Hackear instagras con error 404

sera cierto que es posible ingresar a cualquier cuenta de intagram provocando un error 404?

Not speaking English on Sup Forums needs to be a bannable offence.


wew lad

you don't even write spanish properly fucktard

It is true that you can enter any account intagram causing a 404 error?


someone already try?



No. Tratalo y informanos despues de aserlo.

Is it true?

No, tienes que instalar gentoo.

Why do I actually get physically angry when I see or hear Spanish? It's something that I realized a while ago and I've been trying to figure out ever since. I honestly don't know why. You're language is fucking stupid though. It looks dumb and it sounds even fucking gayer.

¡Arriba México, cabrones!

Te enojas porque eres un racista de mierda.
A gente como tú la deberían de colgar abiertamente en las calles.

Is it racist though? I don't hate you because you're a spic with brown skin. I hate you because your native language is dumb as fuck. If I should hang in the street for that then you should have your fucking tongue cut out for speaking it. Faggot.

Chan stands for channel.

Because they are fucking loud. I have a spanish neighbours. Small family of 3. They are the most ignorant fucktard people I know.
It's fucking Europe pajeets. Shut the fuck up and don't fucking speak so loud that half of the city can hear you when you are on the phone.

Why is it 'dumb as fuck'? Can languages possess intelligence of their own? Spare me your whining as I know you'll be parroting whatever anecdotal evidence you might have to criticize spanish

Let's not pretend here, I know you're a rancid polfag


I just personally find it very unpleasant to listen to. There's something about the pronunciation of the words that just annoys me. It's just phonetically unpleasing. I'm not a pol fag either. Nice assumption though. I find a lot of European languages to also be annoying.

damn, really makes you think

we need to build wall

>no sound
but why