>go to college for four years
>graduate with a bachelors degree in computer science
>total student loans = $32,000
>struggle for over a year to get a job
>finally get hired as a Jr. Java developer
>starting salary $53,000
>increases to $68,000 over a two year period of time
>today meet newly hired programmer
>community college graduate. (Associate Degree)
>no experience, graduated a week ago.
>pell grant paid for all of it, including books. no student loans
>tells me his starting salary is $61,000
>boss calls me into her office
>tells me I have to train him
Unqualified Coworkers
this gives me hope
>he fell for the college scam
lmaoing at your life
Graduating CC in a year there are a few students who are actually good at programming, you may get lucky and not have to train a dumbass.
No one who attends a community college is intellectually capable of understanding programming.
Shouldn't have fallen to the Sup Forums CS meme.
who is the bigger fuck tard
you for falling for the college loan scam
or him for getting it for free
>I paid more for the same classes, therefore I am smarter
nice meme
I can make that much money with only a two year degree?
Well, it's web development, fiddle.jshell.net
you say that like it's a lot of money
Firstly, Community colleges give more relevant educations than a 4 year university for entry level jobs. As such CC graduates have a higher pay rate right out of college than a 4 year university. However as time goes the 4 year degree will earn more as it unlocks management and senior technical positions.
Also you probably suck at negotiating and he was good. Don't fault him because you are stupid.
In your next life go to a CC first and transfer to get a 4 year degree, it's what I did. My AS cost me about 1 grand and my BS cost me about 15 grand because I only had to do junior and senior year.
It's better than hard labor.
>mfw I'm that Pajeet
Codemonkeys do not need deep understanding of coding, that's why you TRAIN them, not TEACH them.
I am. The quality of my instruction was superior. The people who teach at community colleges are losers who can't get a real teaching position at a real college.
The notion of someone who barely studied in high school, who graduated high school with a 2.1 GPA, who wasn't even qualified to get into a four year school being considered my equal is offensive.
You sound just like those retards who majored in gender studies.
threaten to quit
Hey faggot, if you are smart you use a CC for your first 2 years of college because it is cheaper and it gives you a stepping stone degree in case you feel like taking a break.
Also many of my professors at my university also taught at community colleges.
The first 2 years of a university are usually taught by adjunct professors which are professors who don't even have PhDs and will have the exact same qualifications as some instructors at a CC.
You started off your working life with 50k in debt and now you're being forced to train your replacement.
Who's stupid now?
Don't threaten. Just quit. With two years experience as a Java developer, you should be making ~$90k
I have an associate's degree, bachelor's degree and master's degree. Shut your fucking mouth you idiot.
Did you do CS in the hope that you would get a job as a programmer? That's pretty sad.
Programming is like being a mechanic or plumber these days. It's a fairly specialised thing that any retard can do if they try and do the training.
>in silicon valley
Of course some mechanics install radios while others replace or modify entire drive trains.
My dad is a mechanic. He owns his own diesel shop repairing 18 wheelers and has 7 employees.
I know for a fact that he makes well over $200k
That's nothing, one day you WILL meet someone who got into it completely on the fact that they were the boss's shitty friend. Used to work at a mom and pop computer store that was at least attempting to get business clients, owner was smart but the dipshit he left to run it that I had to work with was flagrantly retarded.
>anti-government protestfag
>into new-age shit tier beliefs and never shuts up about "acquiring information" and how we should all be open to "new information" (try to remember that in a moment)
>doesn't know what an IP address is
>doesn't know the difference between router and switch
My favorite thing he did was
>kept repeating "managed switch" or "unmanaged switch"
I'm like, we need to do X on the router
>You mean the managed switch
Holy shit nigger this isn't a "managed switch" it's a router
>...That's just another word for managed switch
so fucking bad. The final straw was when he spent over 7 hours at a client whose router died trying to plug in a modem directly to a switch ("managed switch" lol), wasn't working. Called me to get over, brought a router, didn't even config its subnet and just plug it in, everything works. Fucker turns off DHCP because "it is ruining their network", and is THE MOST stingy fuck about any new information (shit tier hippie beliefs out the fucking door) I'm trying to give him
>Look we need a DHCP server and router, we have no nat, you can't configure the switch to do this. Does it make any difference that their box that died says ROUTERBOARD on it?
>He just stares at the monitor pretending I'm not talking being a stingy unapproachable fuck
so now you DO know how to admin a router to turn off the one feature they actually NEED... I secretly turn it back on via wi-fi, he isn't smart enough to go back and check. Client's happy.
The worst part about all this was that night he brainwashed the owner and the next day I got a lecture about being "selfish". I fucking quit on the spot.
Hey mate. Of course I understand that. At the same time, neither of them are engineers designing and testing new components. In turn, the engineer isn't at the cutting edge of research...
Well duh, something is wrong with you, you literally took over a year to find a job.
Your story says a lot more about your technical skillset than it does about your "unqualified" co-workers.
