine on eBay for nothing

Have you checked the prices on 386 through Pentium era machines lately? They don't go for nothin'.

maybe a case or a definable a desk and chair, but never an old computer.


Yeah by now maybe.
She's no more than 25.

Regardless that clueless face makes her a girl in my eyes almost regardless of age.

>disrespecting your old hardware like this

I miss the data on it but not the device itself.

I'm probably fortunate I don't have it though, all those chatlogs were from when I was awful.

Her manner of dress and hairstyle matches exactly with what 30+ year old women were wearing when the computer in the photo was contemporary.

People were healthier in the 90s. 30-something women looked like today's 20-somethings.

>disrespecting your [inanimate object without sentience by definition of the word object] like this

Wait, is the P4 in my closet worth something again?

>30-something women looked like today's 20-somethings.
Dunno how true that is but presuming you're right about her age. Yeah.
>dress and hairstyle
So? She's related to a nerd in some way.

P4s are in the donut hole of worthlessness, wait another 10-20 years when XP becomes nostalgia-tier ancient and they've all been recycled.

i used a core 2 duo for nearly 10 years, i ended up getting the IHS bronzed and the whole thing is hanging proudly in a wooden box with a glass window.

Should still work but i'm not sure as i don't have an lga775 motherboard. delidding that thing was so fucking difficult i may have damaged the die in the process.

Either way, it's the memory that counts, it was there from me since before puberty to when i became a man, it's seen everything i've ever done with a computer... which was a lot. every phase i've gone through, every document i've typed, picture i've drawn, game i've played, conversation i've had, music i've listened to.. just.. everything went through that thing. I think that makes it special.

I ended up retiring it a few years ago for a Haswell i saved up for with my own money that i'm still using.. Kind of felt like the end of an era when i took that rig apart...

People who call them "rigs" are embarrassing, I hope you don't use that word around people

No. It's not old enough to be collectable yet, but also too old to be useful for anything current. It's like a PS2.

Yes, I do

What you said
>I still feel a longing for the days when I...

What is happening
>I still feel a longing for only the good parts of days that I happen to remember and have blocked out everything bad

Nostalgia is a lie and a catch 22, you can never go back and see it again because it's just your own memory now and that's all you can go off of, too bad you have changed that. Kill yourself.

hey look guys justin's back with some more non-sequiturs and nonsensical strawmen about trivial autistic bullshit nobody gives a fuck about