Hey Sup Forums I was sitting in the school library and I noticed a flash drive on the floor. It belongs to a computer science student and has very personal video files including the burial of a family member. Should I give it back to her? Here's a snippet of her code for a "programming challenge".
R8 this girls code
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd rather rate her tits. Any pictures of them?
Absolutely disgusting. Do not return.
>including the burial of a family member.
>Should I give it back to her?
she looks absolutely dead inside, bro
If you rifled through her things and the only reason you know its hers you might want to give it to her professor or something so she doesn't feel freaked out by you seeing her personal stuff.
If there is a text file or something on the drive for this occasion, or if you saw her drop it then return it in person.
Regardless, grab everything and be a creep in secret.
A close family member just died.
If she doesn't have backups she's a dumbass and deserves it.
Thank you, I will put this upvote post next to my Reddit Gold membership.
Everyone rifles through USB drives they find (plus beggars can't be choosers)
Passes std::string objects by value, included fstream header twice... could use some work. I'll give her a pass though, because it's C++, which takes a bit too get to a point where you don't screw things up.
Also, give it back. Stealing makes you no better than a socialist.
Who the fuck films their family members' burial?
Seems like pretty standard undergrad code. and what does her being a girl have to do with anything?
Return it OP. It's the right thing to do.
I'm saying do it but be discreet so you don't look like a sperglord.
You fucking ASSHOLE, give me my shit back right NOW FUCK YOU!!!
>and what does her being a girl have to do with anything?
b- because g... girls can't code...
are u fucking kidding me she wrote multiple if else clauses for each 30 day interval of 365 days just to find out what month it is
> ofstream outfile("c:\\USERS\\student\\desktop\\outfile.txt");
wew lad, seems she never has heard of working directories.
Err... I should amend this. I haven't checked the correctness of the code. So I can't give her a pass, do much as not fail her for style choice failures most beginner C++ programmers make.
Only you, NSA.
Can you meet me at the book return tomorrow at 2pm user? Also, why would you post my code on pastebin assuming I don't also browse this site? Please don't share my photos anymore..
Isn't she that YouTube racist? With the kkk promoting her videos?
A shit programmer is a shit programmer is a shit programmer, regardless of gender. Her code isn't the greatest, but she's an undergrad student. Probably never programmed before entering college. What do you expect?
Okay, maybe I may have to fail her on retardation.
Errr... no. Maybe first quarter/semester undergrad code, but from my observations, people fuck up much less as years pass. 3rd and 4th year undergrad stuff doesn't look that shitty.
a student's code, being bad? I never!
She doesn't look old enough to be past her first year.
but we know nothing about her. This could be her first semester. and nigger please I know personally senior SE/CS students that would produce code way less sophisticated than this, as sad as that is.
Wait, ignore that, filename in OP would suggest that's not actually her.
Meh, kind of bad but I've seen worse. monthOverload() could be cleaner if arrays containing months and their "thresholds" (31, 28, 30, ...) were used to adjust the month instead of a shitload of if statements. Also I wouldn't use operator overloads.
Yes, that's Evalion.
she has never heard of a fucking switch statement, unnecessary absolute filepath, doesn't have a comment up top saying what the program does, void functions in place of structs
2/10, reasonably sure it does the thing it's supposed to but i'm not going to try to compile it
Pretty pathetic Sup Forums, I have to say. We're gonna rip some random undergrad's subpar code? Seriously?
Also, it's obvious OP is only trying to fuel another one of those "women in computer science, LOL" circlejerk threads.
It's one of those faggy date converter programs they typically use in first year classes. Pretty sure whoever wrote that in new.
Why do they start undergrads with c++?
Might as well just start them with just c, or an interpreted language like perl
autistic you are
It's what they use in Industryâ„¢.
Look at you. Fucking LOOK at you. Did you forget where you are? You're at Sup Forums. Fucking Sup Forums. Not Reddit, not Tumblr, not one of a myriad of fucking "safe spaces" where you can crouch in your hugbox and be coddled in cotton. You're in the asshole of the Internet, son.
Now eat a bowl of concrete and HARDEN THE FUCK UP.
I'm assuming this is a typo.
>using namespace std;
Not the best way of doing things, but acceptable as long as you're not using any other namespaces that could cause name conflicts
>class DayofYear
> int day;
> string month;
Leaving out the private access specifier saves you a line of code, but probably isn't worth it due to the loss in readability.
> cout cout void setMonth(string);
> string getMonth() const;
> int getDay() const;
> void monthOverload(int, string);
> DayofYear &operator++();
> DayofYear operator++(int);
> DayofYear &operator--();
> DayofYear operator--(int);
> void convertDay(ofstream&);
Not sure why the above function included an implementation inside the class but these are just prototypes. It should still work fine, but seems inconsistent and shows lack of planning.
>void DayofYear::monthOverload(int d, string m)
"month" and "day" would be better names for the variables here. Single letter variables should be avoided except in specific instances (x or n for "generic" variables in math, i or j for loop counters, etc).
oh i forgot to mention, of course give it back to her like why would you keep it?
