ITT: Meme phones

ITT: Meme phones

Other urls found in this thread: s4 zoom



What is that?

I know it's an iPhone, but what's with the chubby case? To make fatshits feel less triggered because "real phones have curves"?

I am genuinely curious as to what that is, and what it's purpose is. My hunch? A battery pack maybe?

can you shut the fuck up?

It's a battery pack

can you maybe suck my dick just a little bit?

Damn nigga you're retarded

It's a meme phone but the best meme phone I've ever used.

Did he trigger your precious little feelings? Do you want a belly rub?

Master race.

There is not a single other phone on the planet that has a backing material as amazing as soft sandstone. I can literally put it in my shirt pocket, pick up something off the ground, and it won't even fall out.

So tempted to buy

Just returned mine to be refurbished.

Literally every chink shit phone

What is the definition of a meme phone?

Samsung S series

Something that's heavily advertised and claim to have better specs than previous iterations with some gimmicks.

That's most of today's flagship phones.

I regret ever falling for this meme.

any phone post 2014

>still no Mememi Note 3

I'm actually posting from one and it's the best meme I ever had.

Yeah, after two weeks on the fresh install it starts bugging, lagging and stuttering like it's 2011. The software is garbage and the camera is blah.

I actually have it since release and still no problems with it and I rather take pictures with my dslr instead :^)

Do you have the pro version? What rom are you using?

>fell for the penis compensation meme
>mfw now stuck with a 4.7" shitphone
>games run and play awfull
>movies and porn look horrible on the color inaccurate 720p screen
>constant fat finger errors while typing
just fuck my shit up Sup Forums

any phone post 1997

>tfw have an iPhone 6s

It's pretty comfy when you work in finance, senpai

>I've had my Samsung Galaxy S2 since its release in May 2011
>it still werks and I'm happy with it
praise me please

>samshit in charge of design

I actually think that case looks good

It covers all the edges of the phone, it's made from durable rubber, and the case isn't any thicker than it needs to be. Like sometimes these cases are thick around the camera too but that must interfere with the amount of light that gets to the camera and also the efficacy of the flash. So yeah I think it's a great case personally. It does what it needs to do, and better than other cases, so I don't really see the problem

I will

whats the exact model of this phone

This is the very definition of me me phone

People like you should be perma banned, you fucking Asperger afflicted freak.

Why does it have the exact UI as the Huawei P8? Are the chinks now even copying each other?

Applefag detected!

Moto g is the biggest fucking meme.
>shit hardware
>not even that cheap - you could get a legendary lg g2 for the price

Americunts can't identity with a thin smartphone

All chinkphones have the same ui, more or less.
It's like a mix of stock android and iPhone. Miui is a slight exception to that.

Hey guys, do you remember this?

this is so badly shooped

Why are you so stupid son? s4 zoom

GradeAunderA, I didn't know you went on Sup Forums.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

I'm putting mine for sale on ebay today when my Lg G4 comes in the male.

The zenfone 3 was a cool phone but the shit battery life + nonremovable battery + stuck on android 5.0 is just a deal breaker. Also the phone sucks in direct sunlight.

I still don't think intel should have gotten out of the mobile market. The CPU was good and showed real promise, the reason why the battery life was shit was due to the screen.

Okay pajeet, you can stop shilling right now, we dont pay on saturdays

Axon Pro is the cheapest flagship meme phone from last year out there. No regrets from buying it.

I'm considering most phones over 5.7" to be a meme.

Just why? Massive phones are fucking stupid. Bigger screens eat more battery, it invites getting destroyed in any pocket, and the only justification is for watching movies or videos.

Bring back >5.2"

any phone post 1989

>2mpx dithered cam
>no front cam
>half of internal memory taken by android
>no one rooted it
>no one ported any roms for it
>i bought it

I have the Sprint version of this, and can't ROOT it. Goddamnit. And T-Mobile users can have Cyanogenmod. WTF Sprint? Once they were OK with unlocked bootloaders, now they are no better than AT&T or Verizon.

>Buying carrier locked phones
I made the same mistake senpai. Although I don't really care. I have adguard instead of adaway and i don't need to void warranty

Always buy the international version. If your carrier's network doesn't support it, get a less shirty carrier.

Jolla phone?


applefag detected
why are you on Sup Forums? go kill yourself

>it's made from durable rubber

As opposed to what, non-durable rubber? Durable rubber is a requirement, not a feature.

I still use it. Ordered the Jolla C too.


I quite liked mine. Unfortunately it shat itself beyond recovery twice, and I'm not gonna bother sending it back again

>get a less shirty carrier.

Sure thing famm. I'll switch away from the only carrier with coverage where I live just so I can have a rooted Android.

Not using landlines

Bought one a few months ago, don't regret it at all

This. Internal memory sucks ,terrible ram

wanna hear a joke?

windows phone

Fuck you. Morse code for the win bitches.

Seriously though, I liked StarTACs much better.

Do want.

>he's literally too stupid to use literally the best mobile OS, ever

But that's not BB10OS



each and every phone with a huge bezel below the screen with back and home buttons as part of the screen

as in almost all of the android phones except shitsung and a few others

>with back and home buttons as part of the screen
All of my this

>tfw browsing this thread with the same phone

How bad did I fucked up?

>Buying an international LG G4
>With the bootloop shit
Have fun talking with LG support while they tell you that they cant cover the phone and you need to contact the country that made your phone, mostly Korea and Japan since they provide the international versions.

At least the carrier version of the G4 gets direct support from you provider and you can get a newer model within days and even then you can get fucked again a get another affected model and have to wait for the bootloop to appear again and pray for a non affected serial.

Thats why the LG G4 costs so fucking cheap on Amazon.

CianogenMod fucks with the camera software and makes it work like shit.

2-day meme batttery, best meme ever.

i want to get one ;__;

>tfw nothing works on verizon
>tfw anything that does work on verizon has a locked fucking bootloader and that's a sure way to get an outdated phone in two years when the updates stop

fucking hell
my ONLY option is a 5x or 6p and they're no internal memory + no removable battery which SUCKS ASS

LG v10 has root on Verizon now

root != unlocked bootloader

root is very nice but a locked bootloader means you're stuck with whatever shit LG and verizon feel like you deserve and nothing more, especially frustrating since verizon roms take fucking forever to come out. want android 6? wait a year for verizon to stuff it full of bloatware and maybe we'll give it to you

All of the ones with 6GB RAM
