How does Sup Forums feel about the mini-pc scene? Are they worth it?

How does Sup Forums feel about the mini-pc scene? Are they worth it?

I've been wanting to connect a TV to some sort of mini system with a full OS and I'm wondering what I should go with. Intel NUC is interesting but pricey

Overpriced piece of shits, you can do the same with any old laptop with HDMI output, or even with Raspberry Pi.

>Raspberry Pi
Is something I've looked but not quite powerful enough I don't think. I don't demand a great deal of power out of it but I'd like to emulate wii games.

You're paying a price premium for the smaller size. Just get a regular sized computer and stick it behind your TV

Or old laptop

>I don't demand a great deal of power out of it
>emulate wii games

These two don't belong in the same sentence. Dolphin can bring even a modern PC to its knees.

Just buy a wii and a raspberry pi.

The small size is what makes me interested in them though. It's something that will always be on and tucked away where it can't be seen.

Some games potentially but I don't find it demanding on my rig. My 960 runs some dolphin games in the high hundreds of fps.

And to reiterate, I am willing to make a choice.

Go with something that is on the light side (browsing and video)
Or something with more power that runs games.

>asking [strikethrough]v[/strikethrough] g for hardware advice

Kids here are just insecure they spent $5000 on their gayming & facebook machines while us expert users can work with machines as small and handy as Intel NUCs

A Mini ITX case?
Small and you can fit a GPU inside.

A 960 is a great deal of power you stupid fuck.

just get a relatively small mini itx case.

the wii can emulate really well

is there a sbc than can run league of legends?
when will it appear?

They'll be good once amd release a good Zen apu with ps4 like gpu performances, stacked hdm and, obviously, hsa compatible. Can't wait for that shit. That'll be good, really good. Mmmmm...

Makes a lot of sense for certain computers, the boards are just that small (pic related, you can see the already small case is larger than the intel atom-based machine).

And they're fast enough for what the vast majority of people does. IMO the $100-200 ones make a lot of sense.

But the $800 hip small gaming devices? Nope, those are retarded.


2x mm and bigger just isnt suited to small hot cases

Sounds retarded.

Why do all you faggots want your gaming machine to be small, slow (PS4 is NOT fast) and expensive comparative to just a normal gaming machine?

> Inb4 professional who works with Adobe crap software

I have an older Gigabyte Brix that I use as an internet streaming box. Mostly use it for watching Youtube, Vimeo and porn on the living room TV.

Exactly this, or just jailbreak the wii and emulate games on it

It's hard to go back to the shit that Wii outputs once you've played with Dolphin.

Saw one of these at work. Looks sexy as fuck. Obviously meant for business use, and kinda overpriced, but it made me really want a tiny PC that I could repurpose into a multi-emulator console running Linux or something. Like a souped-up Wii.

Putting aside the fact that the ps4 is a sensible designed machine with good performances for the price, I don't want a gayming mini machine, I just want a compact desktop with foolproof durability for normal desktop activity for the biggest amount of years to come (no workstation intensive stuff and no uper duper gayming). So an apu with ps4 level graphics, while being achievable, because it already exists, it's sensible, cause it would come with what's basically a pumped 7850 which offers pretty much anything a regular user could wish and more

Emulation is reliant on the CPU not the GPU you dumb nignog

>sensible designed
Having a retard reinvent your PCI is not sensible design.

You don't remotely need a PS4 GPU for desktop shit. The usual Atom / i3 or whatever in-chip GPU is more than enough for what most people do other than playing games.

> foolproof durability
Since you're not talking about actual server-grade deployments with redundancy, this is literally every damn computer. It's all about the same electronics. The next one won't be more robust than the current ones.

> for the biggest amount of years to come
I think you want to buy it right after that technology which will be used by you for years to come is out. It's probably some hardware like what Windows 11-20 or h.266 or whatever needs.

Oh wait, you can't make such decisions, and you can't get future hardware. You can just buy an economic or an overpriced (for the purpose intended) setup. The overpriced one might last a year or two longer, but it's not cost-effective.

No it isn't. The 960 is the baseline 1080 gaming card. It's not that powerful, especially with next gen cards being released over the next month. Don't be a dickhead.

No, it's completely dependent on the emulator. Emulators have had GPU acceleration for years. Dolphin has GPU acceleration.

The ThinkCentre m93 is pretty cute.

That's just for rendering. If you want to go above native res or add AA.
All emulation is still CPU.

Wasn't there an user that was going to take a dozen of these NUCs from his workplace and make a clustered server farm out of them? What ever happened to him?