How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:–Fraenkel_set_theory#Metamathematics

Feels good doing 90% of your work in the first and second tier.

That's not good either, master race is 3-4, 1-2 are just pleb shit.

>, 1-2 are just pleb shit.

>tfw borderline abyss level already

What the fuck is lambda tesseract?

>inb4 lol pleb

its a marvel cinematic universe thing

Ok I will bite.

And the thing in the image?

>not using Whitespace


>implying any self-respecting programmer would use Haskell or ZFC (as examples)
Haskell *does* produce an incosistent logic, and this can easily be proved:
f :: Void
f = undefined

Also, ZFC might be inconsistent.

Take the lambda cube and extend it into another dimension. Cutting edge research, I would not be surprised if the creator of the image is working with it.

I didn't know anything about that.

What could be the posibilities on that kind of research?

More like this please

>Also, ZFC might be inconsistent.
[citation needed]

>tfw I know all of these

>no Object Pascal

100% MAD

>Hence the consistency of ZFC cannot be proved within ZFC itself (unless it is actually inconsistent). Thus, to the extent that ZFC is identified with ordinary mathematics, the consistency of ZFC cannot be demonstrated in ordinary mathematics. The consistency of ZFC does follow from the existence of a weakly inaccessible cardinal, which is unprovable in ZFC if ZFC is consistent. Nevertheless, it is deemed unlikely that ZFC harbors an unsuspected contradiction; it is widely believed that if ZFC were inconsistent, that fact would have been uncovered by now. This much is certain — ZFC is immune to the classic paradoxes of naive set theory: Russell's paradox, the Burali-Forti paradox, and Cantor's paradox.

That good enough for you? I never said it was likely.

>Nevertheless, it is deemed unlikely that ZFC harbors an unsuspected contradiction; it is widely believed that if ZFC were inconsistent, that fact would have been uncovered by now.
read the quote you pasted

>I don't know the difference between an opinion and a mathematical proof

Pi calculus means SQL, retard.
And java and C# are obviously more normalfag than go, even scala is. Prolog and cobol belong lower than haskell or scheme. Racket and scheme on the same stage.

Well then state your post more clearly next time, faggot.

When I read I thought you actually had something concrete, like a new possible inconsistency discovered in ZFC.

But all I got was memes and incompleteness 101.

95% of that image is bullshit.

Every fucking time


Always will be a good joke.





>javascript god tier
good so far
>also personal home pages and python
you blew it!

I don't see why a programming language needs to necessarily be consistent, it's for programming, not logic (referring to Haskell not ZFC).

Pi-calculus is a kernel of concurrency, nothing to do with SQL.


We retroactively create God.

I desperately want to get into hideout if only to have a local mirror strictly for archival.


Makes me feel sad for you entry level plebians who have never tasted the possibilities of modern hardware description languages



It makes me feel I need to explore those last two levels

ZFC is entry tier.

>No HoTT
>No Agda

Only thing down there that's not a meme is coq

Coq is pretty great, plus you can tell your friends you write coq and that you use coqdoc

I want a native from the amazons in Brazil.

What's Hideout?

Malbolge program that displays "Hello World!", with both words capitalized and exclamation mark at the end.


malbolge is not really interesting. It's just a turing quagmire, it doesn't have any interesting abstractions or properties other than being hard to work with. Languages like coq, idris and APL actually puts something interesting on the table, not just an annoying problem

>tfw I've taken a boat around inaccessible island

>one time pad decryption

That's how you know this was made by a 12 year old or someone with the equivalent intellectual level

>tfw born in atlantis

I was taking a vacation in Tristan da Cunha lel, how's Atlantic?


It doesn't need to be consistent. I didn't intend for the post to be taken seriously.

After all these years, most of people still believe in any bullshit write in Internet. Why humanity, why?

Nigga you stupid.

Probably but those take this shit seriously is more.

where is brainfuck?

In the trash pile of stupid languages that no one should ever care about. It is too boring to be fun and too stupid to be useful.

Most helpful site I've ever been to desu

what makes it inaccessible?

I actually went on
Where has this beautiful site been all my life?

reminds me of a guy on lainchan unironically saying the only good languages are APL, Lisp, FORTH and assembly

the image is pretty accurate (I'm about level 5 with Haskell and Scheme)

>not knowing about python's implementation of ZFS on ext4 using Calculus

I swear I'm surrounded by plebs

What's the reasoning for the horizontal positioning?

what am I supposed to see there except baidu links?
>inb4 nothing

The designer of the image is clinically retarded.

C'moon Prolog is super easy it should be in the top or second.

Is this the rank from useful to useless languages?

it's most normie/"pleb" to most neckbeard/obscure

What is that site? Since it's one the same category with TOR I don't think it's a good idea to visit it.

>no brainfuck

what is "the lambda tesseract"?

Hey guys where would CPL fit on OP's image?

the type of site you could find in 1994


Nothing, a bunch of British people exploring the islands died several times in a row, so they called it that

I have never written any code in C++. Is really C harder than C++ ?

C is harder to do right than C++. C++ has a lot of ease of use features that C purists claim wreck their precious nanoseconds of runtime.

>Not having written "programs" in ZFC Set Theory in undergrand

what shit school did you go to

1-2 for retards
3-4 master race
5-8 literal memes

Do you like coq

Sure thing kiddo

what is the lambda tesseract and where can i learn it?

>tfw everyone forgets about Erlang

>Fortran below C
>Closes tab

I don't see machine code here

Guys what about CPL where would that be?

Are you seriously arguing that Fortran is less obscure than C?


No VisualBasic, VBA, Scratch, Redstone

wheres the baby tier

>minecraft tier lenguage

Why are you /thread-ing when the post you are replying to is totally orthogonal and off-topic to the actual thread?

Where can I find out more about this. Google has nothing.


It is extremely new research, I have seen it mentioned in passing on a few mailing lists I occasionally use. There is really very little information on it out there, and I'm surprised it even found its way onto this infographic.

Honestly I think you would need to email around PLT departments and see if you get an answer if you really want to know.

>vampire freaks

does that shit still exist?

who the fuck is going there in this day and age?

>no coney island amateur psychoanalytic society

shit version of that image

bergman should be lower too

coq is not a programming language, it's not Turing complete.