You can be replaced by someone with less experience. Spend less time on Sup Forums. git gud.
You must have been terrible in school if you ended up at a job meant for CC graduates.
Where did I suggest that wouldn't be possible.
It's a great trade. I'm not putting trades down. We need these guys.
What I was saying is that I think it's time that programming was seen as a trade rather than a profession.
I didn't suggest that you suggested that it wouldn't be possible. Stop being so defensive.
Finally we get to the meat of this thing...
It's not what you know, it's who you know. You clearly have poor social skills.
This guy's straight up fucking retarded.
What the fuck are you talking about? I get unsolicited job offers from former bosses, my social skills are fine.
Excellent point. I'm assuming the hippie was possibly good at one point in time but when I was there he had most certainly given up. I would have enjoyed the opportunity at the time but when some people are given it what happens is
>Hmmm we're going to stay in business either way soooo... I guess I don't really have to try anymore
also if you lie perfectly 24/7 for years and act properly when the owner is around, it's hard for him to actually know. Either way I am most certainly quite the fuck out of there.
actually, in any major city
90K if not more
This is half the battle, to get you in the door. The other half comes from you and at some point you actually have to have some form of skill or talent.
you just described a series of activities that my 14 year old nephew does for free
no you don't. you just have to get others to do your work for you while you and the boss go to the strip club during lunch.
>that's how I got promoted.
I know guys who quit uni in the second year and went working. They are rich bastards now
>drop out of highschool
>get factory job
>study computer programming independently while getting high as fuck on every mind altering substance imaginable.
>quit factory job for support engineer role at $55,00
>Get promoted to $70k role writing code in less than 2 years
I have no degree and literally dropped out in my freshman year in highschool.
OP, like 50% of any job is soft skills
No college degree...make 75k a year...top out at 82k...have pension and 401k...my children's college is covered..
Have awesome medical (the best motherfuckers) get shitloads of vacation time...NO STUDENT DEBTS!
American manufacturing pays fucking well.
>this ass hurt
>this fucking stupid
>couldn't find a job, probably shit personality
>Complains on Sup Forums
Literally kill yourself
>computer science
I love how he is so proud of himself
I work with a web developer that only knows basic HTML and CSS. He makes around $90,000 per year because of seniority. He is essentially paid to keep WordPress running.
how does either child afford college?
at 75K you can barely afford a new car
We live in the land of parents who buy cars for their dumbfuck children just for not flunking highschool.
>this nigga doesn't know how to budget
6k a month is plenty to live on anywhere except the largest cities.
>tfw my parents bought me a new car after I dropped out of highschool
oh, you live in a trailer home
what did you expect
Actually, my parents paid for part of my college, which runs about 60K a year. I bought the car myself, used.
30% of 6k a month is $2,000. Are you really telling me you can't find a decent house for 2k a month? The average family net is 50-60k in the US. He's doing fine.
>tfw I use public transportation and constantly have to listen to idiots bitching about traffic and parking and insurance
>tfw I set up a portable wifi hotspot with my phone and use my laptop on the bus while a professional driver takes me to/from work
>tfw I can learn new things or play games while most idiots are raging about traffic and forced to stare at the road
>tfw public transportation is far cheaper and a more productive use of my time
why do I have to say this every time?
>huge city: $2,000 a month will barely afford the most shitty, one room nothing apartment
>country nowhere: $2,000 a month will get you a large house
Lmao, okay Mr.richguy 6k a month is more than enough to live in a nice 3b2b while paying for college. Been doing it on less for years.
Not him, but my studio apartment costs $1,100
2k will buy you a 4-5 bedroom house in the suburbs of any city. Who the hell wants to raise a family in the city?
Good on you for riding the bus buddy. Less traffic at night for me to rip skids.
the thing with "living in the country" is you wind up with shitty healthcare, shitty services rendered by the dumbest people in the state, shitty access to cultural events, and just a lot of stupid people
i mean, if that's your thing, fine, but a lot of people move to the city to avoid the mud-racing, drink while snowmobiling crowd
>needing bachelors degree to support legacy java servlets
you make 72K after taxes and healthcare insurance?
All apartments start out at 900-1000 dollars. For a few hundred more you could rent a house and split it 3 ways.
>what are the suburbs
yeah, not in boston-metro burbs it wont
>All apartments start out at 900-1000 dollars. For a few hundred more you could rent a house and split it 3 ways.
You clearly don't understand how expensive some areas are. Houses in this area are basically all subletted for $2k+ per bedroom. The few houses that are actually for sale around here are between 600K and 1.5mil and they are old and falling apart and will require a lot of work/money to maintain
the cost of a 3br house in the "burbs of boston" is about 400K to 1200K
in the 1990s, my uncle's 125K home quintupled in value over ten years -- he luckily had two pensions, and had squirreled away about 600K in savings, otherwise he wouldn't be able to afford the real estate taxes
In the Pittsburgh suburbs you can get a 4/3 house on a golf course for 300k. Get out of that shithole.
