Lonely Technology

Do you sometimes feel sad for some tech? Every time I scroll through Instagram and see the rover sending pictures I can't help but tear up about how lonely he must be up there.

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lonely? I'd love to man one of those things, explore worlds that life forms are yet to corrupt. when I was young we'd waste weeks exploring just the neighborhood, I could kill a few decades roaming around on my own planet. if you need interaction, you can always call back home.


Edgy as fuck

Somebody post that rover comic


Sometimes I think about the chinks who manufacture the chink stuff I have. How meaningless their work is and how hollow their lives must feel, knowing that all they will ever do is produce low quality shit for people that just don't give a shit about it.

But then again, I tend to overempathise. Like, a few weeks ago I visited my parents for a while and observed a pair of blackbirds teaching their chlid how to fly. One day then the parents were just gone and the small one was running around the bushes in our garden. I went over to it and noticed that he coughed all the time. His parents abandoned him because he was too sick. When I went back my mom asked me what's up with the bird and I just started to cry. I'm tearing up as I write this, I'm not kidding. I'm a huge pussy when it comes to stuff like that.



please tell me youre either 12 years old or super autistic
if neither, thats pretty sad - im sure your mum is proud of you

I sometimes feel bad about the older outdated stuff. With hand made circuit boards and stuff make before the machines took over.
The craftsmanship and care put in to these things is mind blowing.

>explore worlds that life forms are yet to corrupt
Mars is so barren because it's already been corrupted by life forms.

t. tinfoil hat Sup Forumsack

Never been to Sup Forums and am not a tinfoil hatter.

oh yes, if it hadn't met any aliens by now than this thing is probably the most lonely piece of material ever to exist in the course of mankind.

Thats just what a tinfoil hat Sup Forumsack would say...

20,085,936,656 KM away from earth. It must be cruel to know your makers made you and then shot you out into thousands of years of loneliness.

All the freaking time.

its might end up being billions of years or even till the end of time, depends on what happens with humanity

It's also what a non-tinfoil hatter who's never been to Sup Forums would say.


I only feel sad for humans and compassion for animals.

fucking niggers

if you're on Sup Forums at all you might as well stop by Sup Forums from time to time, it's become the public face of this site since Sup Forums's deterioration into a mars-esque wasteland.

Why would I care about using the "public face" of this site? How about I just use the fucking boards I enjoy?

Radios are still handmade.

I don't even feel empathy for humans why the fuck would I for a piece of plastic and metal

>the retarded namefag is a sociopath
What a surprise.

obviously you can do whatever you want. it was only a friendly suggestion as the source of the memes leak into other regions of the site. you are becoming Sup Forums being here whether you like it or not, I feel it's better to be aware of which parts of the meme stew you find distasteful.

that is all.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, I still act on the way society expects.


I'm just saying it's no surprise you're mentally ill.

I always feel bad when technology is at the end of its lifespan.
Seeing the electronic recycling bin in my towns hall left me unhappy for the rest of the day.
Easily 100+ old computers, phones, printers, etc. all just considered dead and obsolete.
Hence why I still put so much time in my R30, I've had that laptop since it was new, I've bought upgrades, replacement parts, even changed out capacitors and small components on the motherboard.
By now, including original cost, I've spent at least 3500$ on it over the last 14\15 years.
And it's still going, I just don't want to think of it being in a bin full of other dead electronics.

Feels bad man

The rovers are not lonely though, thousands of people are watching it, hundreds of computers monitor what it does, and plenty of people like to see what it's doing.
When it finally gives out, it will live on in history.
But household electronics don't get that.

it still has a long way to go


Wtf? You have issues.

With animals I just can't help it. I don't look at it as a bad thing though. It's not like it happens all the time.


Technology doesnt have feelings. This thread is pointless banter and discussion.


I'd just be glad to be away from humans.

Humans don't have feelings. This thread is pointless banter and discussion.

Why did you post this? What were you going for?

a TASC R30?

Image compositioning, check the arm shadow and the absent of it on the rover.

