/csg/ Chink Shit General

Filling in for OP, who's probably asleep.

Xiaomi Storage Box edition, have you gotten yours yet?

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

Chink Shit Wiki:

• PSA from OP concerning recent anons accusing each other of being "shills"
• Fed up with waiting on his package for a month user threatens Gearbest support with defaming them on Sup Forums's Chink Shit Gen some questionable posts that are possibly his
• Anons that have fallen for Chink Shit Gen memes like mangoes and sharks
• One user's displeased with the KZ ATE earbuds • Memefan user got his USB Voltmeter
• user warns about a fake Xiaomi Powerbank sold on AliExpress
• user got a Chink torch posts pros & cons UPDATE
• user got his Cube iWork10 keyboard, Gearbest still hasn't sent the actual tablet its for
• user's having trouble resetting his Zsun OpenWRT config
• user's Chuwi is having heat issues
• user benchmarks the KingDian S280 480GB model
• user takes his SJCAM M10 to the racetrack and posts webm • user's Xiaomi Note 3 Pro seems to drain the battery by 60% over night with wifi usage



Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


How slow is PostNL to aus?

You got a picture of the garden during daytime for reference?


Sup Forums is that way

I don't know anything about dehumidifiers, but it looks like the one on ebay is cheaper and will arrive faster. (I'm in the US). Any reason why you can't decide?

She has and Open Source shirt.

Get back to the assembly line, Wong.

reposting cause noreply

i was wondering if you knew a hookup for a reliable usb 3 high(ish) capacity flashdrive. think sharks but usb.

or would it be better to get a shark and a micro SD to usb 3 adapter?

ive got like $50 + shipping to spend.

What is the storage box anons and why are people triggered by the word chink...

where can I get custom shirts printed?

Call me a beaner one more fucking time.

at your local mall for small orders (think 10 or less)

[spoiler]test. either way i will look like a retard.

>Yup, you're right. Can I return because I ordered the wrong thing?
Yep, but you need to pay shipping's.

Just sell it on a eBay/Craig list website for a profit.

I'm thinking of building a simple site to be a gaybeast affiliate. I just don't know which type of products to feature on my site that would attract normies, though. I plan to advertise on facebook, I guess.

What do the normies want?

Fuck off you nigger chink faggot pee hole oriental.

Fuck off to Sup Forums or Sup Forums you degenerate

>Sup Forums gets you interested in ali and chinkshit
>literally never buy and tech
thanks, I think...

its ctrl+s and spoiler don't work on Sup Forums


>didn't even bother changing the phrase

nice one unoriginal fuck

shoo shoo

>What do the normies want?
I've seen some people carry out knick knacks like pic related. Something gimmicky that can be easily shown to friends.

You could probably have curated gift sections (i.e. "Great for gift exchanges and white elephant")

Anything better than a vernee thor in the similar price range? Is it for $100 anywhere?


Fuck off to your containment board

I recently acquired an Asus n66u. It was somewhere around 95% off, but the catch is that it didn't come with any antennas.

Where is the best place to buy 3? What size would be best to get? I have a 9dbi antenna on my current router, and that thing is huge. I'm not sure if I'd have any place to put it with 3 of them on.

>posting a japanese girl in a chink thread

Eagerly waiting for the Vernee Thor to sell at $99 again...

>A free 24 hour trial of Prime has been deposited into your Amazon account

>one month of Reddit gold™ has been deposited into your Reddit account

>A $1.50 off $500 order coupon has been deposited into your Aliexpress account

They're all the same.
Disgusting chinks.

Anyone order the senfer iems?

The sound quality on the piston 3s are great just that they sound low on max volume on my galaxy note 4 ;~;

>2 bricks has been deducted from your Trump wall repository

One thing that always bugged me about these threads, why do people keep calling chink earphones iems?

Are they actually similar to real IEMs, or is it just a meme that makes people feel more secure about their purchase?

This is the second week since i placed my order on gaybeast. Hope I get it this week

Yep they are iems

>$300 has been deducted from your cocaine budget

Oh shit son guess who just picked up some chinkshit

>Oh shit son guess who just picked up some chinkshit

You or was it your mother? Why is it relevant user? Just unbox that chinkshit and post a review

Chink stink reviews here, almost done with my channel so stayed tuned!!

Samsung a shit m8

Nice focus user

Best Virtual Reality Headset On AliExpress??????????