Get out of that shithole. 2k a bedroom is clearly not the norm, its very unlilely that that user lives in such a place.
>tfw she realizes that you don't own a car
>tfw I live in Vancouver
>1k + a month for 1 bedroom is normal
At least asian parents don't kick you out right when you graduate
>$550 a month
>2 bedrooms
>Hardwood floors
>a block from god tier arboretum
>literally no crime, can sleep soundly with car unlocked
>less than an hour away from Research Triangle Park
Hey Thomas.
>North Carolina
What good is all of that if you don't even have running water and every time you have to take a shit you have to go outside to use the outhouse?
>her office
>The quality of my instruction was superior
>The notion of someone who barely studied in high school, who graduated high school with a 2.1 GPA, who wasn't even qualified to get into a four year school being considered my equal is offensive.
Man, you must have a fucking aneurysm over the thought that my fucking 63-year old father, who dropped out of high school makes >$100k a year as a Chief Engineer/Director of Engineering with no degree or formal teaching on the subject.
Or how my also degree-lacking older brother makes almost as much as OP just managing community youtube channels that just repost shit from other channels/facebook/vimeo/etc.
Shit, you're gonna fucking die when you learn about the millions of people who are/have been more successful than you ever will be on a fraction of the education, even in more complex fields.
>this guy is on a tech board and has never heard of the research triangle
It's only behind NYC and Silicon Valley for tech jobs, user.
John Carmack is pretty educated but he literally taught himself rocket science. No formal education. OP must think his computer science degree is still superior.
>my boomer dad makes easy bank
wew lad
simply mindblowing
It's not really an unqualified worker story but still keks none the less about how idiotic some people can be because they get a higher position in what ever it is they are in.
>Be part of ACM at my college
>oh shit officer elections are up
>run for vice chairman and got the position
>guy who was friend at the time gets chairman position
>I'm a network engi major, this guy is a programming major
>guy turns into total douche mode and stops communicating with me about future ACM events
>ACM hosts a LAN party on campus at the end of the fall and spring semesters
>show up to LAN party with my fairly new rig core i5, gtx 960 nothing too great, but does what I need it to do.
>dick face mcgee shows up with his rig sees the evga ssc ftw 960 in my rig
>your graphics card is fucking huge, I have a 970 in mine and it's half the size of that
>oh shit what is this nigger on?
>try to explain to him its an evga card with the acx cooler and dual bios on it but he isn't having it
>tries blabing some shit about chip redesign makes smaller cards no fucking clue pretty sure he's bsing
>kinda blow him off cause I wanna have a good time with my classmates from my structured cabling class
>idiot keeps bragging about his core i7 970 machine
>lets everyone get on it to play witcher 3 which is running horribly fucking slow
>I get on it when he's not looking open up his speccy
>core i3 and 750ti
>keking internally
>decide not to call him out on his shit cause people started gathering around my computer to look at the insides
>to this day even though he is chairman of the ACM on my campus he still does not talk to me.
He's just bitter, lol.
Not funny
>When your lifters start getting noisy out of nowhere
Get bacon to rayquan? Okay tell that nigga It'll take me 20 minutes top.
Actually, it is pretty funny, the programmer was pretty much bitter user had a better build than him that he had to lie to everyone about his build to try and be in the lime light. He'd probably fit in with the rest of the populace on this board.
>tfw I got a job that paid $91k straight out of my 3 month javascript bootcamp.
don't hate the player hate the stackoverflow
I hope you're not lying user
good job
>he thinks he's in a state of euphoric intelligence because he's tens of thousands of dollars in the red for what is effectively identical education
>$53k starting salary
Holy shit you did something wrong. I get twice that out of college without even factoring in bonus or stock.
Here's the thing. Unless you're in your countries top 3 universities, there is no fucking reason for you to think yourself superior intellectually than others.
There are people who couldn't give less fucks about high-school and just autopilot through it, but get a wakeup-call between high-school and university/college and start working their ass off.
The only advantage you have over those people is that you have good grades from a reputable school. On the job market, that actually counts. However, if you're in "generic college plz pay tuition" then you're in the same bunch as the community college kids when it comes to the job market.
Usually the people from reputable schools get hired by companies who send recruiters to the universities/colleges. I'm in one of the top 3 unis of my country and 70-80% of my class got hired before they were even out of uni without even trying.
If you're a shit tier pleb going to a shit tier school and have average/below average grades, what the fuck makes you think you're better than a community college student with good grades?
Depends where you live. You can get 6 golf courses for like $35 in Arizona or some other garbage state
Why the fuck would I want six golf courses?
You probably didn't get a single job during your time in college. A graduate without work experience is useless. I bet the community college guy had worked several jobs in his life prior to working there.
why not?
If you really were smart then you would just get a scholarship to a GOOD university like I did. I have nothing against the transfer option and know plenty of people who have done it, but those people are most definitely smart (crafty perhaps, but not smart)
Because it's fucking stupid and I would have to maintain them.