Who else is ready for the 2GHz video card revolution?

Who else is ready for the 2GHz video card revolution?

Wait for Polaris

>not waiting till 10 THz.

Pleb, just keep throwing your money away, in 6 months the depreciation on that thing could have paid for all you can eat pizza rolls every day. Not to mention the failure rates of like 10% per year.

My TRS80 is still working fine. Why the fuck would I need new shit?

Not me,I wait for polaris,I use single screen so it hold more efficiency to buy new mid+ card every 3-4years


>It hasn't even been released yet

Is the 1080 twice as powerful as the titan X?


Well yes. At VR.

So 2 480s are below one 1080? Just like 2 380s are below one 980? Wow. I am really impressed by the absolutely nonexistant change in relative performance when AMD is now using less than half the power.

We can only wish for it to be so good but it is jus t unlikely

Z E N + V E G A

>Buying AMD

How do you live without Nvidia Inspector?

>16 cores
>8 channel DDR4
>16GB HBM2
There's just no competition.

>polaris hbm2 not even competing with nvidias gddr5 shit

good lord amd, are you even trying

Are you stupid?


>needing a third party tool because your drivers are so shitty they dont even let you change options.

How do nvcucks even function?

>Not wanting supreme control over how your graphics card functions.

>Supreme control
Except it doesn't give you really any control...

The nVidia drivers are still going to alter whatever D3D/OpenGL input you give them to something more nVidia friendly, even at the cost of IQ.
You can't stop that unless you use nouveau on linux, period.

>not understanding what CF means
God enough of this dumb shit

Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded, Nvbdia Inspector is just an interface, all the options available from there, inside Nvidia Inspector profile panel are from the Nvidia driver itself, Nvidia Inspector doesn't includes or injects anything, it's just a better gui.

>The nVidia drivers are still going to alter whatever D3D/OpenGL input you give them to something more nVidia friendly, even at the cost of IQ.

>I have no idea what Nvidia inspector does

Fun fact, Nvidia Inspector gives you control over what that driver does and what optimizations it makes.

while not ground breaking, it is impressive that a ~$200 card will be more or less on par with a Fury and beat a 980, all with a lower TDP

This looks a bit on the heavy side, guess that OC actually won't hold.

>The nVidia drivers are still going to alter whatever D3D/OpenGL input you give them to something more nVidia friendly, even at the cost of IQ.

you have it the wrong way around. AMD are the ones with a history of 'optimizing' by 'fixing' texture and tessellation quality at the driver level.