Other urls found in this thread:
Schizophrenia is some scary shit.
Who is he talking to (on the phone)?
bible cripple david out of my sight
lol wtf is this?
Stream viewers. They got his phone number.
>lottery bookmarks
Isn't betting a sin for a Christian
call him and ask
For those who don't know, this is just some bat shit mentally ill man. He created his own Operating System called Temple OS, he claims to use it to talk to God.
Terry is off the fucking wall.
we need to stop nigger command line interference it's one of the pressing issues of our time
The fucking nigger CIA is trying to make us 30% gay
>using the smiley with a carat nose
I saw Terry in my dream last knight with that smug ass smile sitting at a park
>look how I made a cross out of the zero
>across the whole system
>no other operating system lets you do
>white people like this sort of thing
important moments of this stream so far:
Terry takes phonecalls from strangers
Terry's dad asks why there are so many phonecalls from strangers
Terry stalks Physics Girls
Terry says if you don't understand random numbers, you're a nigger
that was actually pretty cool desu.
The hero Sup Forums deserves
>wrote his own OS
>uses ubuntu
fuckin tits man im there
>i don't think the CIA wants you to know how a 2D array works
this is uncomfortable to watch
>ok bye
kek desu
Because his OS doesn't have Internet access
FBI niggers can stay out
>-] Why do you dual boot?
> TempleOS is 100% independent -- it does not access the files of your primary
> operating system and TempleOS will work as the only operating system on your
> computer, but it has no networking. In your off hours, you will use your
> other operating system.
oh god he's taking calls
I can't even.
He's getting so many calls
>all those Physics Girl bookmarks
godspeed terry
Stop with the nigger cattle questions.
he isnt meant to be, someone found his number and posted it into stream
nigger detected
The number is on his website.
Is TempleOS a real OS? Or just some make believe program?
TempleOS is a real OS that this guy made.
i know, along with his home address
It's real. Doesn't have a lot of features, because god commanded it be
Someone call and ask why he likes Physics Girl so much. Thanks.
holy shit my sides
hes right about the niggers tbqh pham
someone call in and let him know the cia is spying on him through the amazon/unity botnet
Why are people shitting up his phone, like damn
Holy shit stop calling him. He doesn't even get to answer the question before he gets another call
he's getting kind of pissed because of you idiots but straight lels
someone ask him about psychotronic warfare and mind control
>Yes I do support Trump
>God's against immigration
There's no way it's just Sup Forums, the stream has 118 viewers.
do you remember when god told the jews to emigrate
ok who called him to get Temple OS on RPIs?
lel someone just called him asking for the bird
the question was "what is your favorite microcontroller or embedded computer"
someone asking him about pajeets kek
YEAH what is with that? who the fuck else is here?
We need ot start a gofund me for Terry, his parents couldn't even pay for the pizza
When you watch him for 30 minutes you laugh then you realize some pajeet is making thousands while this guy knows 1000x more and can't afford a $12 pizza. what a sad world.
i usually laugh at all the terry threads, this is the first time i actually watch one his livestreams and i don't know if i can take it anymore, it's too fucking sad
> he doesn't have a physics waifu
He's doing exactly what he wants to do and obviously loves every minute of it. As long as he's happy it doesn't matter if he's batshit nuts.
yeah but what happens when his parents die?
this is fucking Sup Forums tier
phoning a schizo guy to fuck with him
Is he still living with his parents? I thought he lived alone on disability.
no he lives with his parents, he also just said he can't go back to working cause he'll lose his disability
Someone link a pizza shop near him with delivery, I'll spend $20 and write this is from Sup Forums on it.
Would he eat it though?
Seems like it, he just said they didn't have that kinda money.
he said that pizza would've been nice
He said "A pizza would be nice right now", someone link a site that I can order online with PayPal, every shit I try redirects me..
I really want to make him smile.
You guys have his address?
Its on his website apparently
dominos lets you order and pay online
his address is
8144 Sickle Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89128
well im a tard but i dont think any of us in this thread has been doing it. cucks keep calling about niggers also...
www templeos org/Wb/Home/Web/TAD/TAD.html
At the bottom, just above the videos.
What the fuck Sup Forums...
someone post this on Sup Forums
Cant find a pizza site that accepts PayPal
I got a couple spare bucks, anyone know what I should put on his pizza?
>From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of
Mexicans or Brazilians? That was dumb because they're niggers.
gets me every time
You could call and ask?
Cheese pizza with onions, also write "from Sup Forums.org/g/" on top
um, no. Sup Forums doesn't care unless thereis a cock visible.
this, make sure you name us.
kill yourself
Where'd you get onions from?
>In 1977, when I was about
age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each
other's dicks.
did that really happen?
he's confessing his sins, so yeah
that's hot
Its done.
a real hero
Make Terry Great Again
What's the delivery time?
>At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched
dicks to each other's assholes
this man is open source man, wtf
They just put it in the oven
Dumb fucking nigger cattle detected.
Love you user
>>using the smiley with a carat nose
>This sounds like a pedophile thing I'm not into that
thank you man, really thank you, you are a fucking total bro. Stallman will carry you to the gates of Valhalla.