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Guts thread: 4690 incoming edition

Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207013&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

>4690 incoming
today or soon™?

What's up with your CPU cooler orientation?

>Not waiting for Zen

it's £100 for the 4690 and a MoBo, should come in about 2 weeks at max
Doesn't fit in my case the other way

early today,

Feel free to h8 or r8.

Posting in these threads is literally the definition of insanity.


>tfw too stingy to buy such a nice pc
Specs pls

Summer is already here and my temps manage to stay in check during idle.

Haven't reached a point where increasing the fanspeed gives lower temps yet though.



>32,9€ case



Is that an X520 on the bottom?


What strips are you using?

nothing fancy like RGB or anything



In my defense on the cabling, it was literally my first time and there was already fan controller cables in the back coming from the case, so I had an awkward time trying to route everything around them.

Case¿ CPU ¿?

Fractal Design Define S, 6700K.

pic related.
Intel 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter E1G42AFDA


What difference is there between z170 motherboards?
Would this pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-z170apro $80 mobo do the same shit that a $150 mobo does?
Is there any chance that it would be incompatible with Polaris cards?

reeeee that motherboard is getting hard to find now

about to pull the trigger on a similar build if i can get hold of the board


new pics soon fellow /gut/sers

So user, what works better:

Radiator on the intake fan, or radiator at the exhaust?

Exhaust is preferable because it pushes the warm air out of the case instead of into the case.

not only that but having it on the exhaust makes it easier to clean when you get dust and hair in it, which even with filters is inevitable over time.

You put new parts in old cases?

selling this card on ebay atm

4x90s are great, glad you found one with a mobo for cheap

Not in that state you're not.
Jesus fuck, I hope you've not listed it with that picture.
Show/have some fucking pride and CLEAN YOUR FUCKING PC YOU SCUMMY FUCK.

If your nan saw your PC in that state she'd be fucking ashamed of you.
If that's what your PC is like, how horrific is the rest of your basement/room/house?


Old tower clam dell PC. Can i make anything useful from the parts or should i just chuck it all, save the hard drive?

Nothing new besides m.2 SSD

Save that heatsink. Always save copper heatpipe heatsinks

New tubing will be here tomorrow so I can get rid of this sanded shit.

Should I keep the same pipe concept and just make sure to keep it all 100% straight or should I re-route?

>12th time you posted this

we get it...you're gay

>Should I keep the same pipe concept

maybe but avoid the white.

Looks like a bunch of mexicans cheap labored your wall.

Dimension or Optiplex? If so, which one? Also, can you provide the specs for it?

12th time I posted a picture of my guts in a guts thread? Fuck me right?

Avoid the white?

And very possible, I do live in Texas.

more than that, but that's the point of this thread user, if you haven't noticed the OP is almost always the same as well and has been for at least a month or two.

Also, red rings or white?

make them poo brown

Have you tried both ? Red and white ? Like them cable

I like the white, I don't really have a reason why though

I'd like to see a hardmode guts thread: No Cooler Master, Intel stock, or water.

Yes, but I cant come up with it looking good. I've tried with the center 2 one color, then alternating, here ill mock it up real quick and take pics

Need to sleeve them fp headers and the USB3 cable.....


While you're at it when not add several more arbitrary memes, no one with push pin coolers or anyone with a GTX 970 3.5 card.

poo in the loo

I wont even post it, looks horrible mis matched.

But future plans are:
Get proper tubes in there with 90 degree bends, nothing off. (happening this friday/saturday)

Possibly the Dominator lighting upgrade kit with red led's, but not sure on that.

Probably fixing the wiring coming out of the PSU to be more... not messy. (probably friday, depending on how the tubing goes).

Outside of that, I don't have any ideas.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Has anyone here built recently? I'm going to buy a bulk Windows key off lenny and upgrade it to 10. Should I buy a Windows 8 license and upgrade to 8.1, then 10, or spend $5 more on an 8.1? Is there any advantage besides slight convenience?

Polaris is taking too long

I should've waited a few more months for the 1080, Oh well.


The 1080 is hardly better than an OC'd 980ti

Are you not gaming or something? because the budget is in all the wrong places

Im getting a gpu when the new ones come out. Although I'm considering just getting a 970 now.


Waiting on Zen/Vega

Why does everyone keep talking about Polaris?

Just wait for polaris 10 then man, the 970 is crap and doesn't support a-sync

also that's a really low end PSU, you should have waited until you could afford an i7 6700 which would have only been about $50 more or so in the end with a more budget board, and a better PSU

should I try to return the psu and get a better one? also If I wait for polaris, what could I do in the meantime? Is there a cheap gpu I could buy to play overwatch and hearthstone in the meantime?

what case is that monstrosity?

A little salty about my useless 980s. But they play doom on ultra 1440p 60fps, so I got that going for me.

Not that guy, but those drive cages say 900D.

390x's fan controller doa

the fuck, nigga?

It's a Corsair 900D, I wanted a case that I could put whatever the hell I wanted to put in for the future.

That was a 500W EVGA 80+ that was like what 30-40 bucks?

550W XFX(probably a seasonic rebrand) bronze PSU for the basic level

newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207013&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

Or there's this EVGA 650W semi-modular gold rated PSU for like $70 something, it's in the build with the i7 suggestion

The 370 at $125 is pretty solid, the 950 is like $20 more with a bit more DX11 performance, but then you're getting right next to 380 territory which is even faster than a 960.

Or there's the 250, for $72 here, this model is only DDR3 though, but has 2gbs of VRAM, GDDR5 models would be faster, but only have 1gb of VRAM, but for 70 bucks it'll work

Also look for used shit, and ask on a real forum like the linus or tek syndicate forums before building a PC man, coulda saved yourself some pain

That's my shtick man

my want build, my current system is always too hot and loud.

screw the XFX one, Seasonic 520W for $54 here


10/10 would dust

Shedlife is a very dusty one

i know that feel i live in the bush dust everywhere


ive seen this before and im looking at watercooling when i have moar moenys.

1.You have to be 18 or older to post here
2.Kill yourself newfag

Noice. Puts my shitty rosewill to shame.

ive been here for 7 years

always fun triggering you faggots

tfw amd

>nvidia will catch up

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Don't lie to yourself user

God damn I'm tired of AMD's housefire products. It doesn't matter if I buy a CPU-cooler that costs more than the actual processor itself because the laws of thermal dynamics will always apply, heating up my room to 30 degrees Celcius even on the coldest winter night.

Should I wait for AMD Zen and hope they have solved this ridiculous heat issue?

I hate Intel with passion because of their disgusting marketing campaigns, but the time has come where I'm seriously contemplating buying an Intel Core i5 instead. That is, if they run cooler and have a cooler chipset than AMD's FX processors and 970 chipsets.

Although there is a third option. Putting my computer in another room and making a hole through the wall for all the incoming cables.


You know your exhaust is pointed inwards right?

That heat sink is fucking sexy.

Does it work okay with those fans? I've been thinking of doing this to a 6970 to give to my little brother so he can play CODBO3 on low. I gave it to him for christmas but he cant even play it on the 5850 his PC has. Figured the 6970 would be just passable but it will overheat in his hot room with only one stock fan.

i'd stagger red and white, and honestly i kinda like the white tubing. it does look like a mexican pipe job but it's kinda cool

>Should I wait for AMD Zen and hope they have solved this ridiculous heat issue?
No. Just go Intel.

Found the smoker

don't be a bitch, bend your tubes

Here we go I really need new GPU though

Good morning, gentlemen.