>talk about cs and give her the ol' lickaroo
My uni starts you off with three different languages, depending on what major you are in. For CS and SE, it's either Java or Python. For EE and CE, it's C.
439 lines of code lmao!
>doesn't deserve what I say she doesn't
You're fucked in the head mate.
hmm yes, lets start these people who've done nothing beyond use facebook off with C++. Also lets not teach them to use ANY of the STL.
And they wonder why so many kids fucking hate computer science education.
Fucking fortran is a better language to start with than c++.
Did you really go through all the effort of making shitty code to try and prove girls can't program?
Because that's what it looks like to me
>We're gonna rip some random undergrad's subpar code? Seriously?
Yeah. You in or what?
Dead inside is the best turn on
Happy females are gross
Learning C++ makes it easy to learn C/Java. Power of C along with the benefits of OOP, it doesnt take a genius to figure out why its taught in undergrad.
If you don't back up your important files you deserve to lose them. No contest, no argument, nothing.
>Should I give it back to her?
Of course you should. Did you not have any raising?
1. This is an 18+ website please leave
2. Sup Forums isn't some secret club of "twisted psycopaths" , dull your edges
3. There is nothing hardcore about laughing at fake code a guy wrote to get you mad at females
Underrated, but check the filename
But, you're wrong.
If you don't back up your important files, you run the risk of losing them. But you don't deserve to lose them.
Dude do you think I'm some kind of monster?
Here's some code she wrote to recursively reverse a string
Interesting world you live in
I love when people pretend to be such hardcore ass holes on the internet.
Like we really belive you aren't the fat beta Mr nice guy that everyone uses as a doormat
Jokes on you, fag. I'm a freakishly skinny jerk. Checkmate.
I cringed.
>Implying capitalism in practice isn't literally theft
Educate yourself, sheep.
Wew lad
No, though I honestly assume everything on Sup Forums is either a troll, a meta troll, or an elaborate troll pretending to be a stupid one
..... maybe this is why I don't trust people
any without the censor bars?
Precisely the conclusion you should have drawn.
Your deductive reason is par to none
3DPD/10, why did I even bother clicking? When will we have the ability to stop females from aesthetically expiring so quickly?
maybe your balls are messed up
Congratulations, this is the most autistic thread currently on Sup Forums.
We really couldn't have done it without you.
Now, please fuck off back to wherever you came from that misled you so as to believe this sort of behavior was even remotely acceptable.
triggered much?
See you on the boards kid
Not to mention the Youtube progress bar, profile icon, and Google watermark.
Why would you first contribute to this thread, then post this?
Shouldn't you be in bed by now?
I thought it might be salvageable.
>posting underage camwhores
I just thought it was off her Google account page at first, I'm not really familiar with what that shit looks like.
>Sup Forums
You must be new here.
Needs case statements / 10
>Niggers are a disease
she probably posts on Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't like her because she's a shill
supreme gentleman identified
the color of her nipples blends in with her skin
Evalion's a programmer?
When did this happen?
Don't even need to read the rest, it's shit.
Optimize the code and give it back
Obviously not in real life.
People who say shit like 'no contest, no argument, nothing' can't claim intellectual high ground because you remove the option for any form of discourse. In other words you just admitted you're retarded and don't want to listen to reason. Not gonna waste anymore time on you.
>she has never heard of a fucking switch statement
You don't even need a switch statement. Just one if statement in the program will suffice.
so uh where are the usb pics? i am curious as to what a cs student looks like in your school.
You must be looking for /r/Sup Forums. Sorry you got lost.
Casually sit next to her, put the flash drive on the table. She'll notice it. Say you find it. Talk more. Get a date out of it.
Use dating her as an opportunity to teach her to not be a shit programmer. Then once she's good you can drop the ruse and dump her.
>If she doesn't have backups she's a dumbass and deserves it.
If you find yourself thinking this way, then you are a shitty person.
>Leaving out the private access specifier saves you a line of code, but probably isn't worth it due to the loss in readability.
That's one of those, "I write code to be read by complete and utter newbs" or "I always forget the default permission of a class in C++" suggestions.
>Use dating her as an opportunity to teach her to not be a shit programmer. Then once she's good you can drop the ruse and dump her.
Sup Forums everybody
God dammit, why are you spilling your shit spamming of this picture from Sup Forums onto the other boards?
Do not reply, this faggot is trying to get views and searches for the pictured girl. No nudes available.
I'm kind of shocked that anyone is teaching C++ in early CS classes these days.
It's seriously a shitty language for education. It's full of weird "magic" shit for beginners (e.g. streams) and doesn't really teach resource management or memory fundamentals like C.
I thought C++ in CS (aside from elective courses) died in the 1990s.
I lost it at line five.
post the folder, or post the damn videos
post moar n00dz senpai
It should have, but that's the first course for my comp sci minor at my college as well.