> i still say edgy in 2016

how's the time warp treating you?

dont worry, that cgi model isn't alone at all, just one more of the countless NASA bullshit


Nah, thinkpad r30
I wish I had a tasc, those were cool as hell in the early 90's

Idk hows autism?

I'm sad for all the money it's wasting.

it takes a special kind of simple retard to actually draw that map and not be able to comprehend that it makes no sense

It sings happy birthday to itself.
The loneliest birthday in the universe.


That picture looks CGI as fuck

Well yeah, I doubt they sent a professional photographer along with the rover to take pictures of it

I just want a robot personal assistant. But even if a miracle happens overnight I'm sure the first one released will cost at least 100k and it would take a decade for a consumer price drop.

See you in 20+ years..if it's even possible

Hasn't the Happy Birthday copyright been overruled?

It's not lonely, Its just a generic RC car they test out in the Australian desert, I'm sure the control team is nearby.

t. flat earth truther

>Why did you post this?
To demonstrate how weak 's stance is

>What were you going for?
A more sophisticated argument

yeah - not then tho


Do you feel bad for that hammer in you toolbox? Would you feel bad if I gave It a motor and wheels and made it automatic?

I thought so

I have seen enough 3D renders to recognize one. Look at those hard shadows, unnatural lighting, aliasing, 100% diffuse material on the rover's body and legs, copypasted rocks and no dirt or scratch marks anywhere. I'd give it 8/10.

Most of it is simply due to the fact that Mars has hardly any atmosphere. That makes the lighting situation look so surrealistic.

omg, I hope this is not a real commercial. I never asked for all the feels.

Haha, you're a fucking retarded faggot.

holy shit this is sad, I actually teared up there. Especially: "... it is not unlikely that when she arrives at some far off star, those she meets will be those she left behind". I never though about that, holy shit

I'm a CG artist and the more I look at it the more fake it looks lmao. There's just too much little things that scream at me FAKE to ignore.

Those fucking stones. They look like they're geometry clipping a plane, not actual stones lying on the ground, getting covered with sand naturally etc. It's just strange as fuck. If it's real I'd be amazed.

I'm not a tinfoil hatter of any sorts. Quite the contrary. And this looks fake to me. If I had to give a professional opinion I'd be on the fence. It's definitely not something you wouldn't be able to easily create in 3D, that's a fact.

Who said that the picture is real? NASA puts up a lot of "fake" pictures. And if they are real photos for once, then they are often false-colors.


It's a low res, downscaled version of a stitched-together panorama made from multiple different postprocessed camera images.

Pic related is what a raw single image looks like

You have feelings and a kind heart. There's nothing wrong with that.

>Pic related is what a raw single image looks like
Looks even more fake than the OP picture. The ground looks like a flat texture, and everything has that same blurry vaseline look as any modern video game.

or maybe the look of a custom built ultra low weight camera

they should've saved him instead of Matt Damon

Having feelings and understanding that the world will leave you doesn't make you a pussy.

We post anonymously here because we want to feel without having to worry about being pitied. It's not about being pitied, it's about namelessly sharing the feelings we feel every day. We can say as much or as little as we want and there will be somebody here that feels that same way. That means a lot.

I fucked up a few times and I came here because you were. You're here because you fucked up a few times and came here because I was. I don't ask you to respect some unwritten rule that doesn't exist, but don't kid yourself that you're here instead of somewhere like reddit or a more traditional forum "just because".

Think about a rock. A rock wants to be the best rock it can be.

The rover wants to be the best rover it can be. It is advancing science and made a name for itself. It became the best it could be.

they tried to get him out of the sand bank for months but it was impossible, they did all they could until it started failing

Why is it so ugly? Should've let Apple design it.

But your post is just a silly false statement, you're not demonstrating anything

i really hope they didn't actually put those disks in the voyagers and it was all a marketing gimmick to get funding, any sane astronomer will tell you that sending coordinates out to space is a grave mistake

/r/ the one where voyager calls it a fucking pussy