I would say Shinecon. Mine are on the way

>chink shit

You have fairly nice hands user
Wish I was white

>being American

what's the best chink camera?


Massdrop has cool red VE monk plus ear buds
only a dollar or 2 more and you don't have to deal with the stinky chinky seller!

Such thing doesn't exist, buy it locally, it won't be as shitty as chink camera , unless you are looking for an action camera

Why is /csg/ full of referral scum?

I'm an electronic musician.
That being said, an action camera is probably appropriate.

>action camera

That's not a referral link, if he were to post a massdrop referral link then it would be dro.ps and then the code behind it.

Excellent, I likely wouldn't be too far off in guessing theirs a 4k version would I?
I don't entirely plan to film in 4k, but I ask because I'm looking to get as good of a picture as I can within the budget action camera price.

>Why is /csg/ full of referral scum?
why are you asking me?
but theyre trying to get their cheap shit cheaper as this attracts poorer people.

I didn'nt want to save the image or link massdrop directly so i sent a link to a screenshot


Waaay more expensive.

You missed out on the $50 cashback promotion earlier this week.

Good to know, thank you very much.
For the price, the Xiami Yi looks fantastic.

Is there anything better in the ~100$ range however?
Otherwise the Yi looks like it will be my choice.

what sticker should I buy to slap on my bitch ass-truck?

Doesn't get much better than that, make sure to buy the US/International version though

The Xiaomi Yi is probably the most tested and reviewed chink camera, check some reviews or comments.

Not sure about other options.

thanks user

Oliver Peoples Riley replica spectacles with prescription lenses

Chink lenses?

decent quality case, the cleaning cloth has the proper logos n shit in it. 8/8

the last pair i got had a little tool for tightening the arms should they become loose, but this one didn't

yep, they can sort the prescription too. i ordered a pair of the same glasses in January and had an optician friend check them out and they are legit. the lenses are top of the line quality. i paid about £50 for the frames + lenses and the equivalent lenses alone in the UK would have been £250+

i bought a second pair from a similar store as backups as i'm really happy with these

Shoo Shoo Stinky Chinky

so the quality of the frames and lenses are 8/8. the frames logoing and printing is slightly different from the ones I got in January suggesting it's a different source (my contact from the old January store which has closed down linked me to the ones I got pic related from).

However, I will need to send them back or get a refund because the PD distance is wrong on these new frames. I provided them the same info I provided the other store, but the new store have fucked up. Waiting to see what they say.

I was hoping they were gonna be legit as I need to order some prescription sunglasses too and wanted to get them from the same place.

link to site?


I'd love to order some chink glasses, but I'd have to recheck my eyes, and that would require me to go out and communicate with people...

I took apart one of my 30 chink smartwatches, it's actually well made, and real battery capacity.

I must imagine slow but within 30 days. That is if everything goes as planned.

Store pls



Did we ever get an update from the user who lost his quadcopter because of the wind?

good pen anyone? 0.3-0.5 mm preferred

It's literally just a Xiaomi branded Storage Box for a powerstrip so you can just dump your phone, laptop etc chargers in there and just have the cables hanging out of it.

Jinhao 126.

Too bad there ain't no smart watches with a strap a-la business style. ( metal band and such )

What's the general opinion about chink sunglasses?

I need new ones because mine are scratched as fuck.

Considering getting both of these:


Don't link me to Alliexpress please because I can use PayPal on GB and they ship way faster for me.

I kek'd pretty hard at that, user, thanks.

I'll probably get that

how the hell do I take screenshots on the Chuwi Hi8

noooOOOOOOOO why does the memes need to be real?

power and volume down at the same time

hey, is this a good deal currently?
want a clicky clicky, and this is like half the price of everything else in store here in australia

Awaiting delivery for

- phone vr headset
- shark meme card 64gb

VR porn, here i come

Or printscreen for windows as usual.

Plenty of anons have them already, they're pretty good actually.

oh cool, guess ill go ahead and grab it

Every exaggerated stereotype has its basis in reality, user.

hahaha fucking hell

>problematic glasses

that's some ugly chink you got there

on windows tablets it's the windows key and one of the volume buttons. I know on win phones it's vol up and power so maybe on the tablet it's vol up and windows button?

they're not sjw bruh they just look it from that angle

Okay I got an idea.
Lets post suggestions on chink shit we bought and liked, but that has never before been posted here.
Maybe people will find something new to buy.