Thoughts on this show?

Thoughts on this show?
How realistic is it?

Spot on, m8!!

We at least got some good jokes out of it

love it. it is actually very realistic when it comes to the commands he types and tools he uses, of course there is going to be holes there and there but compared to other shows its exceptional

The production quality wasn't that great, but I liked the overall story. Could have had a better ending though.

It is absolutely not "very realistic" when it comes to the terminal commands and the terminologies he is uses. If you think it is you know nothing.

Sure, the show will seem realistic to IT journalists and Windows-using skiddies, but to me the show appears to be written by someone who has a friend that is an IT journalist and knows some common words and commands. But the way they are used throughout the show reeks of amateur hour.

The most realistic mainstream entertainment I have ever seen when it comes to modern hacking is the Social Network. I literally got a deja vu feeling during some of the technical scenes, it was just like when I was goofing around on the web in the late 90s/early 2000s. Fucking awesome stuff.

Agreed, that show is pure trash!!


Mr Robot is closer than almost every other tv show when it comes to technical realism.
Still tons of bs. Its an ok show.

Fucking kek
I think it's a great show, but it only does some basic commands
This exactly.

Can you pks post the result of this pls

history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10

Most of the terminal commands in the show were made up tools.

GNOME, huh? I prefer KDE.

Pilot is great, then its downhill from there.

It could have been a truly unique show, but by the end of S1 it's just another one of those "main character is crazy, what is real, what isn't?" show.

I loved the pilot but then it got gay as fuck and literally became fight club.

Who else is a TWD fan here? (:

dude fight club LMAO

This is fun
>2.6616% clear

they got a guy who knows what's up consulting.

but besides that, i like the show and cannot wait for s2

Overall its quite accurate technology wise, just the timeframes are off. What takes him 2 minutes takes much, much longer irl

>secret hacker gang
>40% of members are female

>mom, wuminz are ruining my zekryt klub!!

his sister just looks like a tranny