If you were to buy a new Laptop/convertible right now, which model would you choose?

If you were to buy a new Laptop/convertible right now, which model would you choose?
(bonus points for similar devices to "pic related")

Asus UX305

mac. convertibles/2 in 1s are memes.

ipad pro obv.

buy a mac or buy a surface and a long rope

convertibles might be a meme yes, but are you sure about the xps13? it has very good overall ratings

this, ipad pro is easily substitute any laptop

great idea, then I could use the rope to hold them both together and work on them simultaneously!

VAIO Canvas Z

thanks will look into it!

thats an option too but i meant that you could hold your neck to a tree while using ur microsoft memepad

chromebook pixel, no questions asked

>using a surface
for posting pepes?

Dell XPS 15. I thought I'd want the Surface Book for the longest time, but then I realized I'd just be much better served with the XPS.

Lenovo X200 or X220. Literally the last decent laptops ever made.

I do like how the pixel looks!
but is the storage changeable? i have heard it has only a 64 gb flash?
This might not be a problem when you use chrome os but I intend to use elementary...

thinkpad would do the job

the look really ugly though!

yeah, its only 64gb.

not a problem for me though because it wouldn't be my main computer. it's just a laptop. also, it has an SD slot for media storage. the 64gb would just be for crouton

ok, an sd card could solve the problem actually :) thx

MemeBook X260.

mbp 13.3

I was thinking of getting this but I heard the build quality is terrible and it has issues with the display driver crashing constantly.

Can anyone who owns one confirm or deny this?

ASUS Chromebook Flip, especially with Android apps coming up

Surface book or maybe a mbp.

Of course! Always with obsolete hardware ;)

Still the 13" rMBP that I own, honestly. Never been happier with a device, really.

Panasonic Let's Note or VAIO Z. Made in Japan, baby.

Dell XPS 13 is pretty good.

The keyboard is kinda mushy.

Also, if you are running Linux, you might need a distribution with at least kernel version 4.6 so the display doesn't flicker.

Thinkpad P50
>Sexy design
>Thunderbolt 3
>gr8 battery life with FHD version

Can someone name a reason why I shouldn't buy this for college?

>Hard mode: don't mention the weight

I bought two for my mom and sister last December and both with the display issues
Don't fall for it.

>>Hard mode: don't mention the weight
If you're that concious about it, just hit the gym and eat fewer calories.

none, all latops are shit

Alright thanks user, I'll keep looking.

Wasn't really feeling that tablet processor either.

Probably a MBP.


Vaio Z Flip



nice meme


What do you do with the laptop

Just ordered a Dell xps 15 9550, 4k, i7, 16gb, 512gb. 1400 refurbished off eBay, thinking about replacing the ssd with the 512gb 950 pro but idk if I would notice a difference...

I hated apple my entire life but I finally caved in and got a MBP last year. Honestly it's one of the best laptops I used in the last 5 years.

rmbp 15/256 desu pham

Unless you are doing hardcore video editing, you just wasted $100 on the difference between the i5 6300hq and i7 6700hq. The HT threads aren't used to a meaningful extent in anything else since 4 core/threads is enough already "so to speak". 1440p is already an overkill on 15.6 inches, 4k is just dumb. Especially since you are stuck with a 60hz screen anyway. Didn't know you could pay extra for a 4k screen intead of a 1080p on the 9550.

I mean generally speaking it is a great buy, but frivolous at the max extent if you really go for that new SSD.

7000 series Precision with 64 gig of RAM.