What does Sup Forums think about mesh networking?

What does Sup Forums think about mesh networking?

the only thing thats going to save us from the isp jew

Pretty cool, but not yet at a critical mass in my area to justify getting into it. It's strange to think that there are in fact probably dozens of people who are thinking the exact same thing and it'll take some random event to get us all to buy in.

The same thing we thought 7 hours ago when you asked.

Be the random event, user.

Should be illegal

Only good for terrorist/pedo/druggie

does this still hook up to the "internet"?

Is it another form of deep web or just a fucking huge LAN?

The general idea of a meshnet is that you just have a bunch of computers communicating in a pretty ad-hoc manner. There is no planned structure/topology.

For instance, instead of having an ISP you would just connect to other nearby devices that connect further and so forth.

You could potentially replace the internet with this, or you might have your IoT lightbulbs communicate with each other this way, or have traffic lights communicate this way.

damn that would be so much better. Everyone would need a special router though

The latency would be fucking awful

>900 hops to destination address

>tfw you fell for the mesh network data plan

How exactly should this work across cities? What is the latency?

afaik the latency is as you would expect for the amount of hops you'd take.

though I do know from experience that the Meraki APs my engineers have installed, you'll lose half your bandwidth from a meshed AP. For instance a node at 50mbps will have a meshed node at only 25mbps and so on

The latency is measured in seconds, not milliseconds.

The problem is wireless sucks. Its a bottle neck because its only half duplex. If it where full duplex WiFi mesh might be a viable solution but in its current form it just doesn't scale.

Best we can do now days is maybe USB deaddrops or pirateboxes.

mesh networks are not a solved problem. It is hard to engineer a network, much less a self-regulating network with arbitrary paths

Nice try AT&T shill

I like it.

I don't like it.

I am indifferent to them.

No good/easy implementation that beats the traditional telecom network.

It would be a congestion nightmare, with no high speed trunks or backbones. Imagine if the whole world only had 30 mph residential streets to get around. Not even 2 lane highways. It would be impossible to get anywhere.

Best case scenario, I would say speeds would top out at 32k, with latency in the 10s of seconds. More likely is completely unreliable service and failure to route more than a couple dozen hops away.

redpill me in short, why is this better?
>needs huge redundancy to prevent isolation
>unreliable nodes might shut off anytime
>to deliver data, every node would need to cache a good chunk of the nodes all the time to speed up package forwarding or it would be nothing but arp spam
>corporations,governments can still set up mitm nodes like in tor

You would encrypt the packages

I'm sure you're aware end to end encryption exists already and is extensively used on the traditional internet.

What advantages does a meshnet provide over the existing internet?

A fantastic idea that will never become practical reality.

You don't need to rely on a single backbone that could be shut down at any time

Governments couldn't block it. China blocks tor.

It's also a bit optimistic to think that government's wouldn't be able to wreck a meshnet. Radio jammers and attacks on the protocol itself spring to mind.

If you're interested in non-infrastructure communication, look into ham radio. It supports digital modes up to thousands of miles.

You literally have 0 clue about what you're talking about.

Oh yeah, it's not like I do this for a living or anything.

t. middleschooler

You mean every swinging dick on my street acts as their own ISP and routes packets?

Holy Man-in-the-Middle attacks, Batman!

I'll be reading my neighbor's emails within 30 minutes once meshnets take off (hint: they won't)

I'll bite.

What exactly did I say that was wrong?

>You could potentially replace the internet
If you don't want to talk to anyone on any landmass other than your own, sure.

You can bridge meshnets because protip: countries are arbitrarily defined by arbitrarily placed lines.

Pic Related

A physical representation of what a fully realized meshnet "Internet" would look like without some sort of regulation.


The latency has to be off the charts.


>reading comprehension

Do you even have a single fucking inkling of how the OSI model works and Layer 2/3 routing?

Yes, unlike you.

Nah, you need a while to bootstrap but after that you can have distributed minimum latency graphs that automatically update as peers come online/offline. It is possible to have lesser latency than on current internet in this way, but it requires the right conditions.

So then you realize that trying to route anything on a meshnet would be ridiculous.

I realize that you are inbred.

Why do we have to pay isps for Internet? Can't we send information from computer to another computer like in Internal network for free ?

Horrid, in secure, congested failure prone slow shit.

And it can't scale at all

Bottom tier.

Someone needs to maintain the equipment that connects the computers together.

You are paying for the "bridge" between your internal network and then server your are trying to request data from (ex. a web page).

Your money paid to the ISP goes to:
-Maintaining their server backbone
-Electricity costs
-Employee and support costs
-The CEO's coke and hooker addiction

this. good luck enforcing your will on every near mesh node to upgrade their shit because your net is slow
>protip: they wont give a fuck

At least you know where you stand.

>trying to use logic on Sup Forums.. .err I mean Sup Forums

Tbh senpai that makes the real idiot.

A safety net for children falling out of windows

Good bait, at least I hope.

MIMO is a thing you know

>GF lives 300 hops away
>TTL Maxes out at 255
>Thanks mesh networking